My girl in saskatchewan, canada

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Im not sure how my girl would have got pollinated, she had a couple male flowers very early on which I picked off, hmm I dunno.

Anyway yes its good the tomatoes are finally out of the ground, weather has been complete shit. Raining the last couple of days, raning today, and suppose to rain tomorrow. Temp isng going over 15C. With a low of 4C tonight.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Ya man its been shitty. Weather is really crappy right now. So much rain. Atleast my girl is in the greenhouse, she has a better chance than those farmers crops do. Im really hoping I can take her to maturity, I mean I didnt even think this plant was going to grow, now look where it is. I just gotta keep the temp up in the greenhouse, pretty soon ill start looking around for a temp controller and a space heater.

I went over to my friends house the other day, who has 6 plants all together. 4 being northernlights. There really nice plants, with HUGE colas. He doesnt even cover them though, there getting soaked in the rain. Hes worrying about mold, I would be too. I think hes crazy for not covering his girls, its fuckin pooring outside! I would shit my pants if I seen my girls that far into flowering getting hammered by rain.


Well-Known Member
Mine have been getting dumped on for the last few days, but not too much I can do about it...I'm just hoping it'll clear up during the last week or two of this month.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Ya man it would be shitty to get bud rot, ive never seen it before but sounds nasty.

Its suppose to be high of 17C with a low of 7C on September 20th. Not too bad. Looks like ill atleast make it to the beginning of october. Im hoping for harvest mid october.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Should I add a fan too the greenhouse once I have all the walls up?? Ill have the greenhouse top open most of the time so it doesnt get humid in there besides when it gets really cold out.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Wow so this is the highest ive gotten off the tester nugs ive taken off. Most of the tester nugs ive taken were just budsites that were broken off by accidents. But the one that happened recently with getting the tomatoes out, I just smoked the lil but of bud from that. It was about 4-5 bowls. I just smoked it all, and im stoned off my ass. I mean its cause I smoked 4 bowls but shit it was pretty good this time, and the smell when busting it omg, I cant wait to see how much longer I can take this girl!

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Had some fuckin crazy wind today. Blew off 2 of the polyplastic sides. That was stressful. Trying to put them back up with all that wind. I got them up evetually though. And when I was fixing the walls, the big piece of wood I have ontop of the greenhouse propping it open, blew right off the top, into the greenhouse. Luckily it didnt hit my girl and just landed on the ground, I dunno how it didnt hit my girl though there is like no room in there. I will take some new pics soon.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Raining sheets out right now, I can hear the wind outside right now. Hope my girl does alright, fucking saskatchewan weather. Suppose to rain tomorrow too.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Fall has sure hit. Had to rake the yard today, huge pile of leaves. Will takes pretty soon, 2 more days and shes week 4 flowering. Not sure how much longer she can hold up though. Weather is getting cold fast. Hope we have some nice days the next couple of weeks...

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
DSC02101.jpgDSC02100.jpgDSC02099.jpgDSC02098.jpgDSC02097.jpgDSC02095.jpgSorry bout the shitty pics, was in a hurry, would have been nice to take the pics when the sun was up, oh well. Tomorrow is 4 weeks flowering, 4 more to go, if I can make it that long.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Thanks man, been cold and raining all day. Had to wear a thick sweater for the walk to school.

Also a medium frost coming in this week, low of -2C. This whole week is suppose to be shit, with rain and evening temps dipping very low.

This is going to be the hardest part for my girl.... the last 4 or so weeks.... I hope she will make it.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
So I couldnt resist, I went to go look at her and there are just so many buds forming. I had to take another test bud. I took one at week 3, and its week 4 now so I figured why not. I just got back inside from cutting a lower branch. I trimmed off all the fanleaves and am inspecting it now. Alot more calyx's are swollen, and it smells so fucking good. Almost a coffee smell to it. So many more crystals now too, im gonna take a look at her under the microscope pretty soon. Im gonna hang dry it for about 4 days then smoke it.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Well I trimmed up the bud I chopped off, and took a look under the microscope. The crystals are turning more cloudy now. The bud is hang drying in my closet right now, gonna smoke her in a about 3 days.


Good luck .... I used to live in south east saskatchewan and always had to crop off waaaay to early. That province is cursed for organics .... no natural highs seem to do well. No mush .... No pot ... it's a tough grow because of the early chills, but best of luck! :)

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Thanks man, im tryin my best.

Just found this posted on a website... looks like its time to put the other side up on the greenhouse and get a spaceheater with a temp probe...

The next issue is frost. Environment Canada is predicting widespread frost on Friday morning. Lows ranging all the way to minus four are predicted depending upon location. The forecast could change before Friday, but for quite some time meteorologists have been pointing to this week as the likely time for the first killing frost. Frost this week would actually be later than average for most areas, but unfortunately many crops are well behind normal development.


Well-Known Member
I have some watermelons in my back yard that i am unsure if they will finish before it gets to cold... i might make a green hosue so i can have some fatty melons =) lol

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Growop that sounds like a great idea! I was gonna build a greenhouse around the tomatoes so they could finish, but they ended up ripening just in time!

And sonofnothing thanks! More than 3oz would make me happy! I cant wait to see how much longer I can take this girl, im hoping atleast 7 weeks flowering.