The way I see it the left just made a play that cannot be stopped. The people on the right are going to lose their minds once November comes and goes and the country has a black woman for president. It's going to continue to be the best show the world has to offer and we all have front row seats and buckets of Kush and hash water flags! Man I am excited to get to watch this shit. TIME TO SCRUM MAGGOTS. I don't know why I typed that but I like to think there was some reason other than I am super baked and think I'm funny when I'm not.


Well-Known Member
It seems to me that the GOP has been trying awfully hard to keep Americans from being allowed to vote for anybody but them. Sorry guys do you really think normal people want to vote for such an obvious grifter? Do you think we would vote for the kind of man that would stand up and promise to let the oil industry continue to fuck us and the environment for a billion dollars?
The Republicans made their choice and now they can sit on it and rotate.


Well-Known Member
VP short list:

NC Gov. Roy Cooper
PA Gov. Josh Shapiro
AZ Sen. Mark Kelly
MI Gov. Gretchen Whitmer
MN Gov. Tim Walz

interesting list.....there has been a lot of talk of Kelly as of late....guess we'll see...

kinda wish Harris would go across the isle little bit, like maybe liz or adam, maybe even the ex gov of Georgia since he's thrown his endorsement behind Harris today....


Well-Known Member
Boy the GOPeeerrrs are trying everything, they are scrambling........beyond the the simple racist remarks they are make, some idiot in the GOP house has drawn up impeachment...yes i said it and it's freaking like they're throwing things at the wall just to see if something sticks.....

meanwhile, the orange idiot nominee has done this:

talk about call the kettle blk here, at least she doesn't have oversears of ones finances (speaking of, maybe the FEC should look at you Don Snoreleon) and doesn't have to pay someone about 100mil to a person, yeah she grabbed u by the wallet didn't she.......
Oh god how great would that be to see a 8 hour tv broadcast of her just destroying the GQP like Clinton did during their Benghazi nonsense, but during the actual presidential campaign so she can put on a performance.

VP short list:

NC Gov. Roy Cooper
PA Gov. Josh Shapiro
AZ Sen. Mark Kelly
MI Gov. Gretchen Whitmer
MN Gov. Tim Walz

interesting list.....there has been a lot of talk of Kelly as of late....guess we'll see...

kinda wish Harris would go across the isle little bit, like maybe liz or adam, maybe even the ex gov of Georgia since he's thrown his endorsement behind Harris today....
Same, the more I think of it the more I think it would be the best idea, even knowing someone like Cheney would be running against her. It would be good for the nation to have two people who have great respect for one another compete for the job to remember what it looked like.

Of the above list I like Kelly.


Well-Known Member
VP short list:

NC Gov. Roy Cooper
PA Gov. Josh Shapiro
AZ Sen. Mark Kelly
MI Gov. Gretchen Whitmer
MN Gov. Tim Walz

interesting list.....there has been a lot of talk of Kelly as of late....guess we'll see...

kinda wish Harris would go across the isle little bit, like maybe liz or adam, maybe even the ex gov of Georgia since he's thrown his endorsement behind Harris today....
You can't pass up the worthy Dems for VP but maybe a future cabinet position for Liz or Adam?


Well-Known Member
I agree, no republican should ever be allowed anywhere near the White House again..
At least not until any litigation completes for Jan. 6, and the documents case gets re-instated, and there's some sort of honest acknowledgement of all their criminal behavior. Of course, they don't seem like they'll ever admit anything.


Well-Known Member
You can't pass up the worthy Dems for VP but maybe a future cabinet position for Liz or Adam?
i can go with positions for Liz and Adam, yeah i can see that....

the actually Dem VP list is honestly about 10 to 12 names on it, like Pete is on the list to, and i can't remember the other at the moment, but that was the short list, now Whitmer i think bowed out of that list already cause she doesn't wanna leave Mich, so that brings it down to 4, the new one that been popping up is Kentucky Gov Beshear, Ms Harris has a lot to choose from.


Well-Known Member
i can go with positions for Liz and Adam, yeah i can see that....

the actually Dem VP list is honestly about 10 to 12 names on it, like Pete is on the list to, and i can't remember the other at the moment, but that was the short list, now Whitmer i think bowed out of that list already cause she doesn't wanna leave Mich, so that brings it down to 4, the new one that been popping up is Kentucky Gov Beshear, Ms Harris has a lot to choose from.
I like Beshear. The guy from Minnesota was pretty sharp too.