• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

More reasons for impeachment, pick one!


New Member
lying about a blow job vs. lying to start a war....gee which is going to actually affect this country? Apples and oranges. They both lied and yes Clintopn lied under oath he deserved to get punished for lying. If you don't think Bush should be impeached give a reason....

So what's to stop another president from starting a personal war if nothing happens as a consequence? Why should we let politicians walk all over us are we that pathetic? Dude I don't know how you feel but basically some terrorists f*cked with us in our own neighborhood, and we were pissed as hell and I felt we were actually all united in that moment, we were all brothers and sisters that day, we all hurt, we all where sad and angry...a united front, a family. Our leader turned around and took advantage of the situation by starting a war to profit the oil industry (his friends). What have we done to pay back those cowards that actually committed this atrocity in our own backyard. NOTHING!!! I don't know about you guys but I want my children to grow up in a safer world....

Bush made us look pathetic to the rest of the world...he took advantage of each and every citizen of this country. He is responsible for every life lost in this so called "war". He told congress to back off yesterday, he basically told this country that what we want doesn't matter. He's OC....outta control...a bull in a china shop
1. This isn't Bush's "personal war." How many members of Congress voted in favor of the war .... do you know?

2. Thousands upon thousands of Islamofascists have been killed in Iraq, including many of their leaders. Saddam supported terrorists and maintained terrorist training camps. Saddam was pulled out of a Gopher hole, tried and hung. His two murderous sons have been killed by our military. Osama is hiding in a hole in Pakistan somewhere. And in case you need reminding ... there has not been a single major terrorist attack on our country since 9-11. Do you just suppose that's because the terrorists don't want to attack us anymore?

3. Damn right Bush told Congress to back off. He's the Commander in Chief, not Nancy Pelosi. Read the Constitution for reference. The last time I read the document, it said something about "seperation of powers." I don't believe that's changed any, has it?



Well-Known Member
1. This isn't Bush's "personal war." How many members of Congress voted in favor of the war .... do you know?
True, but under false pretenses... Although I'm not in favor of impeachment, this would be more than enough reason. Same reason they should have impeached Jonson because he lied about the Bay of Tonkin incident. Last I remember ling in a congressional hearing is a crime.

We have been round and round on number 2... I won't dignify it by posting it.

3. Damn right Bush told Congress to back off. He's the Commander in Chief, not Nancy Pelosi. Read the Constitution for reference. The last time I read the document, it said something about "seperation of powers." I don't believe that's changed any, has it?

Congress holds the keys when it comes to war, he may be the commander and chief but he still has to answer to Congress and the Senate. He is not ABOVE the law. And I have read the Constitution.
I'm not saying that the Liberals don't have everything they need for impeachment, I just doubt that the country needs to go through the mess of a impeachment proceeding... Not if the bill was purposed 6 months ago, I'd have said go for it.


New Member
1. This isn't Bush's "personal war." How many members of Congress voted in favor of the war .... do you know?

2. Thousands upon thousands of Islamofascists have been killed in Iraq, including many of their leaders. Saddam supported terrorists and maintained terrorist training camps. Saddam was pulled out of a Gopher hole, tried and hung. His two murderous sons have been killed by our military. Osama is hiding in a hole in Pakistan somewhere. And in case you need reminding ... there has not been a single major terrorist attack on our country since 9-11. Do you just suppose that's because the terrorists don't want to attack us anymore?

3. Damn right Bush told Congress to back off. He's the Commander in Chief, not Nancy Pelosi. Read the Constitution for reference. The last time I read the document, it said something about "seperation of powers." I don't believe that's changed any, has it?

Man you've got to get a grip on reality. Read that list again and if you cant find one thing that is grounds for impeachment or downright treasonous you must be friken blind. I think you are a figment of Ann Rand. BTW, I've got the good stuff now!~LOL~.


Well-Known Member
Exactly..we basically took a beehive and kicked that bitch across the yard. Now everyone is saying we need to pull out of Iraq, but if we do it will only make the situation worse at this point.
Sorry, but "everyone" is NOT saying we should pull out of Iraq. Those who remember history are not saying that at all. Those who have analyized the situation realize exactly why we are there and why we should stay. Those with a political axe to grind or those America Haters on the extreme left ... you know the rabid Bush haters? ... well, when they see the blood-bath the pull out will cause, they'll start bitching about to rapid of a pull-out just as soon as we pull out. Read some Vietnam history for reference.

If we pull out, there will a bloodbath. But who will be dying? Not Americans.

If we want the terrorists to not want to attack us, we can't simply leave Iraq. We would have to cease all relations with Muslim nations. That is what they want. But what they also want is for the entire world to be controlled by a caliphate. So even if we give them what they want, there is no gaurantee they wouldn't keep attacking us. That is why you don't negotiate with terrorists.

I know of a simple way to stop the attacks. Don't have Muslims living in your nation, and don't let them visit. If they aren't there, they can't attack you. In the UK the guys doing the attacks are mostly born and bred there. That is a result of multiculturalism, but such is their (and our) future.


Well-Known Member
If we pull out, there will a bloodbath. But who will be dying? Not Americans.

If we want the terrorists to not want to attack us, we can't simply leave Iraq. We would have to cease all relations with Muslim nations. That is what they want. But what they also want is for the entire world to be controlled by a caliphate. So even if we give them what they want, there is no gaurantee they wouldn't keep attacking us. That is why you don't negotiate with terrorists.

I know of a simple way to stop the attacks. Don't have Muslims living in your nation, and don't let them visit. If they aren't there, they can't attack you. In the UK the guys doing the attacks are mostly born and bred there. That is a result of multiculturalism, but such is their (and our) future.


Master of Mayhem
If you want to believe everything the Mainstream Media shoves down your throat, then have at it.
You know that is the EXACT same thing I tell people too. I do not believe anything the mainstream madia, OR the government crams down our throat.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Believe me, I'd like to see Bush impeached. But there isn't a good enough reason for it. Only those on the far-left suggest it, and that is because they aren't bright enough to understand you need good reasons to impeach someone. With Clinton they had good reasons.

And Med, suicide isn't my style. Sorry.
Oh please ....these people lied this country into war and that is a FACT ....

Ex-CIA analyst: Forged 'yellowcake' memo'leads right back to' Cheney

.... and I'm sure you've never heard of the downing street minutes that proves they lied ....

[URL="http://www.truthout.org/docs_2006/020907J.shtml"]DoD Report Appears to Confirm Downing Street Memo
A long-awaited report on the veracity of pre-war Iraq intelligence has found that a secretive policy shop exaggerated the Iraqi threat, providing the White House with cherry-picked information about links between Iraq and al Qaeda. The shop, operating out of the Pentagon, was set up by then-Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. Its goal was to lay the groundwork for a pre-emptive military strike against Iraq.

The secret Downing Street memo
It seemed clear that Bush had made up his mind to take military action, even if the timing was not yet decided. But the case was thin. Saddam was not threatening his neighbours, and his WMD capability was less than that of Libya, North Korea or Iran. We should work up a plan for an ultimatum to Saddam to allow back in the UN weapons inspectors. This would also help with the legal justification for the use of force.

Here is the actual memo on PDF ....

Plus there is this ....
[URL="http://thinkprogress.org/2006/04/23/60-minutes-cia-official-reveals-bush-cheney-rice-were-personally-told-iraq-had-no-wmd-in-fall-2002"]60 Minutes: CIA Official Reveals Bush, Cheney, Rice Were Personally Told Iraq Had No WMD in Fall 2002 [/URL]

... and that just the war .... that doesn't include the torture, the illegal wire tappings, the caging pratices that are going on .... outing a CIA agent ... stolen elections ..the list goes on and on ....

You talk about Clinton lying under oath, but the illegitmate bush and cheney refused to testify under oath ... so what's up with that?

.... seem to me that your not bright enough to keep yourself informed of what is going on .... :roll:

:joint: :hump: :peace:


Master of Mayhem
Sorry, but "everyone" is NOT saying we should pull out of Iraq. Those who remember history are not saying that at all. Those who have analyized the situation realize exactly why we are there and why we should stay. Those with a political axe to grind or those America Haters on the extreme left ... you know the rabid Bush haters? ... well, when they see the blood-bath the pull out will cause, they'll start bitching about to rapid of a pull-out just as soon as we pull out. Read some Vietnam history for reference.

I didn't mean everybody literally. I just meant that alot of people are screaming for us to pull out, but it's too late now.....we shouldn't have done it in the first place IMO.

This is what we should have done:

I know of a simple way to stop the attacks. Don't have Muslims living in your nation, and don't let them visit. If they aren't there, they can't attack you. In the UK the guys doing the attacks are mostly born and bred there. That is a result of multiculturalism, but such is their (and our) future.
And I have to add:

Oh please ....these people lied this country into war and that is a FACT ....

Ex-CIA analyst: Forged 'yellowcake' memo'leads right back to' Cheney

.... and I'm sure you've never heard of the downing street minutes that proves they lied ....

[URL="http://www.truthout.org/docs_2006/020907J.shtml"]DoD Report Appears to Confirm Downing Street Memo
A long-awaited report on the veracity of pre-war Iraq intelligence has found that a secretive policy shop exaggerated the Iraqi threat, providing the White House with cherry-picked information about links between Iraq and al Qaeda. The shop, operating out of the Pentagon, was set up by then-Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. Its goal was to lay the groundwork for a pre-emptive military strike against Iraq.

The secret Downing Street memo
It seemed clear that Bush had made up his mind to take military action, even if the timing was not yet decided. But the case was thin. Saddam was not threatening his neighbours, and his WMD capability was less than that of Libya, North Korea or Iran. We should work up a plan for an ultimatum to Saddam to allow back in the UN weapons inspectors. This would also help with the legal justification for the use of force.

Here is the actual memo on PDF ....

Plus there is this ....
[URL="http://thinkprogress.org/2006/04/23/60-minutes-cia-official-reveals-bush-cheney-rice-were-personally-told-iraq-had-no-wmd-in-fall-2002"]60 Minutes: CIA Official Reveals Bush, Cheney, Rice Were Personally Told Iraq Had No WMD in Fall 2002 [/URL]

... and that just the war .... that doesn't include the torture, the illegal wire tappings, the caging pratices that are going on .... outing a CIA agent ... stolen elections ..the list goes on and on ....

You talk about Clinton lying under oath, but the illegitmate bush and cheney refused to testify under oath ... so what's up with that?

.... seem to me that your not bright enough to keep yourself informed of what is going on .... :roll:

:joint: :hump: :peace:
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


Well-Known Member
You got to be kidding me ..... sounds pretty racist to me ... and like you bought into the power of fear ....

... and Vietnam is still standing if you haven't notice ... they survive the US leaving and so will Iraq ....

.... there may be a esclation of violence .... most likely stage by the private army hired by the US .... but things would improve and since the people of Iraq want the US out and it's THEIR country then the US need to get the hell out now ....


Just some idiot
Yeah c'mon Muslims as a whole are very peaceful and just like you and me. They don't want to see or experience all this violence. What if every Christian was associated with say a Koresh type, extremists are the ones we need to worry about. It would be nice to see us use other outlets to combat the problem. Hey you support or harbor terrorists we aren't trading with you, they need our money especially Pakistan. Jihad is a bad thing so were the crusades. The whole world needs to wake up...terrorism is everywhere and nobody is safe. Out of all the middle eastern countries to attack..Iraq c'mon people. Not that I condone war but I could think of a lot of other countries (syria) that openly support terrorism why didn't we go invade there...OIL there was an agenda and it wasn't the american people's agenda. And the fact that we haven't gotten close to Bin Laden just shows the terrorists all over the world that they can get away with senseless murder. Our troops need to be here protecting our soil...all the sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, etc. are missed and needed at home. How many young americans have lost a parent, is it worth it? How many mothers lost their sons....:cry:


Master of Mayhem
Settle down guys, I'm not racist at all. It just that if we had to pick an extreme to go to, that would be the one for me. I would much rather do that than have all those people, of ALL cultures, over there dying.

I think that if we would have put all of that effort into fortifying our country, rather than blowing others up, we would be pretty damn safe.

I personally have no problem with any race or culture, and frankly if we hadn't invaded an entire country, we would not have 1/10 of the concern we do now. Like I said before...its like we kicked a bees' nest.....it was over there buzzing and we ran up and kicked it........and now all of those bees are going to try to sting us no matter what we do.


Just some idiot
It's cool I wasn't thinking your were racist. I was just making a general statement about the subject. I guess things can come across the wrong way when you are writing it rather than saying it. Sorry if I come across as being a little too passionate...I'm actually a really laid back guy.


Master of Mayhem
I'm actually a really laid back guy.
Yeah me too:mrgreen: :peace:

I actually agree with everything you say here:

Yeah c'mon Muslims as a whole are very peaceful and just like you and me. They don't want to see or experience all this violence. What if every Christian was associated with say a Koresh type, extremists are the ones we need to worry about. It would be nice to see us use other outlets to combat the problem. Hey you support or harbor terrorists we aren't trading with you, they need our money especially Pakistan. Jihad is a bad thing so were the crusades. The whole world needs to wake up...terrorism is everywhere and nobody is safe. Out of all the middle eastern countries to attack..Iraq c'mon people. Not that I condone war but I could think of a lot of other countries (syria) that openly support terrorism why didn't we go invade there...OIL there was an agenda and it wasn't the american people's agenda. And the fact that we haven't gotten close to Bin Laden just shows the terrorists all over the world that they can get away with senseless murder. Our troops need to be here protecting our soil...all the sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, etc. are missed and needed at home. How many young americans have lost a parent, is it worth it? How many mothers lost their sons....:cry:
I just didn't want anybody to get the wrong impression about me.


Well-Known Member
Oh please ....these people lied this country into war and that is a FACT ....

Ex-CIA analyst: Forged 'yellowcake' memo'leads right back to' Cheney

.... and I'm sure you've never heard of the downing street minutes that proves they lied ....

[URL="http://www.truthout.org/docs_2006/020907J.shtml"]DoD Report Appears to Confirm Downing Street Memo
A long-awaited report on the veracity of pre-war Iraq intelligence has found that a secretive policy shop exaggerated the Iraqi threat, providing the White House with cherry-picked information about links between Iraq and al Qaeda. The shop, operating out of the Pentagon, was set up by then-Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. Its goal was to lay the groundwork for a pre-emptive military strike against Iraq.

The secret Downing Street memo
It seemed clear that Bush had made up his mind to take military action, even if the timing was not yet decided. But the case was thin. Saddam was not threatening his neighbours, and his WMD capability was less than that of Libya, North Korea or Iran. We should work up a plan for an ultimatum to Saddam to allow back in the UN weapons inspectors. This would also help with the legal justification for the use of force.

Here is the actual memo on PDF ....

Plus there is this ....
[URL="http://thinkprogress.org/2006/04/23/60-minutes-cia-official-reveals-bush-cheney-rice-were-personally-told-iraq-had-no-wmd-in-fall-2002"]60 Minutes: CIA Official Reveals Bush, Cheney, Rice Were Personally Told Iraq Had No WMD in Fall 2002 [/URL]

... and that just the war .... that doesn't include the torture, the illegal wire tappings, the caging pratices that are going on .... outing a CIA agent ... stolen elections ..the list goes on and on ....

You talk about Clinton lying under oath, but the illegitmate bush and cheney refused to testify under oath ... so what's up with that?

.... seem to me that your not bright enough to keep yourself informed of what is going on .... :roll:

:joint: :hump: :peace:
I know about all that. The Downing Street Memo is more or less based on one line. I wish it was actually a smoking gun, but it's not.

And McGovern, he associates with commies, so I don't give a shit what he has to say. He should put up or shut up with the evidence. Otherwise he can keep blowing smoke.


Well-Known Member
I know about all that. The Downing Street Memo is more or less based on one line. I wish it was actually a smoking gun, but it's not.

And McGovern, he associates with commies, so I don't give a shit what he has to say. He should put up or shut up with the evidence. Otherwise he can keep blowing smoke.
Wrong ... it proves they cook the evidence so they could invade Iraq .... they knew .... just like the liberal bloggers where saying .... that Iraq had no weapons .... the only ones that bought that shit are the MSM viewers like yourself ...and it doesn't matter whether you like McGovern or not the shit lead back to the illegitimate bush regime. :-|

They lied ... that a FACT


New Member
Wrong ... it proves they cook the evidence so they could invade Iraq .... they knew .... just like the liberal bloggers where saying .... that Iraq had no weapons .... the only ones that bought that shit are the MSM viewers like yourself ...and it doesn't matter whether you like McGovern or not the shit lead back to the illegitimate bush regime. :-|

They lied ... that a FACT
Still pounding the "illegitimate bush regime" drum, eh GrowRebel? Even after I provided you with the U.S. Supreme Court documents to prove otherwise? Stupidity is as stupidity does. :roll:



Well-Known Member
Still pounding the "illegitimate bush regime" drum, eh GrowRebel? Even after I provided you with the U.S. Supreme Court documents to prove otherwise? Stupidity is as stupidity does. :roll:

... and I posted a link to show in layman's terms why that ruling was fucked .... you chose to ignore it .... because you couldn't respond to it ... and you were unable like the rest of the blind folks on this issue to dispute any of the evidence I posted .... not one .... so it is you that is the stupid one ..... the elections were stolen and that's a FACT you can't dispute ...
.... keep talking shit .... it only confirms your stupidity ... :-|

:hump: :peace: