My girl in saskatchewan, canada

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Alright well not sure if this was a good idea butttt..... I decided to trim the new growth that was coming out of the lower bud sites. Now dont worry I didnt cut the tops off, but the very very very very tiny new bud sites that were forming, as by the time she was ready to cut, these would equal out to nothing. I know you should avoid trimming in flowering, but since this girl has a short time to finish, I decided it would be better if she put her energy into the biggest bud sites, which will hopefully result in some nice sized nugs.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Were looking good weather wise, first frost is suppose to be september 12th. But I looked at the temp for september 10th, and its suppose to be high 19 with a low of 9. Thats def not frost weather, lets hope the frost is later...


Well-Known Member
Were looking good weather wise, first frost is suppose to be september 12th. But I looked at the temp for september 10th, and its suppose to be high 19 with a low of 9. Thats def not frost weather, lets hope the frost is later...
Where did you get the long-range predictions? Is it online?

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
You guys think ill have a better chance if I buy a temp controller with a probe, stick the prob in the greenhouse and have it hooked up to a space heater. The heater will turn on when the temp drops below 15C and turn off when abover 20C.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Nice I like what I just heard on the radio while hitting the bong :) It said I hope you like summer cause were suppose to have warm sunny weather all september!! I hope this is true.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Was lookin at my girl, keep finding more spider mites, found some nasty worms crawling around too, squished em. Found three or four leaves that didnt look good on a bottom branch too, not sure whats wrong with them, kind of worries me. I did another foliar spray today with some compost tea mixed with rain water. Tomorrow ill feed her with the compost tea.

Nugs lookin better and better every day :) Not very big, but the crystals are forming!! And you can see crystals on the leaves now too.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
I wasnt even expecting even a ounce, but im going to estimate 3 ounces dried? That might be a bit much, I dunno, Ive never grew before.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
If this is true and we dont get frost for september, I will be able to flower her for roughly 8 weeks, I asked around though and people were saying she looked like she was more sativa, meaning 12-14 week finishing time, thats kind of a drag. I still hope she has a bit more indica in her to make her finish faster.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
10C out right now, and its raining buckets. I forgot to prop the greenhouse top open, and it was pouring out this mourning. Thankgod I woke up early enough, I jumped out of bed and bolted outside to the greenhouse, the whole top was sunken in and was gonna break if I wouldnt have saved it. I propped the greenhouse top open with a piece of wood, were all good now. My girl is nice and dry :)


Well-Known Member
If you can keep those going until the end of September, you'll have some bud. Keep them going even longer and they'll just get better. Looks like a decent amount of sativa in that plant's genes! Mine are at about the same stage of flowering. I'd say you're closer to starting the third week of flower than the second. (Relative to indoor speeds.)
Looks cozy in there!

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Yah it looks quite a bit more sativa eh, I was kinda hoping more indica just so it finishes faster, id rather have mature indica smoke than premature sativa smoke. Hopefully shes a bit faster than a 14 week sativa. I do like the sativa high though, just cant grow em too well here cause of the season. I didnt know what I was getting myself into though cause this was bagseed.

And it will be alot more cozy once all the greenhouse walls are up, there isnt even a full wall up yet! I just put half a wall up so the neighbours couldnt see her, right now im still training her into the greenhouse, its hard though cause she keeps growing!


Active Member
14 weeks for flowering? idk thats like straight up landrace shit, I think 9 weeks is more like it

Cool Greenhouse. Mighty fine cannabis. +rep


Well-Known Member
looking good cold nights should kill those mites. that green house will be nice to keep those buds dry. and no fungus. im thinking its still going to be to short. your going to have to raise it with some bricks or something.