Need advice on quitting smoking

I vape and I'm wanting to quit...I'm just asking for any advice from any ex smokers who have been able to put the nicotine down...I've been smoking for over 10 years cigs/vape it's time for me to quit I don't feel healthy like I use too when I vape...I've tried quitting with little success of course

I know someone has a story to tell that may help me in my situation

Thank you
Throw all the stuff away and buy nicotine gummies. I've started smoking at 14/15yo and continued till i was 25, the only thing that stopped me were those nicotine gummies.
Because i had never really ate healthy or worked out properly in my life the effect from this behavior change and workout plan was pretty amazing. The first month of no cigarettes I gained 5kg muscle mass (I reached 85 french size +- 33 Inch ) On day 37 after quitting smoking, something happened with me... Everytime growing up as a heavy smoker ive seen people running on there machine like crazy at gym's .. i would look at them thinking man how can they do that to themselves.. well thats exactly what happend to myself starting on day 38.... / all medicine aside you were made by nature very simple : breath , sweat only then your body will be able overcome any sickness, problem ect… its literally impossible for our bodies not take care off itself once we implement these two principels into everyday lifes so help it improve step by step eachday….
I smoked cigarettes since I was 15. I quit about 5years ago after watching my grandmother slowly pass away in the hospital.
It traumatized me to the point that I quit because I didn't want to put my wife and family through that with me. It was horrible. Mind you, she didn't die from smoking, but the lesson was there.
I'd imagine myself in her place, on the bed with my wife there, knowing I did this to myself. Just thinking I'd leave her alone was enough motivation for me to pull the trigger and just stop.
I went through severe withdrawal, all in the same time I was dealing with loosing a family member. I was bordering a breakdown. It was some tough times, but I think those tough moments are when you can really peel back the layers of your soul, and look deep inside yourself and really answer those questions truthful and honest.
You don't need nicotine. You CAN do it. Believe me. I was a 2pack a day smoker. Youd be hard pressed to find a photo of me without a smoke hanging from my chops. I miss it, yes. But now, the thought of smoking a smoke makes me sick to my stomach.
Sometimes, in my dreams I still smoke cigarettes. It's fucked up how deeply rooted into your subconscious nicotine addiction can be.
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I smoked cigarettes since I was 15. I quit about 5years ago after watching my grandmother slowly pass away in the hospital.
It traumatized me to the point that I quit because I didn't want to put my wife and family through that with me. It was horrible. Mind you, she didn't die from smoking, but the lesson was there.
I'd imagine myself in her place, on the bed with my wife there, knowing I did this to myself. Just thinking I'd leave her alone was enough motivation for me to pull the trigger and just stop.
I went through severe withdrawal, all in the same time I was dealing with loosing a family member. I was bordering a breakdown. It was some tough times, but I think those tough moments are when you can really peel back the layers of your soul, and look deep inside yourself and really answer those questions truthful and honest.
You don't need nicotine. You CAN do it. Believe me. I was a 2pack a day smoker. Youd be hard pressed to find a photo of me without a smoke hanging from my chops. I miss it, yes. But now, the thought of smoking a smoke makes me sick to my stomach.
Sometimes, in my dreams I still smoke cigarettes. It's fucked up how deeply rooted into your subconscious nicotine addiction can be.

I've had that " monkey on my back since 6th grade.....I remember...I was playing on monkey bars in back of elementary school....then someone offered me a smoke....
Game over...still addicted , vaping now with some CBD cigarettesque smokes......
not bad , makes ya feel like you're having a butt.
I dropped to 2mg juice for a few weeks and then just threw my mod away. It sucked for a couple days and I got cravings after eating especially, but they went away after awhile.
Only thing that got me to quit before was jogging. I don't know why, but all I remember is that I had little to no cravings and they tasted horrible
I smoked for about 15-20 years. I've probably quit about 10+ times for periods of times at least a month. I haven't smoked for about 5 years, but I still get cravings. It got much easier to quit the more times I tried, and also easier to start smoking knowing that you could quit. For me, I found the best way was to use just a single patch. I would put on a medium strength patch and just not take it off. I heard somewhere that the physical addiction only lasts a few days, and after that it is all mental. So activities that help with your headspace could be helpful.
I quit back in 1990, 3 packs a day. Quit on my birthday to make it official and bought a lot of candy and gum.
My 10 year old daughter said" daddy why do you smoke?" That's what triggered it.
My uncle gave me the best advice. You have to choose are you a smoker or not. There is no in between. You can't take the mindset that I'll taper off or maybe just one every now and then. Saying I'm quitting is saying I'm a smoker. You either smoke or you don't, there is no in between.
I quit back in 1990, 3 packs a day. Quit on my birthday to make it official and bought a lot of candy and gum.
My 10 year old daughter said" daddy why do you smoke?" That's what triggered it.
My uncle gave me the best advice. You have to choose are you a smoker or not. There is no in between. You can't take the mindset that I'll taper off or maybe just one every now and then. Saying I'm quitting is saying I'm a smoker. You either smoke or you don't, there is no in between.
Yup. Once you make the decision, all you have to do is be honest with yourself. Do you want the cigarette more than you want to quit? If so, ya ain't quittin.
part of smoking is the habit of inhaling, these fume things seem like a good idea because youre still activating the muscle memory of drawing air from something. Maybe go from smoking to vaping to these things.
I don't know which would be harder to quit, as I've only quit one (Cigs).. smoked from 15 yrs old till about 33 yrs old. Quit cold turkey, went 10 years without a cig, got divorced in 2009, started smoking again for about 10 months, ...that's when they came out with vapes... been a chain vapor since then. Always been on just 2 mg of nicotine, but I just can't seem to put it down. Sure, I can go a couple of hours if I need to take a car ride with someone who don't like it, but when im by myself (which is a lot), im a fucking freight train. Can't say it's affected my health. I took a "If you can hold your breath for this long" test, and went over it by a few seconds... Im never out of breath, don't cough, get blood work done every year, and a physical... no problems, but who knows.
Those b
I don't know which would be harder to quit, as I've only quit one (Cigs).. smoked from 15 yrs old till about 33 yrs old. Quit cold turkey, went 10 years without a cig, got divorced in 2009, started smoking again for about 10 months, ...that's when they came out with vapes... been a chain vapor since then. Always been on just 2 mg of nicotine, but I just can't seem to put it down. Sure, I can go a couple of hours if I need to take a car ride with someone who don't like it, but when im by myself (which is a lot), im a fucking freight train. Can't say it's affected my health. I took a "If you can hold your breath for this long" test, and went over it by a few seconds... Im never out of breath, don't cough, get blood work done every year, and a physical... no problems, but who knows.

That nicotine is a " Harsh Mistress. I started in 6th grade.........went to vapeing a long time ago . I'm a slave to it ..........good cigars , snuff , chew , leaf tobacco,
I love it all . The hooks are in so deep , I'll probably never get them out. Oh well , eventually, something is gonna take us out .