My first ever grow.. White Widow Ebb and Flow with air stone


Well-Known Member
Its a good camera. But only 3 x optical zoom. Its brand new Panasonic 10mp. Its just trying to get through the leaves to take a picture. I'll do it tomorrow.
Just finished tying back branches before lights out. So I'll have to wait until the morning.


Well-Known Member
thats funny you say your eyes are better then the cameras zoom? I have an older model camera too. My girlz cam takes sick pics. I need to see the signs of ladies homie... I'm getting hell ants in the pants over here. I also did some LST'ing today, I went with the fish hook and weights approach. It worked well and I can definitely tell the difference in light penetration through that once thickening canopy. I topped the beast in the back and just opened her legs i hope to let in more heres a pic.
You girls are looking nice by the way. What sort of size are they now.
Mine are about 7inches high, but I have been training them sort of I'd say it they grew straight up about 10inches.
They are about 10 wide anyway.


Well-Known Member
You girls are looking nice by the way. What sort of size are they now.
Mine are about 7inches high, but I have been training them sort of I'd say it they grew straight up about 10inches.
They are about 10 wide anyway.
I've been doing mad LsT and It works like a charm, but now there all spread out, letting light into interior nodes. So Ive mad stunted there height. One of the nodes actually kindof broke loose at the base(looks like a knuckle) but stayed attach and is mending and becoming stronger. I also hooked up a 400 w hps for the first time. And damn is it warm. I had to kick the fan on medium and remove the glass, so that air circulates throughout. I also can't have airtight curtain drapped over the front. What a ventilation nightmare of a device. It's an old school reflector and ballast.- i payed 75 bucks for it. It works swell- I'm just trying to maintain 70 degrees at plant surface.... what a bitch....:wall:



Well-Known Member
I've been doing mad LsT and It works like a charm, but now there all spread out, letting light into interior nodes. So Ive mad stunted there height. One of the nodes actually kindof broke loose at the base(looks like a knuckle) but stayed attach and is mending and becoming stronger. I also hooked up a 400 w hps for the first time. And damn is it warm. I had to kick the fan on medium and remove the glass, so that air circulates throughout. I also can't have airtight curtain drapped over the front. What a ventilation nightmare of a device. It's an old school reflector and ballast.- i payed 75 bucks for it. It works swell- I'm just trying to maintain 70 degrees at plant surface.... what a bitch....:wall:
Your grow is so much like mine. I tied down branches to let light in too yesterday. On one plant the branch has also split a bit from tying it town. lol I'll find my camera in a while and show ya.

So you got a 400 HPS. This will be interesting to see what the HPS does compared to my CFL grow. Both of our plants veg'd to about the same size. Both in flower at the same time, both WW, both hydro, both, topped/fimed/LST.

lol Should be interesting to see what sort of yeild per plant we both get. And how much better HPS should be.


Well-Known Member
We should start a duel grow journal in a new threat. I think lots of people would find it interesting.

Two Newb first grows, both WW Cfl veg. Flower HPS v CFL lol.


Well-Known Member
look what popped up today.. on the big one in the back... shes doing so good! lol. im bout to celebrate!!!:bigjoint:

look at these money
Nice one my man. :bigjoint:

I'm just spent the last 15 mins trying to take a good picture of mine. I'll post a few pics in a min or two. Just looking at them on the pc to see if you can see the pistils on the photo's.


Well-Known Member
You can just about see in this picture. Not very clear. Camera wants to focus on the leaves behind for some reason. This pic is about the best of 20 taken.

I was holding a red guitar pick to try and get the camera to focus on the pistil.



Well-Known Member
You can just about see in this picture. Not very clear. Camera wants to focus on the leaves behind for some reason. This pic is about the best of 20 taken.

I was holding a red guitar pick to try and get the camera to focus on the pistil.

my best advise is too. step the camera back a bit and take a photo. I go to a special mode it is a zoom mode. has a flower symbol/ and i turn the flash off... i also took about 20 photos and i had to re-zoom a ton to get the right spots....:wall:

Im trying to get another ppm meter... Im lookin at a hannah. combo meter ph/ppm and bidding on ebay... its a bitch to win these things sometimes...?


Well-Known Member
Heres a couple of pics of the whole plants. First two are the biggests topped plant. The 3rd and 4th is the more bushy fimed plant.

They look very green in the dull light. Took them out of the grow room as the night cycle just started.

And the 5th pic is of the DIY reflectors I made out of heat reflective radiator insulation.
Stuff I found in the DIY store, looks like mylar, but the back of it is polystyrene.



Well-Known Member
Right I've taken another pic. Still not great, but I've put a red circle around it. They are clear even though they look green in the picture.
The stipules are right next to them.



Well-Known Member
my best advise is too. step the camera back a bit and take a photo. I go to a special mode it is a zoom mode. has a flower symbol/ and i turn the flash off... i also took about 20 photos and i had to re-zoom a ton to get the right spots....:wall:

Im trying to get another ppm meter... Im lookin at a hannah. combo meter ph/ppm and bidding on ebay... its a bitch to win these things sometimes...?
How much are you bidding for the meter?


Well-Known Member
Right I've taken another pic. Still not great, but I've put a red circle around it. They are clear even though they look green in the picture.
The stipules are right next to them.
ouch.. why gnarly yellow spots... are u lazy and letting PH fluctuate to much? 1st day under HPS went well/ I also have a new 90 watt UFO LED.. it's way tight.... and way more energy efficient then the 400w hps/MH.

and I'm looking at a combo Hannah ph/ppm meter. used of coarse. Hope the probe works with it.(even though my last experience went well)... I have a Milwaukee PH meter already. it cost me 56.00 bucks. but is sweet. Just not waterproof.... and that's sketchy. I ruined the last tds/ppm meter by dropping the node into the water.... argh i was pissed. so I took it back quick.... 109 dollars later and i Need something to tell my ppm dude...... i see one on e-bay going tomorrow at 3 pm PT time.:bigjoint: Im gonna go PLay some Halo Wars!!!! lol... the game is cool.:blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
Right I've taken another pic. Still not great, but I've put a red circle around it. They are clear even though they look green in the picture.
The stipules are right next to them.

Roc... Looks fantastic. Nice, thick, healthy leaves. Couldn't ask for more.

Peace & REP to you. :weed:


Well-Known Member
Congrats dude, its a girl!!!!

thanks folks.

I've a question....

Next Wednesday I'm off on holiday(vacation to you in the US) for a week. If my second plant doesn't show sex by then, is there a chance that if it turns male in that week it will pollinate my female?

I don't think it will.. its just peace of mind a know.kiss-ass

thats cool smiley. sort off. lol


Well-Known Member
I dont think so either........

Your plants are sure looking great ROC! That is some very healthy new growth!!



Well-Known Member
ouch.. why gnarly yellow spots... are u lazy and letting PH fluctuate to much? 1st day under HPS went well/ I also have a new 90 watt UFO LED.. it's way tight.... and way more energy efficient then the 400w hps/MH.

and I'm looking at a combo Hannah ph/ppm meter. used of coarse. Hope the probe works with it.(even though my last experience went well)... I have a Milwaukee PH meter already. it cost me 56.00 bucks. but is sweet. Just not waterproof.... and that's sketchy. I ruined the last tds/ppm meter by dropping the node into the water.... argh i was pissed. so I took it back quick.... 109 dollars later and i Need something to tell my ppm dude...... i see one on e-bay going tomorrow at 3 pm PT time.:bigjoint: Im gonna go PLay some Halo Wars!!!! lol... the game is cool.:blsmoke:
Not enough nutrients was my problem. Ph is always around 6.
Moved my nutrient level up to 1.7 a couple of days ago. Plants responded well. Both plants today show pistils on the main cola(biggest cola) area.

I'm a happy camper now!!! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Not enough nutrients was my problem. Ph is always around 6.
Moved my nutrient level up to 1.7 a couple of days ago. Plants responded well. Both plants today show pistils on the main cola(biggest cola) area.

I'm a happy camper now!!! :bigjoint:
I freaking won that hannah ph/ppm combo meter for 66 bucks/ it retails for 200 new. I broke my last tds meter and took it back. Ive been quessing. and I think I should be adding more too! I will in a few min. Now that you said that. I was wondering what is holding the other two from sexing for me. They are swelling and about to show....will u please use the ppm equivilent(1.7 what). I dont want to convert? My PH is 5.4 I just checked it.... I also have to add more water. they have been thirsty....

:peace: broha