My First grow


Well-Known Member
looking good, man :D

i think if you cleared all the growth under the screen out you would be a lot happier... it would be cooler and less likely to go hermie on you in the dark regions and the only place possible for growth to happen would be above the screen.

wish i could easily pull my whole ScrOG out like that... the one i am dealing with now is just a beta test, so things are far from perfect.


Well-Known Member
Upon your request bfg i cleaned out a few more fan leaves from the bottom part, i left all the "new growth" down there though, i might get a few popcorn buds from down there.

But removed 15 or so that were just taking up alot of horizontal space, and overlapping.

I'm doing no more cutting like that below the screen is very clean and nice looking now, and all foilage is horizonal with the screen, slightly below and all above.

I also watered her while i was tending her, 1tablespoon AJ, a Tablespoon Nutes in a 1/2 gallon.

Whats the proper way to flush, i read alot of inconsistancies from person to person.

Heres a pic of what i cleaned out.

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Well-Known Member
flushing has two distinct meanings.... one is for when you have gone over board on the nutes... whether it is salt locked or just the wrong ppms and all it means is to run about 4 times the amount of clean water through the pot than it can hold.... for instance if it was a 3 gallon pot you would pour 12 gallons of water through it.

the second kind, which is what you are asking about just means to water at the end of flowering with only clean water... no nutes... to make the taste be all it can be... flushing with juice or molasseses is very common since those arent things that will generally hurt the flavor or harm the smoker.

that is where the ambiguity in the answers comes from... to make it simple: last couple weeks, dont use chemicals in the water but water as normal.... up until a few days before harvest... you dont want them all full of water when drying time comes ;)


Well-Known Member
Thanks, just wanted to clear that up some for myself, got into a discussion with a friend about "flushing" when, why and how much, and he had never heard the term used at the end of harvest, only during which i tried to explain the difference, which i had thought it was for both, going overboard on chems and then flushing for harvest.......Either way thanks for the clarification.

Shocked her a little this morning when i was removing a few more fan more from here on out. I think she's about as clean as she can be under the screen.


Well-Known Member
flushing has two distinct meanings.... one is for when you have gone over board on the nutes... whether it is salt locked or just the wrong ppms and all it means is to run about 4 times the amount of clean water through the pot than it can hold.... for instance if it was a 3 gallon pot you would pour 12 gallons of water through it.

the second kind, which is what you are asking about just means to water at the end of flowering with only clean water... no nutes... to make the taste be all it can be... flushing with juice or molasseses is very common since those arent things that will generally hurt the flavor or harm the smoker.

that is where the ambiguity in the answers comes from... to make it simple: last couple weeks, dont use chemicals in the water but water as normal.... up until a few days before harvest... you dont want them all full of water when drying time comes ;)
Couldn't have said it better myself. I do 2 gallons per gallon of pot.


Well-Known Member
Little update this morning since i was away last night and couldn't update then.

She's recovered from the trimming yesterday and is perked up and looks like she's going to be filling in more... i only have 3" left vertical room, more tie downs? Its going to start getting nasty and extreemly overcrowded soon, and in 2weeks more of vertical growth and it'll outgrow the chamber, but i'm gettig white hair bursts here and there.

Friend of mine hooked me up with some Cali bud last night shipped over, very good smoke, still a little on the resiny side, like it could dry some more (left it out over night and still seems the same consistancy), but seems cured very well. Its a fruity kind of some sort, has a nice pineish smell, with a very nice tart after taste on the breath out. Very nice smoke. Picture is of that 1/8th.

Last time i got anything from Cali, it was Ak47x bigbud from humbolt country, and Goo, and a noname flufster. I'm east coast btw, so its a rarity to get west coasters over here that quality.

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Well-Known Member
Its not me good sir, friend of a friend of a friend......when i've seen it though, large vacume packs, shoved in something another, what i'm not sure, and i've no real details on it.

I do know the guy had a oz or so of Hash from the cali guy, a darker and a lighter kind. Friend Said he was trying to recoup his losses because 4oz got popped in the mail, ups over usps, as he told me. Dunno the truth behind it though.

Though i will say, the AkxBigbud was driven from humbolt country to the east coast. Immaculate smoke.

Afghani, my praised unicorn was grown locally to the state, no specifics that i know of.


Well-Known Member
Took some upclose of a few heads....

And another

How will i know when she's done vertical growth, i figure she should have been done by now on any vertical growth.

Box temps hit 85 today, had to cut the air a little in the apt, heat index was 110F outside today.
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Well-Known Member
It Will Be Alittle Hard To Tell On This One Because Of The Stresses... But Mine Will Stop The Up, And Start Going Out By The End Of The Second Week In Grow... Im Sure All Strains Are A Bit Diff. So... When The White Hairs Start Coming Out Everywere, Yur Prob. Pretty Close To The End Of Up...!!!
Db.~tlb! :)


Well-Known Member
Well i gotta lot of white hairs comingout on the longer tertiary growths so i really do hope growth up is coming to a stop, where the hairs are lower on those growths, some foilage is coming in there. I did a little situating today and twist tied some of the longer ones down, so i have a more even canopy....

Will be watering in the morning as it looks, should i do a single flush with clean water or am i alright to go with 1.5teaspoon molasses into 1/2gal.

Only asking because i read above 10 or so back to flush atleast once during flower, but i imagine sometime in the next 2 weeks should be fine if any at all, or do i even need to at this point, she looks very healthy.....VERY!, to be stressed as is has been....lookin great now though.


Well-Known Member
If U Get Drainage Ur Prob. Ok... The 1/2 Gal. With That Mol. Raise Your Water To A Gal. And I Would Feel Safe With That. If Your Getting Drainage Than I Would Not Worry. Db.:)

If Not I Cant Hurt. But Use About 1/2 Str. Nutes And Get A Bit To Run Out The Bottom Of Her.!!!


Well-Known Member
I always water with a good 20% of that 1/2 gallon coming out the bottom, i let her sit in my shower for about 5mins while she drains.....usually a slightly brownish water coming out....drains out.

Would it be beneficial to even flush at this point, as i'm having no nute problems or anything really which is usually the reason for flushing, just thought mabey it could help really.

As for the molasses in the morning, 1.5teaspoons for 1gallon, instead of 1.5teaspoon for a 1/2gallon?? Last i gave her was 1teaspoon for a 1/2gallon. She loved it as i could see. Just don't want to be pushing my luck.


Well-Known Member
Your Getting Close.... But Your Still Fine.
Your Drainage Is Killer U Never Have To Worry About A Flush. Like Me.!!!

Bump It Up On The Mol. If U Like,,, If She Yellows At All That Is Noticed Flush Her Ass Asap With The 1/2 Str. Reg. Nutes, And Nuppin Extra.


Well-Known Member
Cool thanks for clearing that up a little for me, was a little confused, my appologies.

Drainage is great, drilled a few holes in the bottom with a dremel on day 1 for better drainage as i'm using MG soil which dosent have much vermiculite if any in it for better air, thought it might help some.

I'm more than comfertable with bumping up the molasses a little more, just making baby steps. I beleive i read 2tblspn per 1gallon is about max they can take. So i'm well under that which would be 4teaspoons per gallon. 1.25teaspoon per 1/2 gallon tommorrow is what i'll do just to be safe.

Any idea how long it takes for a plant to burn the sugar were giving them in molasses/AJ.....i hope i've loaded her pretty good with i'd say almost 4 weeks of AJ and 2 weeks of molasses before buds have even started forming....mabey setting up for success :D

Sorry for the random added questions, just trying to pick your brain :)


Well-Known Member
Never A Prob. And No Apg.s Needed! I Have Heard The 2tbs Per G. No Way.!!!
They Burn It Pretty Quick Once The Buds Start To Come,,, But I Have Also Noticed Its A PickYer Time For The Plant. Its Easier In The Gro... The Bitches Get A Little Bossy In The Blm. Side.!!! As U Could Imagine...

U Dont Want To Load Her Up Per Say.... To Much...!!! This Will Lock Out And Stop The Uptake Of The Other Nutes She Needs During Blm... So Watch It... U Might Not Know That Ur Cutting Her Zinc Out Because Of Too Much K"... Or P" She Needs And Wants It All. The Bb Steps Your Taking Are Perfect... A Tickle Of This Here And This There Alternated And U Will Get What Your After I Promise... But If An Overdose Happens Then That Is A Battle That Can Take Her From U.... And I Dont Want That. Db.:)
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Well-Known Member
Thanks for everything so far Db, alot of good words there.

I had read that too much Sodium which is in the AJ may lock Calcium out as well, i'm just feeling out how she likes it and only bumping it up very slightly, havn't had a problem yet with her. Just keeping close eyes on her and adjusting dependant on her.

So i'm only up to 2 Teaspoon AJ and 1 teaspoon nutes in a 1/2 gallon, and i've yet to get burn yet. But just going baby steps with those too. Up only a 1/6-1/8tspn per time.

Shes also starting to gulp water quicker and quicker. I need more bottles to let sit(distilled)for flusing when time comes so i gotta get more, up to 4gallons i'm thinking lol.

I'm just hoping she wont get down to a watering every day which i thinks gonna happen lol. Just gotta be able to leave occasionally for a day/night/day and return to her and not have her dehydrated all to hell and back. :D