My girl in saskatchewan, canada

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Noticed something cool as this is my first time growing. Noticed the number of points on the leaves are started to decrease to five points now, they were nine.


Well-Known Member
That means they're doing what they're supposed to now. Soon enough you'll only be growing one pointers out of the buds as they grow. :bigjoint:

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Ack I cant wait! I hope I can get some decently mature bud with this greenhouse. To be honest when I heard it couldnt finish because it was planted late, I was going to give up on her and stop taking care of her. I couldnt see her go to waste though, shes my baby. Im glad ive continuted to take care of her, cause I think I might have a chance.


Well-Known Member
Theres also a catknip plant that will be in the geenhouse, im going to leave it in there cause it looks pretty cool, with little buds haha, almost looks good enough to smoke.
One night I rolled up a joint of straight catnip and left it sitting around as a joke. I heard my buddy hacking up a lung trying to smoke it later on. Smelled like he was smoking lawn clippings. :lol:

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Shit that would have been nasty! Haha thats funny. Ive had lots of friends see the catknip plants in the front yard and they always ask if you can smoke em and get high. I would never try to smoke that shit.


Well-Known Member
Looks strong! Nice , fat bottom branches. Any more greenhouse construction scheduled now that the weather has turned around for you?

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Yes got the sides rebuilt today, just waiting for glue to dry now. By tomorrow if my mom or dad are home I will get them to help me put the sides and top on, then the next step is to cover with poly.

Just finished tying her down a bit more too, last week I measure her and she was 4 feet, today I measured and she is now 5 feet! good thing I made the greenhouse 6 feet high.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Took a peek at her this mourning when the sun was rising. Lots of purpling on the stems cause it was cold lastnight. Hopefully she taks this as a sign winter is coming and she should her the fuck up!!

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Haha check out the butterflys.

You can also see the purple colour appearing on the stems if you look closely in the first pic. Buds are just starting to form, not even pinky nail size yet, and only 3.5 weeks till first frost, fml.



Well-Known Member
When I was scrolling down the page quickly, the thumbnail for the second pic caught my eye...It looked like snow under bottom branches. I was wondering what the hell happened in Saskatchewan today. :bigjoint:

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Gonna give her a foliar feed when the sun goes down. Mix about 3/4water with 1/4 compost tea. Then gonna give her a good spray down before she is too late into flowering to foliar feed.