Moondance's Universe of Breeding

Shit nice view you got there buddy. Putting in the Work! I love it, It would be nice to smoke a fat one while having dinner right on the dock!
You have an open invite bro, anytime you want it md, you work hard enough, take a break one of these days and we'll take out the pontoon and lower the walleye countbongsmilie
Bet on that Brother, I got a lot more work to do though LOL. I will take a break soon, getting a bit nipply out but hell we can ice fish and burn one just the same LOL.
Good fucking morning Crew! Haha sorry I am having a fun day already. Ray and I are heading to the scrap yard today for a final clean up run, of both yards. I found all kinds of metal laying around the new place, still has mail going to it from the previous owners, important stuff too. I marked it all not at this address and sent it back, see if that works or not. I am making infused cranberry juice today, adding magic honey to the mix for that extra little healthy boost. The wifey and I are still trying to get her brothers birthday gift all sourced, we are giving him a happy 50th coffin filled with the essentials like preperation h, bengay, laxatives you know all the good stuff LOL. I am hoping the Halloween stores are doing clearance still and I can pick the basics up today.
Super excited the new company banner came in, looks pretty good, I think the next one has to be bigger at least taller if nothing else to spread the logo out better. I tested my salter yesterday and its all good, I thought for sure I would have to replace the motor right from the git but were good for now!
I am happy to report the Neon Creep clone are ready to go to a new home very soon, the girls in the flower chamber are a little worse for wear but they went through a lot with taking photos and the initial training. They will look better in a week or so, they usually do. Buds are already set on the Neon Creep #1 & #2, Same on the Fireballs, and the Psycho Killer just set buds so we are rolling along nicely. At this rate we should be flipping the tent again in under 2 months from now with new cuts. With us only holding 4 moms here, I can flower a full 8 on Vert-I-Grow Ladder Trellises next run and max out the harvest yields or at least try to.
Here are a few shots from yesterday loading the salter by myself, I am used to it lol. Didnt want it getting put through my back window so I did it. Have a great day all, gotta go to work now!
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Morning Crew! So I had a little hiccup yesterday, my new guy didnt want to run scrap with me. I didnt see hide nor hair of him, so I did the damn run on my own, hurt a bit to get it done. On to the next candidate, I just texted a guy for an interview today, lets see if he wants to work right! Someone has to want to work, might just take me a little while longer to find one. They are getting a FOOT of snow in Minnesota this weekend, we have some flakes coming and the weather is about to turn bad on us, I am not ready. That fucker yesterday cost me half a day in work i needed to do but couldn't due to being fucked up all night from pain. I got a lot to get done in the next tow days but I am half way there. I had to take some time out also to secure the new house across the way, I have been waiting 3 years to get it and now its mine hehe, down side there were squaters living in it until the other night when I got serious with the eviction process. I had to get all the garbage out and fix up the fences, I screwed the doors closed with 4" screws so they got to go up the stairs of death to get in now LOL. Im not being a dick, they were smoking up there, shitting all over there is literally 10" of human feces in the toilet upstairs, above the rim yuuuukk. Its nasty. I was mainly worried they would start a fire to stay warm and burn my new house down, fuck that. We have kids in all the houses around too, so if a fire spreads there fucked too no way in hell. I guess these 3 have done this all over the city from what the street says, so they moved on, now I just have to keep them out. I have to secure the upstairs back door still before winter, and patch up a broken window. We will go in in the spring and have a crew in full gear clean and disinfect it, then I and the team can go in and fix whats broken. It looks good again finally, I am making a organic garden in the back yard for the new tenants. They will have organic vegetables and fruit when they move in. I am re painting the private sign today in red, the primer doesn't pop at all, I might even tag the doors while I am at it. So far the whole block seems to know its mine now so thats cool they can watch out for it like I watch out for them, works both ways like that right!
Okay Crew I got lots to do today. If anyone in S.E. Michigan needs a job and don't mind working in the snow PM me please, I am out of Pontiac, and White Gold is coming!
fuck man thats straight top notch of you. its too bad Im nowhere near michigan cause Id probably love working with you! Not much work round my way these days
fuck man thats straight top notch of you. its too bad Im nowhere near michigan cause Id probably love working with you! Not much work round my way these days
How the hell are you? Yeah fuck I even texted a guy yesterday said to come by for an interview anytime, nope noone showed yesterday and it was a hell of a day for me shit. I wish you were closer I need some help and soon. Good to see ya welcome!
What up Crew! WOW what a day I had yesterday shit. So it actually turns out the people in the house I got are not the ones who trashed it and ripped me off by stealing all the appliances and wiring. They have been trying to find the owner and have been in there 2years the way it is. So at first we had an all out shouting match, that lead to me informing them their basic information about the house was false. Then we started over with introductions and proceeded from there to have a long talk. Even though Its tied up in the system right now I cannot take possession psychically till the spring, all the lawyers and city people are doing what they do. I couldnt get them out if I wanted to anyway, I told them to not freeze and stay alive and they can stay there and watch the place, if they help clean it up and work a bit, the one guy may shovel for me this winter for cash. They thought I was putting them on the street right before winter, I said hell no I dont care just dont let it burn down, we can work out the rest later on. There was a busted staircase crackheads were sneaking up in the middle of the night to get at them, and they were a bit freaked about it. I took out 8 stairs from it before daylight faded on me, so someone will have to scale up the fucking side of this place now to get to them. I dropped them a box of trash bags so they can start cleaning up in there. I got to tell them to cover all the window over with blankets to help with the cold, they said they only stay for a few hours overnight now so they should be okay if they stay smart.
That was like only an hour and a half of my day LOL. I was so busy I didnt take any pics, yeah that fucking busy lol. The salter tested out good, all my bearings are loose and rolling which rocks, I thought for sure I would have to replace something. All good in the hood hehe, just have to finish up a few things and it is remounted and ready to make cash money in a week. I took a leap and put the liquid tank in Mistress in case shit gets real this winter, I may need to squirt some lots clean. Be cheaper and I can pretreat with it and save time and money on any jobs I can land. Not really worried about starting again lol, I get flagged down for cash every year. I am going to drop some flyers to some old clients and let them know I am back in the game again see if they need service too. Hiring people is becomeing a bitch and I just started trying to hire people, gotta get someone to run HR soon fuck this shit I got better things to do then beg people to work LOL. I'll just get at it myself for now like I always do, just a touch slower but I am getting stronger every day now. Finally lost the gut, now I have to build muscle back up, I am going to visit a couple of gym next week to see which is a better feel. I got my hand wraps for the heavy bag to get my striking back, I cant rely on my knees so I will have to knock someone out in the first few minutes or try to lol. I like ground and pound too so I got to focus on that, I dont know if there are mma training gyms around here so I may have to search for those next week. First things first though gotta fix the heat in Duke hes the dually, ran the last season with a little defroster thingy - froze my fucking ass off Literally, took me hours to get thawed after a run that year. Fuck that I got to be warm damnit. Thats first on the list for today, maybe we get some people to interview maybe we dont i dont know, guess we will see Crew! Have a day people, I got one day left of 65 and sunny this season I got to hit it SEE YA.
Top of the Morning Crew! I may have found a worker online, the guy is like right around the corner from me too. Gotta wait a few hours to call him but I will see if he will come by to interview and we go from there. I got most of the salter and truck fixed and ready. Its pretty cool Duke is like a new truck just classic hehe, I got the heat fixed, they wanted like 180 bucks for a stupid blend motor thing, fuck that I drilled a hold in the dash and added a handle, turn that bitch for heat and all good. Cost me like 4 bucks to do the fix lol, At least there's heat now, I ran the one year with just a little defroster thing o that was cold. I re wired the lights, added a bracket to the plow controller box to stiffen it up. Kinda sucked ass though I had to cut off a link and a half from my salter chain to be able to adjust it right, guess they stretch a little over time too LOL. I have two small chains to run and wire it up and we can make bank as soon as it snows and sticks. I am going to leave it be until Monday and get some house stuff done. We have to hot water bath the cranberry concentrate I made the other day. I am also going to do a run of Pineapple today for winter, we got them for 1.29 each so we got 5 to can with this time. It should give us plenty to get through the winter, and we use a honey water instead of sugar to reduce the amount of sugars used. So yummy and just a hint of honey taste at the end. So I am going to smoke a bowl of Skunk Wrecked Widows and get after it. Hopefully by this afternoon I got a kick ass employee to help and lighten the load on me and we can really get going hehe! Later.
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We had no takers so I relisted it LOL, all for charity why not right.
Kick ass Crew I hired someone today and he is cool as hell. He will make a kick ass addition to the team. Have a great weekend I can relax now sweet. Later. MD
Top of the Morning Crew! Now we are going to get moving, this is so Exciting. I had the best weekend I have had in years, I was relaxed and not worried about nothing until this morning when I checked the jars. I am extra low on meds, I will have to ration for a while and hope it lasts for now. I think in a couple of weeks time, we will be all caught up and should have a nice bit of padding in the bank. We can go source some meds from a dispensary around here, It wont be anywhere close to what I am used to, that sucks but it is what it is I guess. We got another 4 to 6 weeks on the flower chamber. I knew I started it 2 weeks to late but I have been so busy I am just glad I have the plants looking so good right now. No looking back anymore though so fuck it we move on. I was so pissed this weekend, a church in Orion gave away 1000 lbs of food, that they put to the curb for pickup, basically told no one about it till it went out around facebook the following afternoon, we already had a hard freeze overnight so everything would have been rotting by the time we got there the next night. I could have fed so many people out here on the streets with that food damnit. Fuckers - we got people starving in the streets and they cant remember to make a simple post fuck! Thats all changing this week fuck it, I am going to start putting in free food stands all over town soon. We will go out and pick up this free food and distribute it proper like FUCK THEM if they dont like it LOL, I love pissing people off its just plain fun!!!!!!!
It's just getting stupid or has been really, for those of you who dont know me at the age of 18 I was homeless for 7 months before a friends mom found out and put me up and gave me a hand up. I get very mad because people mostly look away when it comes to the homeless, o there dirty, o they drink or smoke drugs, o there pissing on that tree. Well yeah our society put them out on the streets and forgets about them, they die, they freeze, they starve, no one cares cause it doesnt directly affect them. It's the same way if your disabled to, I have never had a stranger open a door while I was on cane. I watch people walk way around people cause they are a little different then the rest, like we dont fit into their little perfect picture of life of something.
My Crew blows people out of the way for our Community and we always have, my Partners who meet me in Colorado did that for me, didnt know me from a whole in the ground before we meet that night. They needed some help and shelter, I needed to be protected from harm. They fucking killed it ya'll, I love them for life for that time we spent together those 2 days. Shishkaboy and Tkufos are my Partners in crime that blasted fuckers right out of almost crushing my gimpy ass. I love ya boys and your apart of everything were doing moving forward if you want to be. I am going to be coming to see both of you as soon as I get a chance to slip away, now that I have a right hand man that's going to happen after the first of the year now.

We already have 7 food plots planned for next year on new properties I just acquired, and I want to make more green growing spaces around town to have more fresh produce available for free to residents and homeless people - anyone really, we will encourage helping out with weeding, watering, cleaning some debris so they can feel they are helping in the processes. Hey maybe we can put one in at a few shelters around town and it will give people something to do during the day, when they are not working for us.

Well Crew Have the best day you can, I know its Monday but make it count, you only have so many seconds today that you can never get back, Make them ALL Count!
Happy Thanksgiving Crew! I hope everyone is taking time out to spend with family this year, it has been such a turbulent year that all I am doing for Thanksgiving is spending time with family all day! We got so much work done this week so far I am already dry walling the new office space for the new Dank Inovations Crew members to move in and start production next week, getting that done a week early. Wow I am super happy with the way things are shaping up now. We doubled what I was getting done per day just in the first 2 days, in less hours so I can concentrate on hiring more cool ass people to help us grow. We already have a bunch of calls in for estimates, and were doing some rain day canvassing later to drum up some business for the snow company. We still have some equipment issue to work out, and we have to reorganize the shed and add a light, get the generator running and ready in case we need it. We have shovelers coming in next week for orientation. Rolling right along now though so we roll with it and see what this winter brings us, but I see all the signs of a 60+" winter for us in S.E. Michigan, and the lake effect snow machine is going to crank up because none of the big lakes are frozen at all. Could be dumping lake effect on us for months LOL! I guess i am as ready as i am going to be mentally for snow to hit, I get to get bck to work on other things again cool beans. I am getting sponsors lined up for our first event next year, getting the layouts ready to go to the designer for the posters and web ads. I am going to be adding 2 new partner companies tonight after we get one with money day. Both are stellar additions to the family so I am super stoked about that, we finally have some people finding 3 Kings and following us so I have to go check them out and see what kind of cool people we get to follow back! Have a great Holiday, If you get some left overs please hand a paper plate of food to a homeless person on the streets. Just hand it to them and say happy holidays it will make thier days and fill their bellys for the night - THANK YOU!
Radishes and Lettuce - Only had Kelp juice for 3 weeks!
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Yummy turned these into Cranberry concentrate, and mash for water flavoring! IMG_20161116_073004.jpg IMG_20161115_202923.jpg 20161114_035341.jpg
A special shout out to the people who helped dial me in the Coconut Oil Process, it worked like a charm, with no after taste or waxy residue but all the potency of the meds. We gave it out to 3 people and all report great relief for all kinds of pain!!!!!!! GREAT JOB PEOPLE, were healing people now! THANK YOU!
Good Morning Crew! The last bit of OG Kush x Casey Jones for my wake and bake this morning, that sucks ass lol. I had the last little Skunk Wrecked Widows bud yesterday, and the wife made banana nut bread that had me feeling no pain last night and it settled well. Just cant work while eating it LOL. I have been up since 1 am thanks to my daughter who decided it was important to messanger me a cartoon. I thought it was an emergency call from a patient, I have a few terminal patients so......Im up and working. I have most of the new office done for now lol, its very workable and versatile space so we can do a lot now. I start training of employees next week for 2 companies, this is gona get interesting now that I have help, very exciting for me after all these years cooked up in this house. That Denver trip was the first time I left home in 20 years except to work. Anyway we are thrashing on equipment today, Mistress is heading to the exauhst shop hopefully today for her new pipes, yeah i will have back preasure again, sweetness. My atempt at a bypass on the heater control servo didnt quite work out, I think its the damn electronic climate controller. It wont change it from hot to cold, but I cant spare the damn 50 bucks right now fuck. LOL I will Alter something to get heat in there, I may be able to just leave the bottom heater core cover off but that leaves it exposed to kicking and salt. I am going to give the O2 sensor another go to, using Map gas hehe that aught to be fun lol, I am hoping that and a wrench and a 5 foot pipe will convince it to move for me. Now that I got a dude just like me and just as crazy we should be okay with it. I hired a homeless shovel crew and we have hafe the stuff they need to keep warm, I setup the old office as a warming and clothes drying area, that they can crash on the floor if they want to. I put the drying lines up where they always go for the harvest anyway so it wasnt to bad on me to do, but this lack of sleep shit is fucked up.
I did get a chance to add qa few new partners on the website this morning, I will be adding more next week sometime, but with snow coming in a week I got to be ready to roll out and play in the snow!
I hope you all are not black friday saling that shit sucks I feel for ya! MD
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It's a good fucking morning Crew! Happy late Thanksgiving lol, Ive been a little busy and stressed so I had some fun yesterday after I made a big decision, I handed the keys to my $10,000 custom built dually with plow and salter to a buddy of mine and said Merry Christmas were merging companies! He is taking all the equipment I have built up, even the blade off my personal truck will be inventory. My truck Mistress will be getting retired at the first Event I hold for 3 Kings bcd Productions, and I will be plowing in a new truck next year. I worked out interviews and more pay for all my shovelers and the driver I found so hopefully they wont be too pissed off LOL, I will be running a commercial route and being a supervisor so that rocks. I can get back to concentrating on Dank Inovations and 3 Kings and play in the snow too. Before you say WTF is this guy crazy, well yes and no lol. My buddy in 2003 handed me the keys to the newest truck in the company and said have fun you better die in the accident if she gets scratched LOL. It was a brand new Ram truck with all the bells and whistles and a brand new blade on front, cd changer it was loaded. I had a ton of fun in that truck before it got stolen and burned out in the D. I had to remind him that he had done that to me once before and I was returning the favor. Have a great Sunday everyone.
Top of the Morning Crew! Most of the clones I took are done for lol, so looks like we will be re veging or taking some more clones in a few weeks when I can get a new cloner to try out. So far this run is looking about how I thought it would a bit shitty, I think i am like 3 or 4 weeks in right now. I should have veged them longer after taking clones, but I was running out of medicine and you all know how that goes. I still have to find someone to grow the other set of clones, so I can set up for the next seeding run which to me is more important right now. I can get delivery in a few weeks when the white gold falls from the sky lol. Who knows what will happen when I walk into the shop Tuesday morning you never know with my buddy, we never discussed anything past if he would give my people interviews and what I am able to do anymore basically. I know what I used to get so I am in no way worried, I got Mistress retro fitted for my old setup so I can be a mobile shop for the company and do road side repairs to keep the fleet operating in the shit! It took me most of the morning to get all the parts and equipment sorted and ready to move to the shop, I was assembling all my diagnostic tools and torches. I re worked the tool box to carry more spare parts and bigger tooling. I left Mistress at the exhaust shop last night, I hate not having my vehicles in my driveway but I had no choice it has to be done today so I am ready to go and I can get back to working in the office instead of killing myself in the driveway flat on my back in the cold fuck that. I got a shop now hoists a plenty and killer heat to work in - works for me, I am all about smarter over harder at this point in my life. The wifey is very happy too, which is the most important thing, she ordered all her seeds for the vegetable plots we are setting up in the spring. Tons of vegetables, herbs and new flowers for the new year, she kept asking should I get these or not. lol I told her to order what ever she wanted, there is plenty of space to plant them out, I have never been able to tell her that before so that was great. I really cant wait until she gets to play in the dirt in the nursery and she can quit working for people who dont appreciate her, their lose hehe.
I found A killer free be the other day and got a portable bed for free for my homeless tenants Sweetness! Got one guy off the cold floor, anyway it is a hand made solid Oak desk made in the 50's in fantastic shape. I could not fit it in the house so its in the shed awaiting our next evolution into new offices in the spring. We also hit Salvation army and got bibs, scarves and sweatshirts for the guys to have in the snow while they shovel for my buddy. My daughter said she has some sweaters but we will see if she takes the time to make an effort on this or not lol. Today I found a set of glass tables I am hoping i can snag for free and add to my inventory, the wife will love it ROFLOL. I just cleared the whole lot of equipment and it looks bare as hell around here, but I need room for my new RV for traveling across the country in later next summer, got to find it first, has to fit me the wife and pups, plus an office so I may have to find one at a reasonable price and build it the way I want it to be.
Today I am working on some retail packaging concepts to see what works and looks best and is different I like different it rocks lol. Plus I need a day off, the way I have been going at it on all fronts beat me the hell up, then setting up all the heavy tools and equipment hurt a little but today I feel good. I treated everything like I was at the gym working out I think that helped a lot. I have to check out a gym close to me and see what the hours are if they do 24/7 I may sign up, have to see the place and what they offer. I am going to finish putting up my pictures around my office and get going on breakfast. Take care and Thanks For Growing!
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Good Morning Crew, how the hell are you all today? I am doing decent, I am all out of Medicine now except the edibles, they are doing the trick I guess lol.

I have 2 cuts of Neon Creep teenagers of #1 and #2 that need new homes to a S.E. Michigan Member of RIU. Must be a MMMP hard card holder with picture ID for me to transfer the cuts. A small flower donation would be greatly appreciated! Please PM me!