My First grow


Well-Known Member
how so? not having used a Rubbermaid container, i am not arguing, i just want to learn why... i have been a big fan of white paint over mylar for a loooooong time and never seen a down side to using it.
Well all i have to say is that when building my rubbermaid grow this was the biggest problem and a big pain in the head... if you look at the first pictures of my box you can see that it was white

the rubbermaid plastic has a shine on it, so you have to use plasics paint on it but it doesn't really stick to it well... the type of paint also comes off when you put ducktape on it... so you get into situations where the paint peels off a lot

when you move the container the paint will flake off as well

after you put on the first coat you realize that the rubber draw in tons of the paint, which is normal for plastic but it takes between 2 to 4 layers to get it white enough that you can use it to shine off the light

finally it never really loses the paint smell, even if you go close to it you can still kind of smell it... it takes about 3 days to fully dry and about a week to get the smell out enough to use it

like even if you fix all these problems, its just not worth it when you can just stick on mylar


Well-Known Member
ah, scuff the surface with sand paper first, then use rubberized primer and most of that goes away... the paint smell lasts a long time with some brands of paint...

but anyway, yeah, i can see it being a pain in the ass and Mylar being both cheaper and easier to deal with.

thanks for the answer :D


Well-Known Member
i did scuff the surface, but its the nature of the shit they spray on them when they press it

the same paint i used on the rubbermaid i used on a chair and it was perfect

all im saying is avoid it if you can


Well-Known Member
i did scuff the surface, but its the nature of the shit they spray on them when they press it

the same paint i used on the rubbermaid i used on a chair and it was perfect

all im saying is avoid it if you can
I made the mistake of trying to paint the inside of my particle board cabinet. It has that fake wood finish. I tried just painting over that and the paint wouldn't stick, just ran right off, ok so Plan B I take my power sander and remove the surface down to the board, same shit. Something they use to bind that wood I suspect. I got the paint to stick, but I can just peel it off if I try. Anyways. Mylar. or I used the reflective insulation from Menard's. Reflectix: Reflectix Inc. | About Reflective Technology | Products


Well-Known Member
Well i just relined the inside bottom of the enclosure, i left the top "emergency blanket" for the time being. Its a big headache to take the plexi, fans, lights out to reline it, so i'll just leave it for my next grow.

White paper is on the bottom half of the clam shell though, i can do all the way up to the plexi area if needed though, and leave the top reflective surface in the plexi area.....

Took her out today and left her in the closet while working........barely any smell at all....WTF!


Well-Known Member
as i said man sometimes it will be bad and sometimes it will be nothing, as you get closer to the end it will smell more and more each day


Well-Known Member
Haha yea i kno, just trying to anticipate it and keep very close tabs on it.

I felt around in the soil today, and the pot felt almost the same weight as i watered last time so i watered with 1teaspoon AJ, and 3/4teaspoon of Flowering nutes......As i was watering and during the few minutes of draining i started to smell it, but moreso on my hands from touching the leaves.

J/w though from what i've noticed thus far, Boys smell worse than girls and show alot quicker.......the little 10" or so dude that i had growing with her smelled 3x worse than she does at the size she is......very suprising, just somethign i noticed.


Well-Known Member
Taken just after watering today, looks to be 26 days into flower......considering a week-week.5 of disturbing 12/12. Definently a girl.....and starting to fill out nicely up top.



Well-Known Member
I think the change from the emergency blankets to plain white paper are taking effect.

Lower inner temp as far as i can tell this morning so far, and it was sitting at 82F for almost 2hrs with an ice pack. I then relined the top portion of the box leaving the reflective surfaces up top at the lights as a reflector, just too much of a headache to change out now. But below the plexi line i relined in white paper.

As far as i can tell so far on the bottom half of the plant, so inner growth has sped up some, and the top seems to be as well, when i only had the bottom half done, so hopefully things will be a little more moderated as far as temp, leading to faster flower.

Picasso i looked through your grow, and i love that cab you have, very nicely done, and would really like to eventually have somehting like that, inconspicuious and smart. Any visitors ever try to open it or never given then chance?

As far as general plant growth, this tertiary growth does that become buds where the alternating nodal paterns start, and how much more vertical growth can i expect from this tertiary growth seems to be filling out nicely, just hoping she wont get too big?


Well-Known Member
man, if company started opening cabinets in my house for shits and grins they would get bitch slapped so hard they would land in the street.

as for your growth questions, be prepared to do some more tying of buds to keep em in line ;)

most likely, each of those bud points will get a couple few more inches on them.


Well-Known Member
I can do a little more height 5" max before its smushed up to the plexi, as i have about 8-10" from scrog level to plexi level, then another 2" to the lights.

Temp is freaking low....i'm amazed, it was at 82-83F, i replaced the top half paper and after checking just a second ago, its 79F.....holy balls.

Hopefully it wont grow light wildfire now that temps are significantly lower, or for the moment.

:D Update later with a pic.


Well-Known Member
Picasso i looked through your grow, and i love that cab you have, very nicely done, and would really like to eventually have somehting like that, inconspicuious and smart. Any visitors ever try to open it or never given then chance?

No problems so far. It does have a lock on it that works pretty good and it is in a back bedroom out of view to most visitors. When I leave town, my neighbor, an ex-cop, watches my animals. I would be surprised if he was that nosy and tried to get in there, but who knows. There is enough bend in the cheap wood that it could be opened even when locked, but it would be tough to get it closed properly. I think I would notice someone had been in there though.


Well-Known Member
glad you are getting your temps in order :)

feels good when you turn your Easy Bake Oven back into a grow chamber, doesn't it?


Well-Known Member
glad you are getting your temps in order :)

feels good when you turn your Easy Bake Oven back into a grow chamber, doesn't it?
Haha it feels great....growth has sped up exponentially since replacing with paper........grow probobly could have been alot shorter with just using it and venting properly.........

Was gone for almost 2hrs to class, left with it at 79, came back.........78F.....with cleaning a little more fan leaves from below, changing to paper, and throwing a single ice bottle inside......Humidity is at 40%.

Tempertures are mid 90's today outside, so its amazing to have the temp that low in the box. I keep the closed closed, all lights off.......couldn't ask for a better solution really now. Alot more inconspicuious though.

I'm eventually going to try to build something like yours picasso, very nice. Saw the diagram in your gallery, any better pictures of the arrangement up top?

The only people that i need worry to look in, are parents when they visit for cleaning reasons (few and far between, mabey once every 4-6weeks, moreso my mom), they stay for a few hrs at a time, and my sister......she's only once visited in over a yr, so random when she does come, and not for very long, few hrs mabey at that as well.

I have a storage room outside that i use when needed, plug is 2ft from the door. And fit boxes around it and it looks perfect.

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Well-Known Member
Wow, i guess i can now say from experience that emergency blanket isnt the best thing to use. Prepare to see some real buds start to form:-)


Well-Known Member
Haha yea i can say that now myself.........always better to try than than never try and just say it dosent work.......experience is what everything is based of of, gotta try yourself at least once just to see if that one time it'll work correctly for you.

Temp rose up to 81F from 78F while i was gone for the last 2hrs or so. Going to put another ice pack and see if i can't cool it even more.

I've been waiting for bud to form for the last 2-3weeks mabey this'll do it for me :D

2hrs after last check, i replaced my melted bottle with another frozen one.....back down to 78 from 81F after the ice melted. I figure if i can keep ice near the intake then i'll be golden and on my way to a nice harvest.......i hope. Sorta want to try them on a single day without any ice to just see how high it peaks.......but very happy its under control, for now that is.
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Well-Known Member
Great To Hear On The Temps, Your Getting Her Dialed In Nice!!! Just A Little Time And Tlc And Riu... And Bamm Your Cooking Now!!!

So I Heard Easy Bake Oven, And I Got The Munchies... "are The Brownies Done???" Lol Db.~tlb!:)


Well-Known Member
Thanks bro, i'm estatic about the temps really, and i really think i could have shaved off 2 weeks knowing now, and seeing how she grows with paper.....Amazing, and low low temps, 10degrees different on the majority. Though i do wonder if the upstart is both due to temp change and backing from watereing 3days to 2days....keeping moisture high in the pot.....egh

I keep putting more pictures up just for the sake of doing it, and i hope no one is getting annoyed with it, i'm enjoying the hell out of this, and being part of her grow, it may be a sad day on harvesting day though......a sad day.

On the lighter side of things....another canopy picture. Hard to get proper lighting as one side is VERY bright other is medium.



Well-Known Member
cut her quick and dont think about it when the time comes.. and just remember, she lives for the sole purpose to live for one season, produce as much THC as possible and then nobly die for your well being.

do not mourn her, celebrate her gift :D
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Well-Known Member
Oh my good sir i will celebrate it, i'll just miss seeing and tending her. Comes quite habitual over a 2month process thus far.....mabey 1-1.5 more?

I'm going to have a stealth build up next time i grow to maximize the possibilites.

I will enjoy whatever she gives me, if its as measly as a small nug. I just hope that it dosent taste/smell/resemble that manufactured beasters you get thats extreemly dense.

I think this was from a seed i got from a dealer friend that got it from his hometown grower out in a corn field of 100 my take they never pulled the boys resulting in seeded herb....i don't remember the look, smell, taste, anything i've narrowed it down to that, so i know it was outdoor. Any ideas on possible sativa/indica dominant genome? As i think of it it seems somewhat sativa on the leaf shape, had up to 9 leaves, but nodal distance is something like 1.5-2" so seems indica to me from that stand point.

Is there anything else to look for at this point to determine possible genetics or which side it leans a little more towards......just intrested in knowing a little more about what i may have in my possession, just food for thought :D

There are 3 leaf sites showing up on the tertiary growths, i'm guessing these are budsites, should i allow them all to grow vertically or keep tacking the tertiary sites down? Just trying to get an idea of where they develope, and just the overall biology.
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