Moondance's Universe of Breeding

I also have a homemade spray bar with hitch and hoses, hand sprayer with nozzle, you just need a pump and tank basically. 180 degree tips that can be unscrewed and cleaned out, included is nozzles for 4 more bars. $100.00
Morning Crew, what a week its been. I really can not wait to hire some help. I am running on empty this week, and no one will help me out properly, o well fuck um I got it like I always do. Everything is still on track, I had to get a new file to the banner printers, the small one i sent in would have been blurred out at like 40 feet. I really like that they check that shit on a massive screen to insure the right quality. I ordered a little present for myself, I got a new stainless curb chain and a cool new bracelet, my quiting smoking pat on the back to myself - so I got me some bling! I just have to find my Canna leaf pendant, might have someone cast a silver one thats original, that will wait for now.
Well I got all parts lined up and ready to rock back into the drop top today. It will be nice to ride with heat again lol. Then I will put the dually back up for sale, see if I cant get some more padding on the bank account. If I sell the salter I may keep the dually its got a 9' flatbed to it, so I can haul anything, i dont know yet it may come in usefull yet. I can always pull the car hauler with Mistress but another vehicle did save my ass this week with both truck and car down. So I have to add that to my consideration. I am looking for a box truck though so I can lock everything down and put the logo all over it - 20 foot box truck with my logo on both sides ooooo thats sounds sweet. Okay im selling the other one lol, I got to have the room. Never got to the damn photo shoot last night, ended up getting pissed off and crashing out by like 8pm lol. I guess it is on tap for tomorrow I will have to see how the day goes. Have a day people, I got work to do. Peace out Moondance.
Whats happinin Crew! Holy crap yesterday sucked hard, long ass 22 hr day. Got the damn power steering line all done and set like an hour after lunch, It takes forever to bleed anything on my Chryslers so I was driving around town looking at buildings, I pick the wifey up from work and we go run a few errands. I get back in the fucking driveway and the heater hose blows out on me, I went off LOL. I was so pissed off. Got screwed out of my parts for 5 days, get it all done and its back in the damn driveway up on blocks waiting for me to crawl under again. FUCK okay sorry, I know at least it happened now instead of with 20" of snow on the ground. I put the blade on the dually last night so it can be seen better, I swear people get freaked the fuck out by 8' of metal on the front of your truck LOL. I went to the store this morning and everyone was trying to get the hell away from me, with the quickness LOL. Snow is coming People deal with it, it one of my side grinds let it snow to hell and back I dont care....yeah i do lol. This year I am doing freebie for seniors who shouldnt do it themselves. I got to do my drive and street because the city doesn't do it, 2 years ago when i was laid up the damn water froze, well 4" of ice and 2 feet of snow might do that. I know I haven't been posting pictures, my old phone finally took a shit, so I had to replace it, pictures are back! I forgot what it was like to learn a new phone, at least I went with the same maker so it was easier for me. I put a test order in for a Dabmatz product with my new logo on it, that crew is damn good shit. I accidentally forgot to upload the logo, their customer service was on it had an email in like 30 minutes. Got it in yesterday, freakin sweet I love it. Now I got to get a rig to put on it lol, for now its right on my desk. You can get a intro coupon for being on their newsletter list, very nice deal they got going on. My mail and delivery people are getting busy lol, i got so much shit commin in right now for the opening. I told the one ill see you tomorrow, he was like what I hardly ever come down here anymore lol. Yup see ya tomorrow buddy! Flower chamber is getting re lit this weekend I hope, I got so much to do still and I got no help yet that sucks. i am keeping them green so when I get to it, it will get done lol. Well i got to order some more part in for this morning so I'll be around Peace out.
My office view, nice isnt it, LOL 20161028_040851.jpg 20161028_102141.jpg
I thought the shot would come out better o well it was a cool live show LOL. IMG_20161027_130102.jpg
Turkeys in the hood, I got up to within 3 feet before they bolted, never in the wild could I get that close it was cool. IMG_20161026_122718.jpg
Mornin Crew! how the hell is everyone today, its a rainy ass Sunday for me. It wont stop the great mood i am rolling around in today. This last week just blinked by, so busy and fun too. The wifey is finally realized I am not holding shit back anymore, its been a little shock to her to learn a few things this week but she is with me to the end and always has, for the last 20 years so no issues here. I am happy to report that by the time I open on Tuesday morning I will be a non cigarette smoker finally damn almost 30 years of them damn things fuck um I am done! My new bling reward will be in tomorrow afternoon, I am barely able to hit one now, but I can still rock my medicine so no issues there either. It took me about two weeks this time to ween myself down to not being able to stand them anymore, I got one last pack for the kill full flavor reds - they kill me - so no issue there lol, I am done smelling and tasting like an ashtray, plus the wifey was told she has COPD what her moma passed from so guess what you guessed it shes done too. I told her last night I smoked swishers. Her responce was "fuck that" I hate the smell of those. LOL I told her I wouldnt smoke them in the house, just in my truck and outside if I want one. For us it's nothing but cannabis in my house Love It.

Okay I dont usually go here but a family member pissed in my Wheaties with this one, did you know that people will vote just due to being loyal to a fucking party - I have to vote the way my party does -WTF doesn't anyone have a thought in their heads for themselves shit. I don't vote by party I vote by who will do the most good, fuck us the least and then for what fucking price its going to cost the people. Me personally I am voting for all new people this year, no one who was already in place. I hope it pisses some people off, maybe they will vote too then. The biggest part about voting in my area is 25% of pepole vote that's it no more, I and the wifey are usually 29 and 30 or 3 and 4, it's just sad because people want to bitch and moan but never vote. Nope you got to vote to be able to bitch about it otherwise shut your mouth. First and last time I ever get political rant over. Peace out people. We will win the fight for Natures right to exist somehow, were halfway there already!
Mornin Crew, it's a little nipply out this morning, but it's a good day in the hood ya'll. I got so much to do today it aint even funny. I got half the photo shoot done last night but plants do not always cooperated in this part, fuckers. I had to leave them overnight to perk back up so I can finish those shots and move on. I will get back after it when the plants wake up later today. Still have to get clones under the dome, get the flower chamber reset and re equipped after the photo shoot, light it back up and add some plants finally lol. I am 98% sure I got all my bases covered for now to open the online store on time, just means a really long couple of days, but that aint shit to us right Crew. Yesterday was another day of wrenching, I got the heater hoses on the car a little after lunch, and got after Mistress. Ended up finding another line leaking, the damn fittings were holding the line so I said fuck it and called it a day out side. My arms and back were burnt out anyway, so I got some office time in and a few minutes with wifey before crashing. I kinda worked her ass off too this weekend sorry honey lol. I got a ton of deliveries coming in today, so exciting around here latey, It's fucking great. I was feeling so far behind after being sick and a year behind schedule but sometimes life kicks you right in the balls, catch your breath and move on! Thats what I am doing, right or wrong I am going for it fuck it. I love what I do and I aint going back to what I was doing so here we go kiddys LOL. I got work to do I will be checking in all day while working I always do. Peace out Crew. Great things coming, Lots of fun.
Well I fuckered myself somehow, I lost access to my website today, been working on the problem all damn day. Sitting on hold for 30 minutes now waiting patiently. I will keep you all updated, I am going up a damn wall right now. I got another line of sweet products to be able to offer too.
Good Morning Crew! I have been going since 3 am today, I got a ton done this morning and last night. I am open and running, finally after a long year and a half. I am so excited for the future, I got most everything listed, I still have to check for function but I think its pretty good. We got some warm ass weather on tap for today so I have to finish Mistresses brakes up today while the weather holds. I only got the one bleeder open before the main line started leaking. I have to deal with the rear axle and re flare a fitting I screwed up last time under the truck. Fun fun, at least I can drive my truck again, I hate having stuff sit around so long, but that's over!
I am happy to report too I will be keeping my promise from last year, I will be advertising on as of next month, then we can get some fun stuff rocking and rolling. Okay Crew have a day, I got to go get greasy, yeah i know it sounds bad LOL.
Morning Crew Kick life in the teeth and do it today! Fun day of tap today I get to attend a industry show for design and manufacturing, should be sweet. Live laser demonstrations and more fun, plus I have to source some tooling and engineers for a bunch of projects we got coming up. Got's to do your homework right, I even got the wifey going to maximize our resources at the show. Plus she gets stuff for me when I am busy running my mouth with is often LOL. I drag her to all the shows I go to that I am not set up at, it's nice to get her opinion on things too, gives me a different perspective. Got screwed on the truck parts, the kid sold me the wrong fittings, I tried using them and screwed some things up lol. I should not have been under the truck yesterday o well, I will get it done later this week. I had two people call and bitch at me that the truck I am selling is 2wd with a plow on it. Im like what the hell are you taking about all you do is put a concrete block or a salter on the flatbed and go to town. Just dont do any residential s with it LOL, its built for parking lots fuck get a clue. They have to be people with no clue how to play in the snow. 16 seasons in the trenches I got stuck 3 times, usually my fault fucking around and all. I always got myself out lol, hell one night I almost rolled the truck right down a front yard. I used to do sky driveways for residential s, like ones that are 30 feet up from sealevel LOL. You dont even see the blade til you get over the top crest. anyway I get up to the top of the circle and pop the rear tire off a huge rock, sent me spinning and sideways towards the grass hill. I gunned the motor, dug the blade in for a quick second and then brought it back up while un skidding in the grass. I had to go down the street and smoke a joint. Okay sorry rant over. Wow its only the middle of the week and it's been crazy busy, thats cool though keeps me from smoking cigs, Ihave got to get over the holding it thing, really bugging me, I have tried pens and a oney pipe - to heavy- gona trya straw next see if that works. Have a day Crew, Im going to!
What up Crew! We had a great time yesterday at the manufacturing trade show, saw a lot of cool stuff. I talked to so many cool people from all different trades, plus engineers, tool and die casting. Fun stuff, O yeah I may have found the next generation of grow lights too, still talking to those guys hehe. I really cant wait for the future now, I got 1 step closer to a few ideas going from concept to reality, so exciting, fun fun fun. I think the coolest thing at the show was the laser etching display, lot of cool shit they can do with lasers these days. So now we get to sort through all the swag and literature we gathered from the show and file it all for future reference. I have someone coming by to look at one of the trucks today, hopefully I can make it go away, even better if I can do a package deal with my salter too. I will see what happens, I got a ton of stuff up for sale, so somethings gotta move soon right! Another exciting note at least for me, I got a follow last night from an Alaskan company growing Cannabis out in the great white north and a kickass down under follower, Congratulations Mates! I Love it so cool I get a chance to interact with folks from all over the world. I had a partner company lock in a sponsor spot yesterday too for an event attraction, just so much to be excited about it's really going to get fun soon. i got the Buddy Buttons in, wifey loves them, so they passed her test lol. Everyday is bringing me something new lately I really like that after the last 3 years of just sitting in pain. We got to bed late as hell last night watching country awards show with the wifey, still popped up at 330am ready to rock lol. I got to remember to go to bed a little earlier lol, see kids got it wrong complaining about taking naps. I love a quick power nap these days lol, helps to get me through the long days, enjoy those naps kiddys, we earned them LOL. Have the best day you can today!
Chamber is rocking again!20161031_204455.jpg
Motor choice for Baby Thump.20161031_075550.jpg 20161030_183613.jpg 20161031_044843.jpg
Whats happinin Crew! It's the weekend alright, wow how did that get here so fast this week. Wake and Bake on hash rips this morning hehe, start the day off right! Not to mention it put me down last night, so the bowl was still packed up. Franks Gift topped with Skunk Wrecked Widows bubble hash mmmmmmmmmmmmm.
It's the wifeys Birthday today, she never enjoys them it sucks a little for her, I am going to get her out of the house for a bit and see if we cant find some fun around town for her. I am going to cook up a new ribeye recipe for dinner too. It is so nice having her home this week, we went to the manufacturing show the other day, she really liked going to that - She was a Boss ya'll, it was great to see, went right after the lighting guys with all her questions had them sweating it out and answering things they had to think on lol. I pop over to see what they are chatting about and she like I got this one you can go see them down there LOL. I stayed and chatted anyway, I wanted to see the lights and design in person and hands on. Maybe we will end up at the parts store so I can get some proper line fittings and hope to hell I didnt screw up any other parts to badly but I will see next week when I get back under the truck. Snow should be here sooner than later, and we got another slight warmup coming this weekend so I hope it slides over into next week too. The Plemon is coming back nicely, after going into the 600 chamber so I can not wait to get cuts off of her. The Neon Creep cuts are in the cloner and starting the droop now lol, the lights just went out so hopefully they will perk up a bit now. The male Psycho Killer is growing again and re veging nicely, I must have had the roots to cold, the basement floor takes a little while to adjust it's temperature in the fall and winter. I forgot to add the risers and insulation pads, but I corrected it and were cooking again, just slowed them down a bit which worked in my favor. I am planning on having the cuts rooted and up potted and maybe start the seed run sometime in December. I am going to make Psycho Killer crosses with Neon creep #1 and #2, Plemon, Psycho Killer, and Fireballs. I am going to do this run like the last the male will be in the center of the tent and the females will surround him, the male is going to be really good sized too by the time I do the run, I am going to top it Monday when it dries out a bit. I might even throw it in the cloner, not sure if I need to keep the male cut going or pass it on.
Hey Crew hows it going, I was going through a bunch of pictures for the photo book for Mistress. I thought I would show ya'll a little of what she was before during and after the 1st rebuild. If you have been reading along you know the origin story of where I got Mistress. Her name is kind of an inside joke between me and the wifey. My Mistress is the only woman I am allowed to be with more than my wifey LOL, and I was with her more than anything or one in my life. That truck has never left me stranded anywhere ever in 20 years of driving it through 2 companies and 16 long winter seasons in the trenches. 130,000 forward miles and 100,00 reverse miles I have personally logged in this beast of a truck. I have blown out 3 stereo head units in her trying to run my custom sound system, hopefully the new Kenwood can Hang LOL. Here are a few pics for ya'll. MD
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Morning Crew, sorry I was going to post some more intermediate pics of the project. I got really pissed off and had to smash something lol. I think the wifey had a decent bday, i tried at least. I have to get back on Mistress today we got a nice weekend and I doubt we are getting many more. I got the new fittings last night for the brake lines, I think i am just going to take out what I did last time and start from scratch and get it done. 3 long ass years since I could drive her. I am going to do test pulls down the tracks after I am done, I'll have to circle the block first to check for popo. I am reasonably confidant that I will be doing that this afternoon, or at least I better be, i have other work to get to now. I have to be ready for the snow, the city pretty much ignores our road, 2 years ago we had the water pipes froze up due to it. Not happening this year, plus I am going to do free plowing for seniors too. If I dont do the street the wifey cannot get out to go to work, they clear a main road on to our side road and the mound that builds up is almost bigger than the drop top lol. I have better shit to do than dig her ass out in the am, Ill push her with the truck LOL. I do all kinds of shit with my blade, push cars into the drive to repair them, grade the side yard lol. My equipment gets a workout all the time when Im working. If I get the time today or tomorrow I am going to put Mistresses Tag on her windshield, I should let a professional do it but I keep seeing it hanging and I really want it on her before she rolls out again. I'll see how busy I get, I can always stop into a shop and have them put it on next week after I have checked the whoe truck out and done some test drives. I almost forgot to order the new spot lights, I got to go do that the others are dangling waiting to be changed out. Heres some more of the Mistress rebuild project.
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