My girl in saskatchewan, canada

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Does my girl look too green? I noticed today shes really green, when she was younger she was more yellow, so I started upping the amount of alfalfa I put in my compost tea. I also like to take a bite of a leaf once in awhile, as I heard if you are using too many nutrients, it will taste sour. The leaves taste sweet, but when she was younger, the leaves were alot more soft and could chew easier, they seem alot harder to chew now, stronger and more healthy.


Well-Known Member
Doesn't look too green to me. I've never chewed on a leaf, but I've tasted the juice that comes out when you top it. It's kind of bitter and astringent.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Leafs dont taste too bad at all. Feddie have you every grown northern lights? Highly reccomend it. My buddy grew it last year, it wasnt too good cause he started em too late. This year he started them really early, and they are beautiful. They have about 3 weeks to go. Someone was over at his house and lets say something happend, and two of the biggest colas got broken off the tallest girl. He dried em, and let them cure for only a few days. It was so sticky. Still very crystaly for bud that still has 3 weeks to go. Tasty a bit greeny you could say when smoking in a joint, but with a bong you couldnt tell. It had the BEST smell ever. Probably the best smelling weed ever. Smelt like a piece of fruit. It was crazy. Me and a buddy just hit it up in a bong tonight, smoked the whole nug haha it was 4.3g


Well-Known Member
Do you know where your buddy got the seeds? (Company wise) There are a lot of them out there and I think a lot of variation in the lines. I last smoked NL about 10 years ago, but it was much more piney than fruity. Sounds like it finishes faster outside than I've heard.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Ill talk to him later today where he got the seeds. He said they finish faster, and are very cold resistant, which is why he grows em.

I couldnt beilive the smell though man, lastyear they had a hint of fruit smell, but this year thats all you can smell. Im going to buy a fat bag once there done growing :) He wanted to try out my bud too, once its done.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Was going to put the greenhouse today, neighbours are outside working on their house though, dont wanna draw any attention over to my girl.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Yeah I think ill go give her a water now actually, dont worry im sure this nice weather wont last for long, pretty sure the frost is comin...


Well-Known Member
damn man its crusial grwoing wheere ur at isnt it, i thought i had it bad with heat and spidermites n such. but seems like yall dont have much time to flower right?

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
No time at all to flower. Under 3 weeks till frost and my girl just started flowering. Rained buckets lastnight, girl got a good watering though. Looked at her this mourning, lots of water collected at the budsites, I gave her a shake, hopefully the sun comes out.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
God damnit, got some wind damage lastnight from the storm. She was blowing around so violently that bud sites were getting pushed into each other, a couple budsites damaged. And roughly 10-15 large fan leaves damaged. Fuck you mother nature.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Got the greenhouse frame up today, if its nice out tomorrow ill get staples and put up most of the poly, I cant put up two sides though cause there is still tomatoes and cucs growing.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Thanks, just gotta get her past the frost now..still another three weeks till that is suppose to be though, and I hope its atleast three weeks.