Mr.Vega drops two hits of white blotter....

I had some bunk acid in the mid nineties. Small white tab said bunk from corner to corner. One hit and you'd be swimming in the city fountain, climbing the walls, howling the moon. Roll a joint? For about 5 hours couldn't even remember what a joint was. Had some great shit in the nineties. All paper.
Last time I got "LSD" it seemed very, very watered down.
...when u ate.paper acid in the 90s did it make ur face cringe from the taste? that shit used to.taste so strong my body developed an involutary reaction that when I looked at the hits in my palm before eating them id get a shiver up my body and my jaws would cringe n lock...I point where.I.cldnt let the hits sit in my mouth...I had to swallow em like pills else I wldnt get em down
Sucks you didn't get off though. Better luck next time. Did you ever order any of that root bark?
Yea vega..I gotta say I've eaten more acid than you could imagine..I've broke down grams of raw numerous times,laid it on paper,made gel tabs,broke it up into sweet breath bottles..I eat 5 to start out you had some 90s silver back in the day..great..silver and fluff is in my got sold some bunk acid..I tripped my balls off like in the 90s..last night.
Yea vega..I gotta say I've eaten more acid than you could imagine..I've broke down grams of raw numerous times,laid it on paper,made gel tabs,broke it up into sweet breath bottles..I eat 5 to start out you had some 90s silver back in the day..great..silver and fluff is in my got sold some bunk acid..I tripped my balls off like in the 90s..last night.

Man I haven't seen a sweetbreath bottle in a minute! The last several vials I've gotten were in dark little glass bottles with droppers
Acid is not as potent as far as dosages go these days,but the quality is not gonna make your jaw clench with bad tastes..everyone stock up,gonna be a few years till the fluff comes around..those guys keep it on lock.
I remember buying a whole box of sweetbreath vials at a krystal gas station..imagine the looks you get when you buy 100 vials of breath
I'm confident rory could eat all the acid in the world given a week or so :lol:
not.the acid I speak of....I promise...we were very seasoned veterans at this acid eating business...more than four or five hits at once and u cldnt handle it...u started trippin on ur heart n shit cause itd b beatin outta ur chest...u cldnt see cause everything was a mess... cldnt talk....I had a dude give me a a.ten strip of it....I replied NO FKN WAY!!!....I think itd kill u eat ten,after putting down in a pyrex pan.
Read a little more on acid man...find out what a ug is..then see if you'd like to join me for a mg.
I shit you ex fiancee would scare me with her lsd festivals we would attend,she had me carry a sheet around even if I wasn't hustlin..just in case she wanted ten might remember me talking about turning her teeth red with gel tab shavings...brrrr! Sent a chill up my spine..
ive had my share of sweet breath vials...ha...ive nvr read on lsd all my knowledge comes from usage...heres the knowledge on acid for.example on why it tasted like I know this is retarded but just to show u I know nothing of the "make up" of acid...the taste.on the paper was from stricknine(spelling?rat poison)...thats what I.was told as a kid n it just stuck...ha...idk why it tasted that way but all.the good.paper I got ttasted that way...thats immediately gauge the quality stronger more bitter the better...thats how it seemed anyway....
I shit you ex fiancee would scare me with her lsd festivals we would attend,she had me carry a sheet around even if I wasn't hustlin..just in case she wanted ten might remember me talking about turning her teeth red with gel tab shavings...brrrr! Sent a chill up my spine..
theres.the involuntary shiver im tlkn abt....all acids heads have it....I.can get it.just by thinking abt it sometimes eat ten,after putting down in a pyrex pan.
Read a little more on acid man...find out what a ug is..then see if you'd like to join me for a mg.
no rory...I know for a fact what kinda sick twisted drug fiend I am...if ur droppin ten hits of that acid I speak of ur a fkn maniac...ha...n a crazier man than I....ha
so ud drop a ten strip of the 90s bunk??? not sure a man could handle that n make it out alive to tel the tale...maybe ten sweet breath drops...I can see.that...ten of that madman blotter...whew....u better not go in public...ha