My First grow


Well-Known Member
Hey thats perfectly fine with me, as long as shes going somewhere though, generally as i've seen and read that happens though its a P defficiency as the buds are pulling it all from the leaves, and they go yellow from the tips, if i saw that was happening i wouldn't have been so shocked........but i only see curling like a rams horn (which some strains do, when they flower "skunk" i think comes to mind), but those problems just stuck out to me that hell she's not budding up, and they look very odd, so wtf..........thats all.

I need to take more of a back seat and i think i was trying to lead her too much.



Well-Known Member
Thanks Db

I feel i'm probobly getting very ancy for a few reasons, i came into the grow figuing 2-2.5months full turn, 3weeks veg, then flower 45-65days, and she just never flowered, nor sexed for over 3weeks and jsut got bigger and bigger. I highly underestimated the length of grow because she would never flowr, (temp problems obviously), and i hadn't planned on letting her get this big (another result of her not flowering, and am getting ancy about that as well. I'm also planning to move, which i had figured would be the end of the summer when i finish this grow and figure out something more "perminent and stealthy" to have something going back to back. I'm still guessing i'm looking at lets say 8 weeks or 56days, right at the end of the first full week of august, if everything goes right from here on out....And that i highly doubt.

Upon more reading i'm going to back off of the AJ, seems like the extra K i'm giving her, 250mg in the AJ is blocking out my Zn and giving me a deficiency as it looks on the newest growths at the very next watering she will be bone dry, ie monday most likely, and just plain water. Would it make any sense on that day to flush her with say 3x normal water amount, just plain water?
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Well-Known Member
dont flush her at this point wait to see where she is on monday but plain water might do it 1.5 times just incase

also i got a move as well and my plant has to be 100% done by mid august wither it likes it or not lol, but i feel like ill get it done by the end of july


Well-Known Member
Well my move date is still up in the air, looking and looking, just gotta give the place 30 days advance that i'm moving out. And get a date to move in. I'm trying to be done wit this as i'm finding a place, so i have a few weeks to break things down, organize things, do my drying/curing, and no have to move in the middle of it all.

Saw this morning about an hr or so ago, that she seems to be doing a little more vertical growth. I took her out and did a little twist tying to puller her back down slightly. I also rearranged the bottom of my box, and repositioned the 2x12x6 cinder block so stand up on its side, allow me 2" more of vertical height i will definently need, and drop the VERY top of the canopy temp down a few more degrees. I have a measuring point that i measured 7.5 up to 8.5" max height i have above the bottom half of the box, it now sits at 5.5, so i have 3" of vertical height now. above where she is already at.

Thanks for the input monkee, those dates are whats getting me ancy.......

Also while messing with her, started touching leaves and getting a slight stickness on some of the upper leaves. Rather unedjucated guess, but looking at leaf color, dark green, and shape, 75%sativa/25%indica, and the smell is pungent and somewhat sweat, but i think i might have some type of skunk.......But she only smells when i touch her, and i did have her out long enough to really allow her to smell up the room. Sounds appetizing from what i've read. Any guesses, someone suggested a sativa awhile ago, i sure hope shes got some in her.


Well-Known Member
Seems that the white spots are getting more defined and are spreading, as it looks from the lower heads on the main stalk up to the higher ones. WTF is goin on with her, this is ALOT of changes very quickly over night, i just dont get it, and she seems to be going downhill.....slowly.


Well-Known Member
Oh yes, checked double check, checked again, i have it set for the last month or more from 9am-9pm.....I trust you that its set to 12hrs, as i've repetively checked. :confused:

If she recovers and comes to fruition, is she going to be any less potent than she possible could have been, i know the whole spill on peak hormone levels and stunting, etc, but does hormone level directly relate to THC/CBD ratios?

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Well-Known Member
Heres just an update with a large picture and up close pictures of the burns, curling i'm experiencing, mabey easier to diagnose, rather odd imo....

I beleive the flush got rid of the excess N, and she's greening out now to a more moderate green instead of the blueish green before, as seen on some of the lower fan leaves. But that pitting is occurring on the leaves, and seems like there the lowest growths from the lowest 2 heads, the lowest leaves on those growths that are affected by the yellow/white spotting.

Looks to me like some Zn or Mg defficiencies as well, Probobly Zn because of too much K, mabey too much AJ for the 1/2 gallons i'm giving, that locks Zn out. When i flushed last night i had 1/4tspn AJ in 1gallon that i flushed through, 1/2 had been sitting for 2-3days, the other half about 9hrs, so i think i may have gotten some chlorine in my flush as well, and possibly an off PH, by how much i have no clue, as my water usually sits from watering/empty/refill, until next watering, with opened to the air.

And another



Well-Known Member
Simply Apple:
Nutrition Facts
Serving Size: 8 fl. oz Amount per Serving Calories 120 Calories from Fat 0 % Daily Value * Total Fat 0g 0% Saturated Fat 0g 0% Cholesterol 0mg 0% Sodium 5mg 0% Potassium 250mg 7% Total Carbohydrate 30g 10% Dietary Fiber 0g 0% Sugars 28g Protein 0g 0% Magnesium 2% Est. Percent of Calories from:
Fat 0.0% Carbs 100.0% Protein 0.0%
just waking up after only getting 2 hours sleep... anyway, i doubt it is a magnesium deficiency.

soon as i can focus, i will crack open a bible or two and see what i can find... the pics are a lot clearer so that will help... i feel like i know what this is, i just cant place it due to brain damage.


Well-Known Member
Haha well your doin better than i would be doing with only 2 hrs of sleep, i gotta have about 10 seems like normally....

I picked up the Jorge Cervantes Bible and seems to point towards Zn, and K i'd say, but then again i'm a noob whos not relaly sure bout nething. Also sorta looked like some Ozone problems, but hell i have no ozone, so i go back to K, and it blocking out Zn.


Well-Known Member
ok, i have done a couple quick searches cause i know you are all anxious and such... first let me just say that the closest example i see to this problem so far is in the GROWFAQ
(GrowFAQ FTW!) see Figure 7.

remember how you keep reading about pH being important and i keep asking you about your pH levels? there are reasons ;)

soapbox time: this is one of the reasons why we keep advocating being patient... gung ho rushing to "fix" a nutrient problem can often cause a nasty chasing of effects around.

what i am thinking is that the Apple Juice is highly acidic and adding it or leaving it out is making your pH levels dance around wildly.

course, this is still all just conjecture, so the course of action is to still wait and watch what happens... oh, and check your pH! simple test kit makes for all the difference!

as for testing the pH of the soil, i have seen a couple of decent threads here about how to make a test of the soil... but that one you are gonna have to dig up for yourself.... i am too damn tired ;) i think though that a search on "how to check soil pH" would bring some love from the RUI search widget.

oh and of course, these are your plants, i do reserve the right to be totally full of shit :D


Well-Known Member
Haha well your doin better than i would be doing with only 2 hrs of sleep, i gotta have about 10 seems like normally....

I picked up the Jorge Cervantes Bible and seems to point towards Zn, and K i'd say, but then again i'm a noob whos not relaly sure bout nething. Also sorta looked like some Ozone problems, but hell i have no ozone, so i go back to K, and it blocking out Zn.
yeah, Jorge was the first place i checked.... i can see where you got those ideas from, i had them too for a second... but it wasnt exactly right.... read up just before that section about how important pH water is and how it is better to check that first rather than chasing nutes around... he does a far better job of saying what i have been trying to.


Well-Known Member
oh, something else.... looking at the growFAQ... read the bit about how Magnesium can cause lockouts and think back that little red word in your Apple Juice.... and i forgot to look at what Jorge said about the juice too... i meant to, but my brain just aint firing yet.... where IS that bong?!?


Well-Known Member
gotta love how text can make a person sound like a preachy dick when they arent being one.... just reread my last couple posts and i can see how i would seem annoying... most of it is poorly conveyed humor and a direct style... anyway, if i sound like a pompous ass, oops, my bad :mrgreen:

to prove it, let me point out something obvious... i didnt/dont know what is wrong with your plant, i just know patience is my friend and where the good resources are... i am not that great of a gardener, i just have experience... specially in doing things wrong.

how do you think we get our experience? by being uber n00bs and fucking shit up royally :blsmoke:

as i tell you over and over again to be patient, rest assured i often have the same talk with myself. even just had it a few minutes ago in my grow.

and to make something absolutely crystal clear, your first ScrOG looks 10x better than mine on the whole! i just have more bud development so far.

i also learn something new every day... want to know what i learned today?

RIU is a better resource than any fricken book published. even with the assorted flakes like me floating around :joint:

and since i am babbling too much from lack of sleep and the bong doing its job... let me tell you why i am in your journal: i am here not to show off or be a dick, i am here to learn this ScrOG thing with you. for various reasons (main being paranoia) i dont have a journal of my own, so i am here to mooch off yours :D

i can see where your interpretation of the ScrOG theory differs from mine and i can see where you do things better and i can see where you just do things differently and i can compare your results to mine... i am here to learn with you.

take for instance your under growth... totally different than what i have read about ScrOG... and because of that, i am avidly watching to see what develops down there... specially since mine is all nude under the screen. do i think you are "wrong"? Hell no! i don't even think it will matter much in the scheme of things... but i see why the common wisdom is to clear all that shit out... watching you do yours your way, i get to test a theory without spending the 3 months doing it myself.

so, thanks for sharing this grow with me! i hope you realize i am just an opinionated bastard but i am really just trying to learn along with you.

and know that when i tell you to be patient it is because i have made the same hasty mistakes :D

(i bet DB has too :twisted: )

anyway, i think i am done making an ass of myself here for tonight... gonna smoke a bit and then go back to bed



Well-Known Member





Well-Known Member
Just a little clarification for ya Db, the red is off, blue is on, if i set it to 1 rib on the 8 side of the red peg, than it'll be like 11:45 or so wont it for on time. I just wont to get this right cause somethings obviously wrong, i watch her go to sleep at 9pm, i usually wake up around 9:10-9:20 myself, and shes on when i wake up.

Either way i did what you asked, and changed it, i hope its right, but dosent seem, any explination why its off? But I'll be going out of town in a few hrs for the night, and will be back tommorrow midday-afternoon, so i've no way of knowing if the reset did it. I should have just been going with 13hrs dark just to make sure.. she was flowering.....hindsight is 20/20 though.

Anway heres another picture of the top of the canopy, last i checked temp was 80F. Hum around 44%. I just wonder if these problems are going to affect the overall goal, smokable bud.

I'm going to head off this morning to try to find Litmus paper, or PH test strips (if my ph is off what do i need to correct it), i'll let you know the results of my they carry them at walgreens?
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Well-Known Member
Forgot that i had a single use PH test kit, put soil in, put powder, shake, let sit, then compair with color.

Now i need to get dolomite lime to balance the ph. The fk'n thing is reading a 5, though it is rudamentary, i need to get more test strips and some lime. But thats a start.

Looked in the FAQ, and dosent say how to raise lower soil ph with water additaves, only mixed into the soil, they do mention hydrated lime though, which is what i need, does it come in garden centers?

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Well-Known Member
not sure here, but i think the soils pH can be adjusted by adjusting the water's pH... i think that if you water with clean, properly pH'd water for a bit this should correct... then, as it moves towards neutral again you can start with nutes being sure to pH still. usually to get good results out of dolomite i think a transplanting is in order... and we both know that aint happening with a ScrOG ;)

as for the timer, yeah you are better off with 13 hours dark as opposed to 11:59 hours.

from my experience, i dont think you will effect potentency of the buds with anything you do other than harvest time. what you will do is effect yield though.


Well-Known Member
Just got back from Lowes, couldn't find any hydrogynated domolite lime, so i got ground domolite lime, VERY fine powder, i figure can mix in with water if i need, to balance the ph. It was like $2.50, for a 40lb bag, so i said wth.

Also got a little $5 PH tester, its not reading anything really right now, as it need a level of moisture to read, and seems as though the pot is nearing almost completely empty. Sticking the probe abot 4" down and pulling it out is rather dry. I'll also say that scraping the top 1/4" of soil away shows a lattice structure of roots, there all the way at the top of the soil.

I mean should i water her or what.....seems she's dry as all hell, i'd say 75-80% dry. Should i let her dry up till she starts wilting. Going out of town in the next few hrs so i'll bb tommorrow afternoon/midday to water.
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Well-Known Member
Hey Your Timmer Looks Way Better.... Read What U Wrote... If U Watch It Come Pm At 9 When U Go To Bed. And Then When U Get Up About 920 And Its Still On Thats To Much Light Hehehehehehehehehehe!!!! Thanks For That Pic/ Mister. Got Ya! Db.~! :) Timmer Looks Better. Just Run The Motions Of It In Your Head And U Will See Were More On The Full 12/ Hrs As Needed. A Little Bit Less Light Dont Mean Sht. Me~!