My First grow


Well-Known Member
Water her enough??? I have almost 1/4 of the water that i give her drain through, and she's getting very big......larger she gets the more water she wants and drinks.......i'm down to watering every 2 days, i dunno what your talkin about monkee, i water when required, schedueled. Its an 8" pot.


Well-Known Member
oh ok i misunderstood, just you mentioned how much you watered her and thats tons... i have to water my plants 3-4 days thats about it

and everythings ive read says 2 to 7 days


Well-Known Member
Watering depends on strain, pot size, and how hot it is. I water my plant every 3-4 days with half gallon to a gallon of water. My plant has been sucking the water dry during it's last couple weeks of flowering.


Well-Known Member
Well i just finished watering. When i water its 1/2 gallon, as anymore and it runs out the bottom (the last 20% of that bottle usually does anyway), so i stay with that same amount, and adjust my nutes/solutions to that amount of water, as right now anymore would only rot her feet.

What size pots are yall using, i'm using an 8" about 6" or so deep sp mabey 3L work or a gallon of soil space. I've also been told in my gallery that i'm getting a monster on my hands which could be partly to blame to the gulping of water. lol.

Heres an upclose of a single head.....hairs a poppin, still got some height to go as it looks....

And heres another vertical top of canopy shot. This is right after water, so shes getting slightly droopy..A few spots you can see heads being pulled over, thats just to control their height and make the canopy even again after they get an inch or so above it.

Gonna start updating pictures in the morning instead of at night, little easier on its sleep scheduel.
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Well-Known Member
I've found the more fan leaves you have, the more she drinks and you have a ton of leaves there.

At day 31 of flowering my ladies are drinking about 1/2 gallon every other day. I run hot -90 degrees with co2 though so I'm sure that contributes to water loss.


Well-Known Member
I do fear that there is too much foilage.......some of the smaller growths coming from the top of the main heads are getting covered easily by the larger growths that are stealing ALL or majority of the light. How can i go about giving them a little more space....seems like all the leaves are just covering each other, survival of the fittest, and my small buds arn't going to get any light.

Looks to me like every or 90% of the heads are now showing i'm guessing 6-8weeks from now should and she should be close to done. As a guess on time.
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Well-Known Member
I added a hot shot bug catcher today, one of the ones that smells, and is it bad that i can smell it through my carbon filter on the outside of my box, i'm not sure if its sealed as well as i had planned and this is a definite 100% smell control.

I'm thinking about tommorrow or thursday buy another pair of rubbermaids and possibly trying to get a better seal, as i cut the back rim of the containers off because they weren't parrallel for the hinges, so i have like a 1/4" slot down the back about 20" long or so, and an area at the very top where my uvb comes through, i need to seal that better i beleive.

Any suggestions on getting a better seal? If anything i need a completely rectangle pair of boxes that i can clamshell just like i already have going on, i use a rubber/foam type weatherstripping on the bottom half for a compression seal, actually leaves imprint on the foam from the top weight, so i know thats very good. But i need to figure out the back. Just to get me through the rest of flower, as i feel i may have an issue with it, after adding the bug attracter and smelling it outside of the cabinet........thats not good i don't think. :(


Well-Known Member
Where did you find it, i don't think my town has a hydroponics store.

Anything at a petstore?

Will run more weatherstripping between them, and build up a few layers.


Well-Known Member
i put a layer of weather stripping between them... then on the inside lip so it overlapped, that gave an airtight seal

and i dont think youll find ONA anyother other then hydro store


Active Member
14hrs of darkness will force them to flower faster. ive seen it done. ive seen one go 16dark 1stweek 14dark 2weeks, then 12/12 the rest, done 2-3weeks faster. to help with can clean off any leaves and little branches below the screen. maybe even put a computer fan blowing in that box


Well-Known Member
Update this morning on the 12th.

Took a picture of her directly following water, she's draining in the tub at this point. 1.25tspn AJ, 1.25tspn Nutes. Picture is a little blurry from the top.

And from the side....



Well-Known Member
Just noticed 45mins before bed that her leaves are clawing a little, is this a nute problem, etc or what could be wrong that could cause the clawing look?? Also some of the top leaves have gotten this thicker look to them, where some of the lower leafs arn't nearly as textured and "coarse" looking.

Or is it just beginning its tranferral of energy from leaves to budding up. I've yet to see any yellowing at all so it dosent seem like i'm giving too much AJ/flwr nutes, so is this a micronute problem, or is it anything to worry about really? Or could it jsut be part of the plant cycle or strain?

Upon looking and trying to diagnose it i think its too much N, but that makes no sense to me at all..........htf can i be giving it too much N.....I want to flush if i know its nitrogent but not sure at all really....
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Well-Known Member
in my opinion, nute problems are best taken care of slowly and with moderation.... sometimes, plants just grow funky and sometimes there is actually a nute problem, but it self corrects... you can wind up over correcting in a hurry and just making a cluster fuck for yourself... keep an eye on them and watch carefully for any progression of symptoms and practice patience with them.

in my opinion, a major problem with a lot of grows (including mine, of course) is us stoners arent nearly as laid back and mellow as we are reported to being... we all want to micromanage our plants and have them yield a metric ton in a week.

another thing i want to point out real quick whilst i am up on my soap box.... it seems to me that a lot of people who use juices and sugars as bud food do it in alternating weeks... meaning, week one gets the juice, week two gets a clean water "flush" and repeat...

from my own personal experience with using molasses: you CAN go too far with sugars! and under the lights sugar ferments... this is called making alcohol, which is BAD for the plants.... over watered with the sugar water and my plant slowly got odder and odder in the leaves.... the smell was awful by the time i figured it out... all the leaves were rolled up into needles... the roots were totally gone when i dug them up for the post mortum...

anyway... just babbling... your plants look good and you are gaining experience no matter what happens... no matter how good (or bad) this grow goes, your next one will absolutely kick its ass :D

oh, as for why over watering is bad... assuming you arent drowning them outright, you will wind up making them root bound at the bottom of your too small pot (they are ALWAYS too small ;) ).... by letting them dry out thoroughly, not only do you allow oxygen to get to the roots, but you also force the roots to quest for water and use the top area of the pot as well as the bottom... when you harvest, pop the root ball out and take a look at it... it will show you a lot about what you are doing right or wrong.

going back to my bong now... grow looks good... be mellow :peace:


Well-Known Member
Hope i didnt' act too fast.......

Well i flushed it with a gallon of water before she went to sleep ie 10mins ago just a few ago with very little AJ in it, hopefully if it was N that flushing it did it if it was anything really, just seemed to start curling over the last 2hrs or so, sorta like a rams horn. Might be why my leaves are so damn dark green, and flowering has been non existant, just too much N.

Nitrogen Toxicity:
Leaves are often dark green and in the early stages abundant with foliage. If excess is severe, leaves will dry and begin to fall off. Root system will remain under developed or deteriorate after time. Fruit and flower set will be inhibited or deformed.
With breakdown of vascular tissue restricting water uptake. Stress resistance is drastically diminished.

So now she looks weepy from too much water, does this normally happen after a flushing?? or do i not have enough drainage still?

Also think i'm getting a bit of Zn defeciencies.....but probobly me being paranoid.

I hope i havn't ruined her :(

EDIT thanks for the input BFG i hope i didn't act too fast and dig a hole for myself........we'll see in the morning most likely if theres any negative reaction.
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Well-Known Member
until she wilts up and dries out, there is always time ;)

dont worry, plants are forgiving.


Well-Known Member
Thank you, she's definently a girl. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed over some issues that have risen lately with nutrients.......sorta perplexed.

Thanks again BFG, i do tend to jump to conclusions on a regular basis and overthink things. If im giving too much N, then how do i lower my N with still having high P, and moderate K, i think i need to lower my K, as i think its blocking out my Zn, giving me a little bit of lighter color on the ridges of the leaves. Nutes i'm giving are 10-52-10, or 10-20.8-8, weighted NPK.....
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