Need advice on quitting smoking

Which one is it whenever you heat up the glass around it it just heat it up the glass around it like there was no element or anything true vaping I guess you'd call it
If nothing is touching a heating coil, and it's just hot air surrounding the weed it's convection. True vaping. The cartridges and shit isn't true vaping if you ask me.

When you're done vaping nothing should look charred or burned. Just lighter green, tan, or light brown. Depending on how hot you vape.
If nothing is touching a heating coil, and it's just hot air surrounding the weed it's convection. True vaping. The cartridges and shit isn't true vaping if you ask me.

When you're done vaping nothing should look charred or burned. Just lighter green, tan, or light brown. Depending on how hot you vape.
I'll even hit it whenever it's warming up just to get any of those terps I can...kinda like a dry hit or a warm hit
I vape and I'm wanting to quit...I'm just asking for any advice from any ex smokers who have been able to put the nicotine down...I've been smoking for over 10 years cigs/vape it's time for me to quit I don't feel healthy like I use too when I vape...I've tried quitting with little success of course

I know someone has a story to tell that may help me in my situation

Thank you

I smoked since I was swinging from " monkey bars " in 6th grade until about 10yrs ago......chewed for a while , snorted tobacco snuff , smoked pipe , now I vape....gotta have my nicotine ( and I quit oxygen, 360mgs/day ) . Check out the book " " Xeno's Conscience " ( Italian author Svevo , around 1920 I think..the poor bastard just couldn't kick-it. I know one thing for sure....ya keep smoking them buts when ya get in your 60's....bye-bye .
The best thing that I've found is to go from cigarettes' to Swedish snus first, stay on that until your psychological smoking cravings go away-not the physically addictive part, just the the strong desire to smoke cigarettes' because it's fun and you're habituated to it. Swedish Snus is a better choice from a harm reduction standpoint-you can research that if interested, it's definitely the "safest tobacco" product. Swedish made tobacco is pasturized green, before it starts to ferment and form nitrosamines. Anyway, I found Snus is easier to quit than cigarettes for some reason, and it's much cheaper than using nicorette or something, just use one at a time, and reduce the length of time you keep it in until you want to go cold turkey. Your lungs will thank you! I got my cousin to quit this way, and now he misses the snus, lol...Good luck!
The best thing that I've found is to go from cigarettes' to Swedish snus first, stay on that until your psychological smoking cravings go away-not the physically addictive part, just the the strong desire to smoke cigarettes' because it's fun and you're habituated to it. Swedish Snus is a better choice from a harm reduction standpoint-you can research that if interested, it's definitely the "safest tobacco" product. Swedish made tobacco is pasturized green, before it starts to ferment and form nitrosamines. Anyway, I found Snus is easier to quit than cigarettes for some reason, and it's much cheaper than using nicorette or something, just use one at a time, and reduce the length of time you keep it in until you want to go cold turkey. Your lungs will thank you! I got my cousin to quit this way, and now he misses the snus, lol...Good luck!
What is snus?...isn't that chew ?or a mouth product
I smoked since I was swinging from " monkey bars " in 6th grade until about 10yrs ago......chewed for a while , snorted tobacco snuff , smoked pipe , now I vape....gotta have my nicotine ( and I quit oxygen, 360mgs/day ) . Check out the book " " Xeno's Conscience " ( Italian author Svevo , around 1920 I think..the poor bastard just couldn't kick-it. I know one thing for sure....ya keep smoking them buts when ya get in your 60's....bye-bye .