My First grow


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys, temps are a little warmer than i'd like, covered the boxes by a comferter and it reached 92F :(, with almost no airflow but a single vent in the walk in-closet. I'm going to lay off the sugar containing additaves until temps are a littel more controllable.

I'd really like to see if i can find a spare minifridge compressor and see if i cant rig the coils up inside and around the light area as an automater coolant device for the box i want to build, as if its going to be as stealth as i plan temps will most likely be an issue.

It sleeps in 1hr......

Notice the nice even coverage on the canopy, hopefully this whole canopy will lift 4-5" and give me nice long buds. Theres a few lower growths on the upper heads that should grow through the existing canopy in a day or three. there a few a areas that a lacking growth because of long exposure to a lack of light, hopefully they'll start filling in soon as well.

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Well-Known Member
Sorry To Here About The Still" !!!
Ms!!! Start Fighting Your Temps, This Is One Of Your Biggest Basic's That Has To Be Controlled.! If U Can Keep It Under 85 That Will Be Even Better!
Getting Close To The 90's Or In Them Is Bad!!!.

Nice Pic' Everything Is Looking Real Good.!!! Db.~tlb!:)


Well-Known Member
Trying to fight temps today with icepacks and freezer was at 89F when i put a single ice pack in right where the intake fan is on the bottom, the temp is at 87F and slowly coming down, I've got a 1L bottle freezing right now and i'm just going to alternate them until i find a better solution, i think i'd have 2-3hrs per icepack till the temp gets low enough to become ambient.....

We'll see how this works........temps have been an issue from the getgo, my apt is not insulated well to temp changes, and summer temps keep rising making it warmer inside, and warmer in the box..... :(


Well-Known Member
serisouly man ive been growing 90's temps for the majority of the grow

dont stress... look at the majority of small grows they push 85+

the plants really tough, so if its 91-95 i wouldn't lose your hair about it


Well-Known Member
Oh i'm not really loosing hair or sleep about the temps, the lower the faster it grows to a degree....but just trying to stay 90 and below, and i'm happy, i'm planning on looking for an apt that has alot better insulation to keep temps better AC is running overtime to keep temps even in the mid to high 70's, and my box is still 10 above.......when temps outside are 75-80, its during the winter i know this setup will be ideal, during the summer, not so much......

Woke up this morning and checked her, and she was rather perky, so i tied down some of the fan leaves with the twist tie roll i got, and everything seems good, starting to get more even as a canopy....lookin good i'd think.

Just checked it 10mins after this post, and its down to 85F. Looking good with ice packs and bottles....:D
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Well-Known Member
I'm starting to become paranoid about the smell, if there is one, i'm unsure of.......Had a friend come over last night that didn't know i was growing, had it closed up in my closet, and never noticed. When his GF came over she mentioned something of a strong smell, but had just finished smoking a blunt the 30mins or so before she arrived. I walked in today after leaving for a few hrs, to clean my palette some......walked in and smelled of citrus and fruity type stuff, no real hint of MJ. In the growbox i have a whole pack of bounce sheets with odor eliminator, an Odor Absorbing Gel, citrus scented, and outside of my closet a glade aireffects variable mist sprayer..........Its either not stinking at all, i'm covering it up VERY well inside and out......or i'm just way too accustomed to it......which makes me wonder???

What should i think.........i cannot ask anyone to come smell my, would defeat the purpose of keeping it DL.

I have a few walls of defense, its in a closet with 2 doors, coming out into my bathroom/bedroom where a hall sits between, it comes outinto my den.....where the AC intake is situated. Its been working alot lately due to my temp rising to around 88-92F, so my concern arises over if it will output the smell if it gets out of hand......

Seems to me i have it under control fairly good, but hasn't started budding yet, and that was my main concern.......:(
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Well-Known Member
seriously if youre worried about it now it gets really bad, ive seen other peoples grows and when they hit the last 2 weeks unless you have a really good carbon fliter youre place will smell

you might want to invest in a good carbon fliter and fan


Well-Known Member
I'm probobly just being paranoid, went out for a little drive, came back, no smell at all, face right into the filter, no smell. So its just me being paranoid cause of smoking too much, haha.

I'm going to look into a new design for a filter though......i'm probobly just being toooooo safe about what i'm doing, and being an extra sensitive nose.


Well-Known Member
yeah but one thing i found with my grow

it wont smell for 2 days, then youll come home and the place smells, you air it out and theres nothing for a few days, then it comes back

so watch out


Well-Known Member
just stick a blunt in the face of any guests... it will "explain" the smell and make them not care so much :D

and if you use that plan.... where do you live? :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member

As far as the coming and going smell, seems to me its right after i water that it smells, otherwise only when i open it. When i water i usually have it back after draining 2-3mins back in the box in 5mins or less. I keep all doors closed and make sure that there is very little air movement to carry smells, i water, and drain in bathtub and return to box. Then i spray odor eliminating spray i found at Lowes, ZorbX, for cigar/cigarettes/pets/diapers. Been using that to just neautralize the room if i do smell anything after opening the box. Seems to have worked fine since day 1....but still not into flowering fully, no buds, just leavess....

Last night i wasn't the least bit concerned with the blunt and the smell of the plant, ie non existant. The smell of a blunt covers anything lol, but i've never smelled a flowering plant so i'd image it would smell worse, but no headies here, just basic beasters afaik.

The only concerns i have are sound of the fans, but i have a ton of audio equipment and a rather beafy computer, that sounds similar to the inline fan on the box.


Well-Known Member
what i have seen done for the noise here was putting an air filter on top of the grow cab... anyone wonders what the fan sound is and they will see the air purifier and assume that is the source... brilliant!

take a look in Picasso's grow log and you will see what i mean :D


Well-Known Member
Hey Metal, i shoulve said this earlier but i didnt think the temps were too bad, anyways that emergency blanket, i read that its made to absorb a lot of heat and only reflects like 50-60% of light, maybe you should get the reflectors for the car winshields im sure theyll work a lot better:-)


Well-Known Member
Have anywhere that i could read that.......would love to know, if i'm not getting maximum light but alot of heat then that could be an issue....

But isint it light were trying to get and not heat? If i reflect any more heat i dunno what i'll do with temps then :/

My typical nightly picture.....i want to eventually string them all together.

I have a bottle in the freezer i'm going to use all day tommorrow which should keep temps around 85-88F all day. We'll see if that works for keepig temps under 90F.

Canopy is slowly rising, still no buddage, as seen in picture, just more growth.



Well-Known Member
It was on a post a while ago that i saw it, it holds in heat instead of letting it be exhausted out.


Well-Known Member
In that case i'll definently look into it. Might help some on temp, though it seems to be it only keeps heat in, and dosent shed it, i figured it would just reflect light and heat, not absorb it. I'll do some looking into it and update.

Still wondering why i'm getting no bud formation yet......Was looking closer tonight at some of the heads and there definetly female, and starting to all alternate on the nodes. As i read 5leaf sets break to 3leaf sets then single monoleaf sets, i think i have a few 3 leafers coming in, but not many....

Thanks for everyone and thier comments so far. keep them coming :D


Well-Known Member
hold the emergency blanket up to the light... you will see it has lots of holes in it too.... best bet is to just ditch that shit and spray paint the inside white... if the white paint wont cover well enough, paint it black first and then add white paint.

just cause it is shiny does not mean it is actually reflecting any light to speak of ;)


Well-Known Member

i did that with my rubbermaid grow and it turned out to be the biggest headache ever, stick with mylar


Well-Known Member
Haha well thats good to know then...........for the longest time i was using generic white printing paper, and wanted something similar to mylar that would be highly reflective and fairly easy to work with, lowes had no mylar, and i don't think they ever do here.....:(........emergency blankets as i was told do perfect, and were very cheap at i should just pull it all out and replace it with paper.....which i have ALOT of. and spray glue? Can i leave the emergency blanket top inside the light area as a reflector, aluminum foil? What as a reflector? where the lights are, or is it doing no good there either, this are is seperated from the plants with 1/8" plexi.

What do i need to do at the top is my main concern about switching materials inside, and getting proper light reflection. I don't think paint is a possibility, will take too long to dry, so spray glue and computer paper is what i'll use.


Well-Known Member

i did that with my rubbermaid grow and it turned out to be the biggest headache ever, stick with mylar

how so? not having used a Rubbermaid container, i am not arguing, i just want to learn why... i have been a big fan of white paint over mylar for a loooooong time and never seen a down side to using it.