My first ever grow.. White Widow Ebb and Flow with air stone


Well-Known Member
Right just finished rebuilding my grow light holder/fitting. I've now got 5 cfls 23 and 43watt warm lights in a sort of cross shape. It will have to do for now. Because I'm sick to death of messing with things. Seriously. I should have just left room the way it was day one. But nooooooooo... I decided to try every single method of growing all in my first grow.

Fiming, Super cropping, cloning, flood and drain, training the plants. lol Really if I do some how manage to get a decent crop, I'll never be able to recreate the conditions of it!!!

I'll post picks tomorrow. Missing the UFC and need a smoke!:bigjoint::dunce::eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
A learning experience for a first grow.
........yep, and wont be the last!:cuss: I still laugh when I think of this one thread I read where the guy was in his small room and he stood up and hit his hps bulb with his head.......he commented that the bulb was fine; he thought he broke it. Someone down the line joked at him saying how he never mentioned his head, just the bulb.......ends up he had singed his hair and burn a blister on his head.............but the bulb was fine:bigjoint:

Your garden is looking great there, ROC! That fimming looks cool too- I am interested how that goes for you; I 've not tried that yet, just LST with some sativas way back in the day. Now I just prefer to go 12/12 as soon as I see roots on my clones.....

Something you may want to look into: I always leave the grow nute in the res for the first week or so before going to full flower nutes. Someone had told me that I was getting premature yellowing by stopping the grow nute too soon.....? And I will say that now that I do it this way I never get yellowing until wk 6-7, whereas before I was getting it into wk 3-4......and the buds actually get a bit bigger now and look nicer at finish...... Maybe someone else has more info on this?? just my $0.02--haha

Losing your job...? Wow, real sorry to hear that! Is it due to the economy? Well, hate to say it; get an hps, throw in a few more plants to 'help' out..............or not. I know a lot of people on here dont agree, but I feel that if I were in a bind I wouldn't hesitate selling some to a few instead of 'donating' it to the clinics as I have been...... I had to go argue with the director last month to get them to pay my power bill as I donated another 16zips of kick ass SS.......

So I really hope things work out for you! Will be waiting for a new pic update of that fimming:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Ya I read last night on a few links about keeping grow nutrients going for a week. So thats what I'll do.
EC is at 0.8 and Ph is around 6. The PH is what was giving me the problems I'd say it was too near 5.0 and getting locked out. So 6 now and I'll see how it goes.

Added a a few more CLF's. Now running 8 all wired to two plugs.
And amazingly my plants look better today than they did with the 150watt.
I've released my plants now and are just letting them grow a bit. Instead of having them tied down.
I want them to get a bit taller so I can try scrog a bit or something! I don't know.

Both plants are about 6-7inch high and wide. I'm guessing they will end up about 18inches high. Which is big enough for me.

I'll post pics in a little while. Camera needs charging a bit.

A losing my job after 12 years. I work for an American computer company (not mentioning any names! lol) But they are moving to Eastern Europe where the min wage is 1/4 of what it is in Ireland.
I city I live in pop of about 90,000 (city...Ireland small! lol)

1900 of us losing our jobs, and 10,000-15,000 others directly related. I.e in the supply chain. Will bring unemployed in the area to nearly 35%.

And thats why I'm growing my own, so I can enjoy the life of a lazy feck for a few months or year. Depending on whats around the corner. I'm getting 50,000 Euro handshake when I leave so it ain't all bad.

And I haven't had a summer off since I was in school. 15 years! So good times ahead. (stay positive).

Now let me find my camera charger.

Oh yeah.

My girlfriend just came back with some Baby Bio (thought she was helping ahhhh) Citrus food. NPK value 5.6, 4.7, 8.6.

Nitrogen 5.6%
phosphorous Pentoxide 4.7%
Potassium oxide 8.6%
Magnesium Oxide0.02%
Boron 0.0002%
Copper 0.0002%
Iron 0.014%
Manganese 0.008%
Molybdenum 0.0005%
Zinc 0.002%

Any good for flowering, or even helping in anyway.
P and K values are highrer than N anyway.


Well-Known Member
Ya I read last night on a few links about keeping grow nutrients going for a week. So thats what I'll do.
EC is at 0.8 and Ph is around 6. The PH is what was giving me the problems I'd say it was too near 5.0 and getting locked out. So 6 now and I'll see how it goes.

Added a a few more CLF's. Now running 8 all wired to two plugs.
And amazingly my plants look better today than they did with the 150watt.
I've released my plants now and are just letting them grow a bit. Instead of having them tied down.
I want them to get a bit taller so I can try scrog a bit or something! I don't know.

Both plants are about 6-7inch high and wide. I'm guessing they will end up about 18inches high. Which is big enough for me.

I'll post pics in a little while. Camera needs charging a bit.

A losing my job after 12 years. I work for an American computer company (not mentioning any names! lol) But they are moving to Eastern Europe where the min wage is 1/4 of what it is in Ireland.
I city I live in pop of about 90,000 (city...Ireland small! lol)

1900 of us losing our jobs, and 10,000-15,000 others directly related. I.e in the supply chain. Will bring unemployed in the area to nearly 35%.

And thats why I'm growing my own, so I can enjoy the life of a lazy feck for a few months or year. Depending on whats around the corner. I'm getting 50,000 Euro handshake when I leave so it ain't all bad.

And I haven't had a summer off since I was in school. 15 years! So good times ahead. (stay positive).

Now let me find my camera charger.

Oh yeah.

My girlfriend just came back with some Baby Bio (thought she was helping ahhhh) Citrus food. NPK value 5.6, 4.7, 8.6.

Nitrogen 5.6%
phosphorous Pentoxide 4.7%
Potassium oxide 8.6%
Magnesium Oxide0.02%
Boron 0.0002%
Copper 0.0002%
Iron 0.014%
Manganese 0.008%
Molybdenum 0.0005%
Zinc 0.002%

Any good for flowering, or even helping in anyway.
P and K values are highrer than N anyway.

Hey ROC... things are coming along nicely. I like the detail of your journal.

I lost my job too, it was pretty bad... there for almost 10 years, tech field too. Company got bought out, it was a SOX nightmare... I can't go into it or I'll have to get baked and I can't this morning, just got up.

OH, and listen to growinman... He makes some good sense. Get that HPS. I'm actually thinking of another. PEACE & REP TO BOTH OF YOU GREAT FELLAS !!!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the comments Nasd90. Ya growinman has been helping out a lot. He's a sound dude.

Ten mins I'll post update pics. Just find my camera.

One plant has slightly pale leaves the other a few brown patches on the older leaves.

I have my EC at 0.90 at the moment. I think its more of a nutrient deficiency than over nutes. Or maybe a PH problem. Liquid testers aren't great. either 5.0 or 6.0 seems to be no grade in between with them.


Well-Known Member
Day 4 of flowering or could be 3.5 lol

Right here are some new picks finally. I had to take them with the lights off. So they might not be great.
I took the wooden stakes out and am letting them just grow now for a bit.

First 4 pics

This is my biggest plant with the brown bits. The burning hasn't gotten worse anyway, and new growth looks ok.
Plant is a bit deformed due to my training slash messed up super cropping!!
Fim worked out well though. Although worked more like topping I think.
Next 4 pics

This is my fav plant. Looks decent enough. You can't really see the slight lightness of the leaves due to the camera flash. I don't think its a major problem. But I'll watch it closely. Fim/top pic too.

All the other pics

The other pics are my new light set up, and my cloning/vegging box. The bigger of the two plants in this area is the third seed I grew 5 weeks ago. Its like a mini plant lol. God knows what happened to it.
The other is my one clone I took, just to see if I did it right. This is a tiny baby, but still looking good after 5 or 6 days now. Its in a 3inch net pot. Its cute!!! lol
I germinated a few bag seeds and just stuck two or 3 in a couple of pots just to see how they get on.

And the last pic...

My whole grow set up. The bottom with the towel over it is my clone are. Towel along with black plastic bag, and sheet of wood is for blocking light from flower area.
Seems to do the job.

Now to upload the pics. Takes ages!!!! :wall:

20mins later.... (after upload, no harm 20meg line!!!!)



Well-Known Member
Fuck all that time and only the last few pics uploaded!!!!!!! fuuuuccccckckckckckc

give me another few mins!


Well-Known Member
Looks like a nice clean set up don't make the misstake most nubies make and that is light height get them lights inces from the tops of your plants put them under for harf hour then an hour and add harf hour on till yhere at home.wait before putting them under hps or hid lighting seedlings are too tender tie them up nowbecause bureing watering if a drop lands on the top the plant will fold over.CFLS OR THE OLD STYLE FLOURESENTS WANT TO BE INCES OFF THE TOP OF THE PLANTS THIS WILL STOP THEM BEEN LEGGY.YOUR DOING A GREAT JOB ONLY A FOOL COULD MESS UP NOW GREAT PICTURES DUDE.


Well-Known Member
I visit ireland to fish the great rivers there you have got to get a 3/5 clones get them up to about the same size has your pictures perhaps a little bigger if you can then get them in the great outdoors your country would be great for a gurilla grow i fished there i not seen a sole for a week or so.Make sure thatyou lolly popyou plants and get some copper tape to stop the slugs and put some chicken wire around the plants to stop deer and rabbits eating the babbys.Once they out grow the netting they will be fine the animales are after young plants plantend april.


Well-Known Member
Been following this, your doing great.
I don't know too much of anything really, but they look very healthy and strong.
A lot of ppl are telling you HPS, if i had the cash flow for it, i'd def have a few of them
Continue on with the great progress.
Good luck friend


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all your comments guys. Cheers.

Checked my EC a minute ago, had gone from 0.9 yesterday to 0.71 today.
That tells me my plants are using the Nutrients.

Back to 0.9 again now.

Another update either tonight or tomorrow night. Off to work now. :wall:


Well-Known Member
Up'd my EC level to 1.15.

I think since I burnt them at the start of the grow. I've been a bit too light on nutrients.
We'll see tomorrow I guess.


Well-Known Member
Up'd my EC level to 1.15.

I think since I burnt them at the start of the grow. I've been a bit too light on nutrients.
We'll see tomorrow I guess.

You think because you burnt them in the beginning and now you're going light on the nutes is the reason why your plants aren't doing well ??

You need to READ other peoples journals and learn. Especially when they are nice enough to comment on your plants. That's how it works.


Well-Known Member
You think because you burnt them in the beginning and now you're going light on the nutes is the reason why your plants aren't doing well ??

You need to READ other peoples journals and learn. Especially when they are nice enough to comment on your plants. That's how it works.
I'm reading loads of Journals, don't always comment as my advice probably isn't any good.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I visit ireland to fish the great rivers there you have got to get a 3/5 clones get them up to about the same size has your pictures perhaps a little bigger if you can then get them in the great outdoors your country would be great for a gurilla grow i fished there i not seen a sole for a week or so.Make sure thatyou lolly popyou plants and get some copper tape to stop the slugs and put some chicken wire around the plants to stop deer and rabbits eating the babbys.Once they out grow the netting they will be fine the animales are after young plants plantend april.
I'm living in the inter city, so and outdoor grow is dodgy. I did have a couple of germinated seeds that I didn't have room for in my grow area. I stuck them in a pot plant in the garden. So sign of them sprouting though after 4 days. A bit cold still here and very wet.

I'll have new picks and an update a little later....Just need a smoke first. Been to busy all day!:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
lookin good man im definitly gunna be watchin this...first real CFL grow journal iv seen so far and i just threw my seeds into germ last night gunna be doin CFL's too but i noticed earlier you said sumthin about dry brown ass weed and glass in it and shit (excuse the language thats BS!!!) wonder yall prefer hash...anyway i know a guy over in ireland im gonna hook up wit some good home grown soon so maybe he'll be able 2 get ireland back onto good weed :D


Well-Known Member
Ya you really need to know who to get good weed from here these days.

I read about even worse is happening over in the UK. Police over there say traces of heroin have been found in weed over there. Now that's fucked up.

Thanks for having a look at my grow buddy. I'll be posting new pic in a few mins.

Good luck too on your grow.