Good Damn Morning Crew! I cannot wait to VOTE tomorrow, I am so sick and tired of all this bullshit, just fuck us already and hand us the lube afterward. It doesnt even matter who they put in place anymore, congress wont allow them to do shit anyway, except throw us into another war. Half the states have already cleared the medical use hurdle so thats a bingo! Here is the part I love, the powers that be have no clue how many people take care of themselves these days, grow their own medicine and food we can make our own power, even rebuild everything we own to keep it looking and running like new can't we. YUP sure can, have for a long time now too. I guess they forgot were all Hippy children at least I fucking am so is the wife, so was my best friend in life who took her own life way to early. (biggest hippy chika ever! Love you Forever Julie!) Its just how we like to live, cooking out under the stars, hanging out and chilling with family and friends, while providing what they need. We do that for days, our Community always has. We don't sit around sipping coffee and talking shit, we Circle up, smoke down then we get busy doing for ours what needs to be done.
Well Mistress is back on the road and so am I YES. I also got her Tag on her yesterday too, I have been waiting for 7 years to do that, looks sweet. It will pop more when the truck wrap is done. She runs like a dream and looks bad ass again lol, I got the brakes set, I have to bleed one more time today due to not getting the bleeders open so I have to bleed from the lines, takes a little longer but I don't have to replace 200 bucks in parts cause I snapped the bleeders LOL. I will get to that next summer when we asses her for Monster truck status. I think I will probably end up buying a brand new frame and building up from there and keep her original for Events and traveling around with me. I cannot wait to get the truck wrap done on her. I have to find someone to prep the body, I don't know if I got it in me to do all that prep work. We will see how I feel when I get to that point. I got the car hauler cleaned off and ready to roll, I got a few scrap cars around town I want to haul out for people this week, plus I can the set up done on the bed of the truck with my generators and Event setup equipment and what doesn't fit can now be trailered, for now until I find a box truck I like. I have to get the winch controller into the tool box too. I have to uncover Baby Thump today and get the pictures taken for the before shots, under the hood, inside all that good shit. I figure its going to be 65 this week and sunny, might as well get all kinds of shit done.
O yeah sorry I dont know if I ever mentioned the hot rod in here, Baby Thump is a 1979 Pontiac Grand Prix, that I have been sitting on for 20 years after I saved it from the crusher. I am turning her into a street strip drag car with a 550 blown big block motor, Full roll cage, stick shift tranny, tubbed rear end, and a killer sound system that fills whats left of the back seat. Then I am going to race it (possibly with my daughter she really not into this stuff anymore lol) and were going to film the whole thing from start to finish. Same with "The Mistress" monster truck build and design process and stuff will all be filmed, should be a blast, but I got to find a camera operator person.
I am putting the greenhouse up this week, well its a hoop house but its like 24x12x10 so nice sized one. We are going to put the plastic up in Feburary, and get 2 extra months of food production. I figure I would film the installation and then post it up to our You Tube Channel that has nothing on it yet. I have to up load some Motor City High episodes soon I totally forgot to do it last week, they asked me if they could but I may have to do it for them. Still learning some things along the way but that life right, Always learning and Growing!
I am off to list an ad for a person to hold the camera and smoke down with me, I dont know might be hard to find. Later Crew, have a day! Computer and Phone are being pissy again, upload pics in a few minutes.
Parts truck - $200 forklift to set truck on trailer-----Priceless LOL.