My First grow


Well-Known Member
With the Apple juice and Molasses i've not a freaking clue, but on the box the nutes i'm using are 10-52-10, Expert Gardener Bloom Burst. Said in the FAQ that most box stuff needs to be convered over to a 1-.4-.8 elemental ratio.

I'm going to double check to make sure all the elements and subnumerals are correct, but yea, and yes 9% ammoniated N, 1% Nitrite N = 10% N, P2O5 = 52%, K2O = 10%.

And the AJ....Also been giving her molasses, she's been drinking it all, this is the first issue i've really had to date, and i watered this morning.

Simply Apple:
Nutrition Facts
Serving Size: 8 fl. oz Amount per Serving Calories 120 Calories from Fat 0 % Daily Value * Total Fat 0g 0% Saturated Fat 0g 0% Cholesterol 0mg 0% Sodium 5mg 0% Potassium 250mg 7% Total Carbohydrate 30g 10% Dietary Fiber 0g 0% Sugars 28g Protein 0g 0% Magnesium 2% Est. Percent of Calories from:
Fat 0.0% Carbs 100.0% Protein 0.0%


Well-Known Member
i did a quick couple of Google searches and i cant find a freaking clue either.... when in doubt, leave it out and just use regular nutes and water.... a couple waterings without the additives wont hurt in the long run and if you see a noticeable improvement... anyway, no real idea, i have never poured apple juice in my plants :D


Well-Known Member
Well it should be saturday midday when i water next....going to be out of town saturday night and most of sunday, so i'm going to water some on sat before i leave, so she's not dry, or should i leave her for dry on sunday night and water her then?

As far as just use regular nutes......seems that i'm getting early N signs, and my normal nutes are just that.....every other watering with AJ. slowly been bumping it up, so next watering should i jump back say 2 notches and try it there......I'm just confused as to why i'm getting excess N signs, is it collecting TOOOOO much N from the nutes and not able to use it now that mabey vertical growth has all but stopped..........i guess i'll just use plain water if thats the case, she might be loaded to the brim with nutes or something i dunno.

Watering every 2-3days every other water nutes/AJ, and then molasses alternating. just been taking baby steps thats it...bumping it up say a 1/8tspn each time with all 3. Sorta baffled really.


Well-Known Member
Bfq I Swear... Your Fallowing Me....!!! Lol But! Haha!!! Is On The Money Like" Your Ok. Nighty Night! Shell Be Fine And Still There In The Morn. Db.~:)


Well-Known Member
without checking the pH of the soil there is no real way to know... skip all the nutes and just water with clear water is what i would do.... as for when, well, they are your plants and i have no idea how much water they actually need... but if you just watered a short while ago a Saturday watering sounds about right and a Monday watering sounds way wrong.


Well-Known Member
Agreed...~! The Crap I Put My Plants Thru As A Noob. Or Just Causen I Had Too!!! Moving.... And Not Set Up At All. Lived Off Sun Light For Months, Overgrown Wilted Every Three Days... Got Em Back, And Harvested. A Qp Per Plant Still, It Could Have Been Better But It Was.!!! Worth It.! :)

R+d Stands For Research And Design.... Experimental... Never Killed One And Dont Realy Wont To Watch U Kill Yours So, I Think Your Fine. Here.



Well-Known Member
i have killed precisely one with a method other than the harvest/cull knife.... and in all honesty, i was seeing just how far i could push something when i did it... no real surprise that i hurt the plant.

they take a LOT of abuse! look at the shit a lot of growers here put theirs through :o

(did he say halogen lighting?)


Well-Known Member
Well just checked her, dosent look sad like she did last night, but leaves are still clawing pretty heavily.........just don't want to shock her anymore and delay her.

Now it also looks like i have more leaf color problems, starting to get some white spots on them all, something wrong with my nutes, something.
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Well-Known Member
got this from somewhere else, dont know if it could be it but thought it may help:

2. High Heat - the plant is losing water via it’s leaves faster than what can be replaced by the root system. The leaf responds by leaf margin cupping or rolling up or down in order to conserve moisture. A good example is reflected by the appearance of broad-bladed turf grass on a hot summer day, high noon, with low soil moisture levels - the leaf blade will roll upward/inward with the grass taking on a dull, greyish-green appearance. Upon sunrise when moisture levels have returned to normal, the leaf blade will be flat. Lower the heat and concentrate on developing a large, robust root system by practicing sound plant culture. An efficient and effective root system will go a long way to prevent heat induced leaf dessication and leaf margin curling. One short episode of high heat is enough to permanently disable or destroy leaf tissue and cause a general decline in the leaves affected, which often occurs to leaves found at the top of the plant. The damaged leaf (usually) does not fully recover, no matter what you do. Bummer in the summer. One can only look to new growth for indications that the problem has been corrected.


Well-Known Member
Got a picture of one of the leafs, seems to look that way over 90% of the plant this correctable and how? Seems like she's havign alot of problems and seems shes still nowhere close to being done.......why!

Notice the coloration and the white spots coming up, is this excess salts or something in her?

Also notice the tips curling. and what looks to be some burn on the smaller leaf behind it......when problems come they come in many. So it looks like i'm having N, Zn and some other problem spotting my leaves. N being curled very dark leaves on the older ones. Zn having lighter ridges on the new leaves coming in, and the spotting like that on all leaves.....whats the deal...........what do i back off of and just shit!

before i watered yesterday i had not a single problem with fert, etc.
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Well-Known Member
clawing like that can be from the roots not getting enough oxygen, usually from over watering but, for the record, that is how the death of my molasses killed plant started. the roots werent getting nay o2 because they were being burned up.

my suggestion is do not water her until she is so thirsty she is droopy and then, only give her clean water, no nutes what so ever.

any chance you can pH test the actual soil?

and then there are those white spots... look really closely at those! that is how the leaves can get if something is feeding off them. make sure to check the under side of the leaves for actual critters crawling around.

hopefully that all made sense... i really need to sleep... but to sum it up: check for bugs and wait for the soil to dry out. patience.


Well-Known Member
Take A Deep Breath. Chillax. She's Ok... Your Doing Fine, Dont Over Grow It... Ok.!!! Your Plant Is Looking Good!!! Plants In Blm Dont Look As Sweat As Them Selves In Grow... She Is Going To Git A Bit Ugly Er. Lol
Remember, Were Growing This Plant To The End Of Its Life Cycle... And There Is No Plant On Earth That Looks Good At The End...
You Have Alot Of Eyes On Your Gro... With Alot Of Colective Experience... Agreed.??? And Im Sure We All Want To See A Smile, And Some Red Eyes Coming From Here, Your Journal... So Please Patience, Participate In Her Grow, And Dont Try To Grow Her... If That Is Understandable.

Nice Pic This Morn...! Let It Ride. Much Luv! Db.! :)


Well-Known Member
Its all very understandable, the both of you, just really unsure what i could have done wrong to cause it, as things were looking GREAT!......I'll just let her dry out as recommended.

Also looked under 10 or so leaves, their fine.....?

I'm trying to be patient, just just seems to not want to flip over to flower for me at all, hair still yet, but thats it really....lots of alternating, thats about it.


Well-Known Member
cool! bugs really are the scariest of plant problems.

as DB said though, she will get to looking kinda rough as this goes on... brace for it ;) basically, the buds will start to consume the leaves and they will die.


Well-Known Member
Hey thats perfectly fine with me, as long as shes going somewhere though, generally as i've seen and read that happens though its a P defficiency as the buds are pulling it all from the leaves, and they go yellow from the tips, if i saw that was happening i wouldn't have been so shocked........but i only see curling like a rams horn (which some strains do, when they flower "skunk" i think comes to mind), but those problems just stuck out to me that hell she's not budding up, and they look very odd, so wtf..........thats all.

I need to take more of a back seat and i think i was trying to lead her too much.


Well-Known Member
On My Firts Grow... Omg.!!! I Was Alone,,, And Had To Have The Meds From Her... In A Panic, A Book In Each Hand... And No Riu" What I Would Have Given To Have Us" Then, 5-6yrs Now... So Many Runs, Lost Count, Was Fun Counting At First, And Harvesting, But Now... Those Are Dist. Memories... And A Big Giggle, Ull' See.!!! Me!~

I Will Be Posting In Me Journal. Today, And I Will Show U What A Problem Looks Like And How I Cured It... She Still Looks Kinda Ok. And Will Completely Bounce Back... Posting Prob. All Day...

Bfq Go Get Some Sleep, If I Slip Up On Advise Ill Just Say Im U.... Lol

To The Future. !!! :)