The Poles are Changing and our Government knows.

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God is watching you:P
do you read the shit you post past the first line? YOU posted this....and didn't read the whole thing, apparently,

see the incongruity? see how the people you are citing say exactly the opposite of what you're saying? that's the reason you want to read a whole article before citing it...even though reading is hard.....

Thank you. Stupid fucking posts needs to be called out.
A fake artist rendition, these stupid things have been around for years. Atheist space freaks are the largest weirdo cult following in human history. The nerds started smoking weed in the 90's..... but i never imagined...
Even if the poles flip what are we going to do about it? Nothing we can do with what we know now.
there isn't really anything to do about it, except adjust navigation equipment if necessary, and then keep on with business as usual.....
i don't know why people are so concerned about it, really. there may ...may be a brief period while the magnetic field is in flux, and you'll have to wear sunscreen if you go out for more than a few minutes...there may be some minor....minor problems with the electric grid...and there may not be...none of us have lived through this before, so we don't know exactly what will happen...but they have discovered that the previous pole shifts have NOT been associated with extinction events...there have been no significant changes in the world population when its occurred before, no mass extinction events triggered by pole is a precursor to the end of the world.....( the shaking my head emoji that we don't have goes here)
Neal Degrasse Tyson said the earth was pear shaped you imbecile. Get a piece of paper lay it flat on a table. Draw a large circle. If you traveled around the earth it was a flat circle. How did you observe that curvature again? Ships don't sink below the horizon they reach a vanishing point with the naked eye. That is why high powered optics brings them back into view. The oceans are flat Mr. World Traveler. :dunce::dunce:
Mr. World Traveler. - I like that :blsmoke:
30 years Navy :peace:

Neil deGrasse Tyson - :roll: A TV Scientist. Frig, you'd do better quoting Bill Nye

How can it be day here and night time in Australia, why do the stars look different there?
Are the Sun & Moon the same size, are they flat too?
Is time a dimension, can you travel through it?
Do subatomic particles really exist?
Mr. World Traveler. - I like that :blsmoke:
30 years Navy :peace:

Neil deGrasse Tyson - :roll: A TV Scientist. Frig, you'd do better quoting Bill Nye

How can it be day here and night time in Australia, why do the stars look different there?
Are the Sun & Moon the same size, are they flat too?
Is time a dimension, can you travel through it?
Do subatomic particles really exist?
don't....just don't...we've all wasted more time than i care to admit down the black hole of ignorance that is retarded gorilla.....don't waste any more on him...he doesn't even believe the world is flat...he's just a troll that can't get a new game.
Did you see the eclipse in Aug. 2017? The sun 93,000,000 miles away and the moon a mere 250,000 miles away yet they appeared to be the exact same size. What are the odds? Did you also note how small the area of totality was? Can you honestly say to yourself the moon is really 1/3 the size of earth? Antarctica is the key that unlocks the mystery. It holds the truth. The multinational Antarctic Treaty is basically a naval blockade that restricts travel to the Subantarctic Islands. What they have under strict guard down there is open to interpretation. Nazi's had interest. Russia has had 38 expeditions. Admiral Byrd, James Forrestal, Roswell, Agartha/hollow earth, Operation Highjump the chronological order of those events Its creepy.

Operation Highjump Dec 1946- late Feb 1947. Admiral Byrd leads a huge Naval expedition to Antarctica under secretary of defense James Forrestal. It included 4,700 men, 13 ships, 33 aircraft, 2 icebreakers, 1 submarine.
March 11 1947. In his diary Byrd states he is held for over 6 hours at the Pentagon under intense interrogation and is ordered not to talk about what he has learned and discovered in Antarctica.
July 1947. The Roswell incident. Psyop or actual alien crash landing?
May 1949. Forrestal oddly jumps to his death at Bethesda Naval hospital.
don't....just don't...we've all wasted more time than i care to admit down the black hole of ignorance that is retarded gorilla.....don't waste any more on him...he doesn't even believe the world is flat...he's just a troll that can't get a new game.
there isn't really anything to do about it, except adjust navigation equipment if necessary, and then keep on with business as usual.....
i don't know why people are so concerned about it, really. there may ...may be a brief period while the magnetic field is in flux, and you'll have to wear sunscreen if you go out for more than a few minutes...there may be some minor....minor problems with the electric grid...and there may not be...none of us have lived through this before, so we don't know exactly what will happen...but they have discovered that the previous pole shifts have NOT been associated with extinction events...there have been no significant changes in the world population when its occurred before, no mass extinction events triggered by pole is a precursor to the end of the world.....( the shaking my head emoji that we don't have goes here)
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