Mr.Vega drops two hits of white blotter....

Fun times..too much energy tho for the times I done them..shoulda made it a better scenario,but I was camping in the middle of festivals when I did em...I have been around a lot of raw,but never had the chance,knowing what the chance would encur..glad I did em,wish I woulda stashed em away(by the way,the crystal touches you,you don't get to touch the crystal).
Duck I got to thinking and really that's the tip of the iceberg...I really have seen a lot of prints..even the gels..anyone see rainbow jellies? Swirled colors?..and the clear ones...those were sweet.
Duck I got to thinking and really that's the tip of the iceberg...I really have seen a lot of prints..even the gels..anyone see rainbow jellies? Swirled colors?..and the clear ones...those were sweet.
I seen some that looked like they had sparkles in em...
Duck I got to thinking and really that's the tip of the iceberg...I really have seen a lot of prints..even the gels..anyone see rainbow jellies? Swirled colors?..and the clear ones...those were sweet.

those omegas n dolphins n all the other rolls I used to get all came frm the same connect...he was hittin the highway n coppin em outta town so coulda been thru u indirectly...all east coast
The rainbow and clear gels circulated like 98-99ish, right? At least if we're talking about the same batches. I saw the rainbows (we called em tye dyed but I've seen a lot of gels and they were always monochromatic so I'm just guessing these are the same) once and they were quite good. The clears I got were some of the best acid I ever had. I now remember they were the summer of '99. I ate them the night before I had to receive an award and was still kinda going during the talk (titled Color, Light, Chemistry!).
I.googled the metallic bitter taste from 90s lsd....seems like the ppl on the web that were there and did it are saying the same thing I am..the good L taste this way....thats just how it was....they dnt make it like that anymore for the masses I dont think....n thats probably a good thing.

there was a ...taste.... sort of, kind of, in the stuff we used to get. It was almost a slight metalic effect, and then tiny, sort of an electric buzz on the tongue, I know it wasn't all my imagination, it just sort of made your tongue "zap" a bit and then left just a tiny aluminum foil sort of effect on the tongue. It always happened with the big doses but I don't think I could ever call it bitter and I am not really sure "taste" is the right term for the effect on the tongue.

Strange that I would remember that.
an electric zap on ur tongue is a bttr explanation...bitter n metallic is all I could come up w but I wasnt happy w that description either...u.def knew u had somthin strong in ur mouth tho...I got to where I cldnt suck on the hits...had to swallow em like body wanted to reject em
Yea duck,clears weren't really clear.if you held them to white paper,they were sky blue..but that was the time period..rainbows and red balloons ect..
I've see the sparkle was the gold flake powder used In lutz glass(lotta glass blowers on tour)..look up lutz glass and you'll see what I'm talking about..basically the market was flooded so like allways the dealers think of marketing strategy to get the product gone...
Yeah they were somewhat translucent and had a bit of a bluish tint. Never held em up to white paper though.
Back in the day it was my drug of choice. So so saweet. Haven't done in over 20 yrs. No connections to anyone anymore but my son tells me crazy things done to what back in the day was pretty sane n dare I say safe when used judiciously.
i ate alot of lsd in the early 2000s to 05...the shit was 250-300 per sheet. always white on white non perforated...i traded some of my outdoor for 3 hits a few weekends ago, at all 3 and didnt feel SHIT...i agree i think acid just sucks now adays or whoever is making it has no idea what the fuck they are doing or how to lay good sheets...idk thats just on the east coast. just my 2 cents, later
What's up ak!! Long time no see...sorry you got bunked..believe me..the oohwee is around..just gotta know when the candyman is in town..
Its funny I ate a lot of lsd in the early 90s to 2k...and it was 75 to 150 a inflation is..I hope in ten years its not 600 a sheet..I'm feeling bad when I pay 3 or 4..