My girl in saskatchewan, canada

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Its raining like a mofo. Water isnt drawing off greenhouse top fast enough. My dad used a broom and got all the water off the top before I came home, and when I got home I dumped it again. Im going to have to rig something up, I have it propped open now, but for it to drain all the water it would have to open alot.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Well woke up this mourning and went to check on the girl, two lower budsites that werent really covered by the greenhouse, got weighed down by water, and are now covered in fucking dirt, great.

Any advice on cleaning dirt from the budsite?? Maybe lightly spray it with water??

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Well used my sprayer and cleaned most of the dirt from the leaves, but there is still fucking dirt on the buds. Not sure how im gonna get it off, maybe just let it grow and smoke some dirt??


Well-Known Member
Dirt won't kill ya! :) If it's not all clumped in with the resin it may be easier to get off if it gets a chance to dry to dust.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Haha alright, I picked out some huge chunks of dirt and grass out of the buds, it mangled some parts of the bud, oh well. Freddie you think I could count today as week 3 flowering?


Well-Known Member
You could count today as third week of flowering if you want. Honestly though, it doesn't really matter that much since you're in the same boat as me: They'll stay out until they are as far as Mother Nature will let them go...chances are the weather is gonna go to hell before the plant reaches the point at which you'd harvest inside.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Yah oh well ill get what I can get, next year it will be autoflowers, and ill be growing this strain again, but cover her for 12/12 alot sooner, you have any idea when your frost is suppose to be, and can you cover your girls at all?


Well-Known Member
You may be surprised at what you can get, I think that mini greenhouse should buy you a fair amount of time, especially if you can try to keep it warm in there at night. Got a big corn pot? Boil up a few buckets worth of water at night time and put them in the little tent. Make sure to cover them if humidity is a factor. What's the long term forecast look like for Saskatchewan now?

I usually don't have to worry about any killing-strength frost until about the first week of October, though we get the odd late September shocker. It's the rain and humidity that can destroy us here in the east. We'll get days and days of grey rainy weather and 80-100% humidity, often with the odd warm sunny day thrown in just to help out the mold. :) I top most of them to get smaller buds to fight it.

I don't cover anything out there. It would be a nice option, but my plants are spread out in the bush. I'd have to build too many structures, and then I'd be scared of having them spotted easily. Your greenhouse in the garden looks less conspicuous than a greenhouse in the forest. :bigjoint:

I'll throw some pics up on my thread tomorrow to show how mine are doing now. I'm about a week behind last year, but they seem to be taking off now. I've had a lot of sun this past week. It was over 30 degrees today, near 40 with the humidex.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Your saying cover the buckets if humidity is a factor? How? Like cover them with a small blanket or something? Longest term forecast is no temp over 24C, lowest temp being tonight, with a low of 3C. And the longest date I can get is September 14 with a high of 19C and a low of 7C.

Yah I forgot your not growin in your backyard haha, and wow over 30 I fuckin wish. Cant wait to see your pics too.

And the shitty thing is tonight is the lowest night were having with a low of 3C. I dont even have one greenhouse wall up, just the half one so my neighbours cant see it, and it blocks alot of the wind. But I cant really keep heat in it. Guess she will have to suck it up, atleast she doesnt get covered in water and stays dry, minus the side branch or two that gets a bit of water on it.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking more of a lid, piece of plastic, dinner plate or something solid to block any moisture from coming off the surface. A blanket might just get damp.

3 degrees won't freeze anything, just slow them down a little until the sun comes back. I've got a low of 22 tonight with a high tomorrow of 33. Back to the regular high teens by next week, after a rain storm or two.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Could I use 2gallon pales 3-4 of em fill them with boiling water and put lids on them? Would I have to poke holes in the lid?

Mad thunderstorm right now, didnt say on the forecast it was suppose to rain, but it def is. Looks like some more dirt in them buds! I really gotta get the other sides of the greenhouse up, once the tomatoes are done growing I can pull em out of the ground and put the one side up, and once the cucumbers on the other side are done growing ill pull them out and put the other side up. I hope humidity isnt a prob cause leaves might be touching the greenhouse walls(poly plastic).


Well-Known Member
Shouldn't be any reason to poke holes in the lids, that'll just let humidity out in your tent. Other than that, the plan seems sound and should get you a couple of degrees of warmth in there. Does humidity ever turn to a big factor in Sask? I don't really remember even noticing humidity until I came East.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Naw it normally gets really dry here, my hands get so dry they get cracks in them if I dont use lotion like 5-7 times a day, it sucks.

And wow one thing that fucking ruined my day this mourning. My dad fucked with the greenhouse top, and I had to move something, a huge piece of wood fell ontop of a main branch. Broke off a really nice branch that was 8-9 inches long with multiple budsites along it. Put a huge crack in the main branch, I hope it heals ok. Squished a nice budsiste at the bottom, broke multiple leaves. Lets say im pissed. I cleaned up all the broken leaves and tied up the main branch. Piss me the fuck off.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Well cleaned up the damage after school, cut off all the damaged leaves, lost two 8" long branches with multiple budsites, when I was in rage after it happend I stomped one of them into the ground, but the other one I trimmed all the leaf and its drying in my closet now, its a small amount, but when its dried Ill get a fat bong rip out of it, ill post pics of it when its dry haha.

After I trimmed the damaged leaves I tied up two of the branches that were snapped, and there is one other branch that is lightly broken with a crack in it, hopefully it recovers cause it has some nice buds forming on it.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Well just finished busting the bud up that was broken off my plant early this mourning. I just put it in the toaster over for a bit to lightly dry it out. My fingers are almost sticking to the keybourd after I loaded it into the bong. Im gonna hit it up right now! Smells pretty greeny, oh well lets see if it gets me high.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Just got back inside from smoking it, not that great of a taste, but not that bad either. It actually tasted like pot haha! Got me a bit high to suprisingly. Not a very strong high, but its there.