Mr.Vega drops two hits of white blotter....

Its funny I ate a lot of lsd in the early 90s to 2k...and it was 75 to 150 a inflation is..I hope in ten years its not 600 a sheet..I'm feeling bad when I pay 3 or 4..
hey rory, yeah i was not happy about it either....i actually heard some people trying to sell sheets for lke 400-500 dollars, i was like whaaa....out of their fucking mind if they think imma pay 400 for a sheet...250 is THE MOST i would pay...i would rather pay 150-200 but im a reasonable person, and 250 is MORE THAN reasonable.
I payed a lot for the last two sheets but I had the $ and I was helping a friend stay on tour..I never mind helping a friend..and he did give me 15 extra hits so I guess it worked out..I remeber getting sheets for 100,and that was before I ever sold acid..
I payed a lot for the last two sheets but I had the $ and I was helping a friend stay on tour..I never mind helping a friend..and he did give me 15 extra hits so I guess it worked out..I remeber getting sheets for 100,and that was before I ever sold acid..
all.thru the.90s I was gettin em $150per sheet $100 a piece if.u got 5 $5 a hit n ten strips for $40 it was a good business to b in....30-40 hits n ur sheet was paid for....gobble gobble...ha
In my hometown,before I ever dropped acid,I heard rumors of this cat selling hits for 25 CENTS!!!..again that was a rumor..I did find a guy at a phish festival walking around with a posterboard size chunk of acid,literally that had jerrys handprint in the middle and all this circuitboard type background..for 80$ he would place a dollar bill on it and cut around the dollar bill,and that was your sheet....good times!
In my hometown,before I ever dropped acid,I heard rumors of this cat selling hits for 25 CENTS!!!..again that was a rumor..I did find a guy at a phish festival walking around with a posterboard size chunk of acid,literally that had jerrys handprint in the middle and all this circuitboard type background..for 80$ he would place a dollar bill on it and cut around the dollar bill,and that was your sheet....good times!
best deal I ever got.was the.paper plate....whole paper plate marked up w pencil....all plain white...dirty as hell....trip ur balls off...$200....idk how.many hits it came out to.
best deal I ever got.was the.paper plate....whole paper plate marked up w pencil....all plain white...dirty as hell....trip ur balls off...$200....idk how.many hits it came out to.
it was literally a paper plate soaked in acid?
it was literally a paper plate....I guess they soaked it idk how they apply the trip to.the paper but entire paper plate n looked like someone took a ruler and pencil n marked the hits...haha...they were all.diff sizes n shit...i was beware of it so he let me dose n trip before purchase.....Cincinnati Oh 90s...dude had stack of em along w a couple bricks of pot in a the trunk of his Monty Carlo....he sd "best acid in Cincy"...very strong but ached the tummy and the body badly...very good.visuals n madness...
Thick paper plates would work I guess. Decent paper ain't cheap but if you're laying acid you really should have the money.
Pickard supposedly sold bulk for about $2.50/mg
Thick paper plates would work I guess. Decent paper ain't cheap but if you're laying acid you really should have the money.
Pickard supposedly sold bulk for about $2.50/mg
these were pretty ruff cats I copped.this from...ha....god only knows where or how they got it...I doubt they made it they were weed n coke dealers sure they ran across em.somewhere n saw some $$ to b made.....

hey I know u guys are anti mushroom kit but the.kit seems to b the way to go for me...ive got my eye on the "Mckennaii kit" (because it had the highest visual rating) from shamanic looks so simple and quite legit...$55...round 2oz harvest they say....anyone know if this is an ok way to go? second choice was the golden teacher
Blue meanies
Pickard sold bulk like that to a guy in san fran I think..alameda joe or some shit was his name..I can't remember..
The paper plate story is funny because that is a joke on tour about the 'A campers' and wrecking crew..'be careful,they'll have the fluff one week and sell ya the middle outta paper plate next show....'lol
it was literally a paper plate....I guess they soaked it idk how they apply the trip to.the paper but entire paper plate n looked like someone took a ruler and pencil n marked the hits...haha...they were all.diff sizes n shit...i was beware of it so he let me dose n trip before purchase.....Cincinnati Oh 90s...dude had stack of em along w a couple bricks of pot in a the trunk of his Monty Carlo....he sd "best acid in Cincy"...very strong but ached the tummy and the body badly...very good.visuals n madness...

Too bad I'm not a little older. I grew up in cincy
But you're saying this was the WHOLE circular plate?..
yep...whole fricken plate...ha...I was very skeptical til I ate been dealin w the guy on weed n other stff so I knew him n trusted him...but a paper plate.full of acid is just fishy idc who u are...haha...was legit tho...dude was tied in w bikers n stff so who knows where it came from.

the paper plate was bad enuf...but those penciled lines...haha...fitting I guess

I hope this isn't the norm for lsd nowadays...

My pupils are a bit dialated...small tracers..almost no a matter a fact zero madness....

I hvnt dropped acid since like 99....I was a heavy user all thru the 90s...

Names of 90s acid I can remember. ...

"Bunk"...brown paper w bunk stamped on it...

"The wizard"....sheet had a wizard holdin the world in his hand....

"Recycle"...brown paper w recycle stamped on it...

Now that shit was acid....ha...three hits n u cldnt talk....

Idk maybe I just got some shitty hits. ..but my attempt at tripping failed....bummer

good and bad memories lol, not taken acid since the 90s
there was so much LSD in the 90s cost £2-5 each
red microdot black microdot both tiny,
the larger ones that looked like a small piece of lighter flint were known as "nut nuts"
the biggest nutnuts were the strongest that i remember per single dose maybe 2x as strong as the better blotting paper trips
the gelatin ones were not so great "windowpanes"
the blotting paper trips the most popular i remember were Purple ohms they were good 3 of them was enough for me, would come on quick 30mins or so
with lots of visuals after about 2 hours , 1 trip is not enough for me to see all the crazy patterns and shit swirling around everywhere still it is an intense experience for about 8 hours
rory skuxx...somebody...whats up w shamanic extracts?....are they legit? rite here bout to order this shroom kit...price is awesome....simple as pie...everything to me is a "go"....I mean the.kit cldnt be any easier seems and produces quite well for the $$ imo I just dnt wanna get all kinds of bad reviews on the company....