Mr.Vega drops two hits of white blotter....

Mid 90s there were a lot of pictures on paper hits. A couple of my faves were Jesus Christ, electric roses, animation creation.
We've been printing on blotter paper for a long fucking time. It's perforated the same way they perforate stamps, though I would assume you need heavier equipment.
I'm pretty sure Rory remembers those blue dolphins. Some of the best presses I ever had.
I had some blue dolphin pressed pills that were supposedly E and L. Not sure but they were good fun.
We've been printing on blotter paper for a long fucking time. It's perforated the same way they perforate stamps, though I would assume you need heavier equipment.
I'm pretty sure Rory remembers those blue dolphins. Some of the best presses I ever had.
fk yeah were.the shit...make urs jaws quiver teeth chitter chatter n grind n heavy eyes....they dont make.rolls like that anymore either....not that I can.find not in that scene anymore but I still like to roll and when I grab rolls frm ppl who claim to b in that scene the rolls arent rolls like they used to b....theyre like meth in pill form now seems like...all they do is jack me up...I dont roll....last ones I got were snoopy heads...shaped n cut like snoopys head...diff colors..straight speed no roll
some.other good pressed pills bk in the day "CU" 's(green w just "CU"stamped on em...white "rolex"s(just had the crown on em)...all the Mitsubishi n Motorala's were good no matter the color..."RR"(Roles Royces)''...."Omega"s w that omega symbol on em...I could.go on n on...late 90s early 2000s was a good time for.rolls in my area...not so much anymore.
Mid 90s there were a lot of pictures on paper hits. A couple of my faves were Jesus Christ, electric roses, animation creation.

I had the jesus...and the purple jesus...ha....I had.some.rolls w jesus face on em too...I think it was jesus anyway..ha...I.didnt start lookin at the stamp til after abt 6 of em in me n it looked like some dude w a beard...maybe sasquatch idk...the chick I was w said it looked like a house on fire(the stamp)...ha...we were pretty fkd up...starin at pills in the dark w a lighter twisted tryin to see the stamp...ha...easier sd than done
I always preferred getting puddled....

My heaviest experiences with L have been from the palm of my hand

no guess work you always got spun :)
I always preferred getting puddled....

My heaviest experiences with L have been from the palm of my hand

no guess work you always got spun :)
Oh yes, i also like the end of the vial, could be a drop could be 5 sometimes more whoooooooo hoooooooo
Oh yes, i also like the end of the vial, could be a drop could be 5 sometimes more whoooooooo hoooooooo
yeah I fkd up w some sugar cubes once...took three not knowing how many drops were on each cube...I still.dnt know how much it was but it was too much...during the peak hours anyway...I cldnt see...everything was just too much...I cldnt look at anything w out it.just turning into a mess...n my heart was goin nuts like it was gonna come outta my chest...for hours...I tripped hard for like 26hours n peaked for like 20hours...I was w this chick n I she had took the same I did n I kept havin her feel my heart n sayin "am I ok?"...ha...I.shoulda know somthin was up...I got the sugar cubes from this chinese kid...we.were at this.rave n I had a cig pack full of those rolls royce's n idk how many id eaten but I had my face in a trash can throwin up and I came up.for air n this lil chinese dude w glow.sticks hangin all off of him was standin.there in my face smiling from ear to ear took a big bite.of this sugar cube n hands it to me smilin n sayin somthin n all I could understand was blah blah blah "happy candy"....I sd "huh man?" I tried to hold my eyes open wiping vomit from my mouth techo beating my heart.for me w concert speakers abt 3feet from us...blah blah blah biggest smile ive ever seen "HAPPY CANDY"....he hands em to me n disappears in the crowd nvr to b seen agn.....he gave me five...I ate three n gave the chick was.too much.
yeah I fkd up w some sugar cubes once...took three not knowing how many drops were on each cube...I still.dnt know how much it was but it was too much...during the peak hours anyway...I cldnt see...everything was just too much...I cldnt look at anything w out it.just turning into a mess...n my heart was goin nuts like it was gonna come outta my chest...for hours...I tripped hard for like 26hours n peaked for like 20hours...I was w this chick n I she had took the same I did n I kept havin her feel my heart n sayin "am I ok?"...ha...I.shoulda know somthin was up...I got the sugar cubes from this chinese kid...we.were at this.rave n I had a cig pack full of those rolls royce's n idk how many id eaten but I had my face in a trash can throwin up and I came up.for air n this lil chinese dude w glow.sticks hangin all off of him was standin.there in my face smiling from ear to ear took a big bite.of this sugar cube n hands it to me smilin n sayin somthin n all I could understand was blah blah blah "happy candy"....I sd "huh man?" I tried to hold my eyes open wiping vomit from my mouth techo beating my heart.for me w concert speakers abt 3feet from us...blah blah blah biggest smile ive ever seen "HAPPY CANDY"....he hands em to me n disappears in the crowd nvr to b seen agn.....he gave me five...I ate three n gave the chick was.too much.
Woooooooooooo hooooooooo
Many alex grey blotter,and entire 5 grams worth of jerry blotter(every fuckin sheet was a different pic olf jerry),dancing condoms,dancing elephants,happy birthday jerry blotter,steal your face blotter,saftey pins blotter(laid in ohnor of a fallen friend),speedracer,screaming skulls,5 different alice in wonderlands,3 different madhatters,sonic the hedgehog,mindscape,junglesky,starscape(blue paper,black lined stars all single doses I've ever had),timothy leary..the list goes on..and on..and on..very much potent liquid,wash up..2 thumbprints..millions of geltabs..I'm not trying to be a braggart,btw..I'm trying to let ya know where I come I grew up...
Now adays I just chill with my headstash... almost certainly ate my pills if you ate blue dolphins back then...shit got around like L and herpes.
Many alex grey blotter,and entire 5 grams worth of jerry blotter(every fuckin sheet was a different pic olf jerry),dancing condoms,dancing elephants,happy birthday jerry blotter,steal your face blotter,saftey pins blotter(laid in ohnor of a fallen friend),speedracer,screaming skulls,5 different alice in wonderlands,3 different madhatters,sonic the hedgehog,mindscape,junglesky,starscape(blue paper,black lined stars all single doses I've ever had),timothy leary..the list goes on..and on..and on..very much potent liquid,wash up..2 thumbprints..millions of geltabs..I'm not trying to be a braggart,btw..I'm trying to let ya know where I come I grew up...

Rory did you ever have these? They were some of the first blotters I ever got, but man they were strong as fuuckk
Omegas were from the same guys but I didn't get but a handfull...which was weird considering the amouts we were handeling at the time..when ya get giant bags of pills and only get 500 from your man..makes ya
I had black hearts..they made up a pattern on a page..10 sheets made it up..often prints that seem reptitious make up a bigger pic when they all fit together..
I had black hearts..they made up a pattern on a page..10 sheets made it up..often prints that seem reptitious make up a bigger pic when they all fit together..

Oh I know. Sometimes 1000 hits is the full pic, sometimes 100 hits. Sometimes 4 hits... etc. I've only ever had a 10 pack once. It was a good few days :)
I remember getting people lined up,drop 2 or the pages on em,and they'd set at a table trying to piece the art back together to see what it made up as a picture..
I hated cutting up such nice art (we never perforated ours,it was allways lined by had on the back,altho I did have a friend who bought perfed licks a lot) but a small thick square is easy to conceal compared to 20 pages just as thick but 4 times as big...