My first CXB 3590 run...

I use pumice & crushed hardwood charcoal added to my coco both give the beni germs somewhere to live

Fastslappy where do you source the pumice and hardwood charcoal you use with your coco and how dose it affect the coco's PH? I found this spot a little while back has some well priced hard to find addictives for the more open minded gardner... :)
NO! Haha jk. Same build here. But might I suggest the 240-1750? More lumens! !

Make sure you have dimming... :) I think I might have light shocked this set of clones a bit even at half power. I raised the light more and took off the reflectors. We will see what comes. I will get pics of the wiring for you with lights on Airwalker... :)
This looks good, I'll follow along :) I'm hoping to do something similar - I've ordered some parts for my DIY build, so now I have to sit and wait...
This looks good, I'll follow along :) I'm hoping to do something similar - I've ordered some parts for my DIY build, so now I have to sit and wait...

I completely understand, I ordered and waited for parts and the killer was around Christmas waiting for just a couple small things from Amazon and not being able to do anything till they arrived. At least there was Fallout 4 and Rollitup... :)
Fastslappy where do you source the pumice and hardwood charcoal you use with your coco and how dose it affect the coco's PH? I found this spot a little while back has some well priced hard to find addictives for the more open minded gardner... :)

the pumice I get from a feed store (horses) it comes under the name of DryStall fine grade pumice it's used across the USA most all feed stores carry the stuff
40 lb bag for 12-15$
used in horse stalls to keep the horse from slipping & the floor dry
100% pumice
as for hardwood charcoal , I get that @ Whole Foods
I throw a old rug over the bag & wack the fuck outta it with a mall to break up
I tried buying small fine gardening charcoal but it is Really Expensive
both act as PH buffers & if ya run beni germs PH is not a issue
+ i use diaomatios earth & rock flour for trace mineral
I'll have to look into the pumice for sure. I watch PH even with running benis, hard to break hydro habits. I do like to run my PH a bit higher in coco then hydro, my plants have always liked 6.0 to 6.2 over the recommended 5.8... :) it's all strain/pheno dependent anyway... :)
I found coco very forgiving A Quick flush with R/O water solves most issues in hours most times
pumice is open cell where perlite is closed cell perlite just takes up room & gives drainage
pumice act as home for beni's that don't live well in the coco
holds water & releases slower than coco

Coco is an amazing medium to grow in, even cloned in. I've used growstones and perilite in coco and I'll definitely be checking into the pumice... :)
that charged biochar is a waste any beni's are dead by the time u get the charcoal imo
I got a source for biochar that actually is stone flour charged
but I buy my stone flour & crush my own (saves a wad W/F is $5 a bag)
I'll be back with some links on the stone flour
do not use Azomite ! as stone flour it's main ingredient is AL compounds
that's all mixed before plantin
i run G/H Nova atm migt change but I'm happy but it's expensive + i use humic/fluvic , calmag , seaweed extrac , fish hydrilize , molassis , banana peel tea
1200 - 1500ppm is what I shoot for on watering
I use terpinator & as a shooting powder I use the "Rock" resinator
& i use a daily running germ soup that i recharge with molassis & coconut/palm sugar to keep them growing
Thank you for the details Fastslapy, appreciated greatly... :)

Right now I'm feeding .8 to 1 EC potassium silica, Veg + Bloom RO and Life + ... I like to have the plants ask for more be for I bump up their feed. When Cal - mag is needed I add a gallon of tap water (high cal) and some Epson salt to the mix. I have a Phosphorus booster if needed or wanted in Size +, alternate fulvic/humatic acids every other watering and floralisouse plus... :)
with coco it's not wise to alternate anything coco is just like hydro & that coco is yer rez
you want a 5-10% waste on each watering , that keeps the salts from building
it's better to feed lightly constantly than have fluctuations imo
floralisouse plus...
i use this as well But it really expensive
but really all it is protein hydolorilize (fish) & humic/fulic acid + seaweed IIRC
made a reasonable copy of it by using 'Dark Energy' a hydrilize & a seaweed extract i made by soaking some kelp & enzimes & some humic/fulvic powder that I got @
cost way less than a gallon of tha Floirlios plus last time it was $135 a gal
Here is the video clip that made me feel compitent enough to build my own IR pontoons... :)

Yes this run is all coco no perilite or growstones. I try not to get caught up in adding to much cause is just more to go wrong... :)

I too saw that video and thought I could do likewise! Mine is 10 stars across a 40" square tube of aluminum. Can't wait to see if the buds start earlier next time. Growmau5's videos have helped A LOT of us DIYers get started. After seeing his videos, I jumped into the DIY COB pool! I will be waiting to see if you think the 730s have speeded things up a bit.

So from your pics, are you going to run your power supplies separate from your light bar? Mine are currently separate, and I have not decided yet. Mine is a TNT build (that is tape-n-tyraps). I am still gathering experience and information before I tie it all together with some aluminum angle like yours. Thanks.