Moondance's Universe of Breeding

What up Crew! yesterday was fun I spent the day at the shop getting my buddys new truck ready to rock if we needed to go out this morning and salt. So far we have snow falling but nothing sticking the ground is to warm right now to ice. I am going to start going through all the snow plows today and see what works and what dont. My buddys mechanic is a little stressed at the moment so I am helping out some more, but helping this buddy always works out for me in the long run so I am game. Everyone else has just been using me up for what they can get out of me again, I guess I am to nice for my own good still. O well its just some time, energy and meds I can blow that off.
Anyway back to the good right, I got some more Skunk Wrecked Widows beans into paper today and in the dark to germinate, with those it only takes 24hrs usually lol. I found a few clones that did not die on me so that's awesome. I got Mistress all decked out with my best gear for the winter, the new exhaust is in and oooo does she run and sound good. I am waiting on the new four pack of spotlights I ordered to light the way in reverse. I got 27w led spots they got like 9 diodes should be worse than day light behind Mistress now LOL. The wifey is re covering my seat pads very slowly, I hope she is done with them before my first push of the year. The Fireballs in the Chamber are looking great, I will be revegging that plant after flower she is staying around. The Neon Creeps look like crap to me but they are budding away. Looks like the PK Male is finally over the re veg and is now growing nice new shoots off the tips were at about 7" now. We got to harvest 2 trays of radishes the other day, those were yummy just hot as shit. We had some Bok Choy from the basement too in dinner last night, we did a chicken stirfry with rice nodles is was good. I figured out I am going to have to start traveling with snacks on me, I got about 4 hrs into working at the shop and got hungry. Lucily I grabbed a bag of chips on the way out the door and that took care of it. I have been working out of my place so long, when I am here I have access to food easily, so I will have to prep up food packs and fill the cooler on plowing nights. I got the setup board out for the event setups, I like doing it practically, like a train set, it helps me to visualize everything. So later today I will be painting it black with flat paint and I can get some hobby gear and build some models hehe, fun fun stuff now. I will be getting the ad up for the company in a week or so, I cant wait to be a advertiser on RIU!
I hope everyone has the best day they can, smile someone is watching over you!
Top of the Morning Crew! Whats on tap for today, shit lets see driving that new guy to work he got on a crew yesterday and did pretty good, so he has work now. I am going to stay at the shop for the morning to help get some equipment replaced cause the crew broke it fuckers. Then I have to run a friend and his wife to her doctors appointment, then go back to the shop and finish out the day there fixing trucks and hopefully get to get under Mistress today or tomorrow so I can see if theres anything needing replacing before next weeks snow storm for Thursday. I feel behind as hell, I had to redo a bunch of shit the new guy tried to do for me, just cost me time but shit if your going to do something do it right or fucking tell me you dont know how to do it. Okay rant over lol. The wifey got Mistresses pads all recovered and pretty, I will get some pics later today, been so busy I have not taken any pics in days which is not like me lol. The Neon Creep clones are almost needing to be up potted, they grow pretty quick those do. I may have to craigslist them if no one want to grab them. Have a Day Crew time to roll out for the day Later.
Good Morning Crew! I am having a blast working in a real shop again lol, it is also really nice to be working inside instead of flat on my back in the driveway. I think I may start running cars again now that I have a competent tech to work with. He is also going to help me with the tub work on "Baby Thump" for that rebuild, between the 2 of us we could have a monster truck or hotrod together in no time and they got a ton of truck parts laying around hehe, now things are getting very interesting. Well that right there finding a buddy I can wrench with without worry - Priceless. I already gave him some apple bars the newest creation by the wifey, wow are they good drops right to my pains and melt them away. Even he commented like I didnt catch a buz but I felt relaxed and chill and I got ton of sleep, I was like sweet thats what there for bud lol. I have to find out today if he tried the coconut oil, that will get him lit up for sure lol. My newest buddy came by with a bag last night, got to love that, hes the only one in years to come through when I was in need so that is killer for me. It was shit but I appreciated the thought, he wants me to be honest about the buds he left me I have to be honest and tell them they were horrible. I even took the half a nug out and went back to my once burned leftovers, even the wifey was like WTF is this shit LOL, we got her spoiled too I guess. Have a great weekend everyone, I have to find someone to take these clones so I am off to the races!
What's going on Crew! This last week without a day off has been blurring together a little bit lol. I had to clear out a bunch of space to get the black truck on the hoist down to refill the transmission. That was fun but its down and waiting to be refilled, I had to clean the battery terminals and charge the batteries up anyway. Plus the Ultra grey takes a good 24hrs to set up completely. I got a starter job today on the hill hopefully it does not rain on me LOL. Slowly getting my tools organized again, I had to dig out my old lower unit from storage and get it cleaned up for tools. I got a new cart to work off of to to match my tool boxes, why not right its nice when shit matches LOL. I'll get a pic of it today after I clean it up more and wax it, yes I wax my tool boxes they are not small ones lol. I am hoping to drive that ford off the lift for my buddy today before lunch if I can get the hi low in to move a dead machine in my way, then I have to peel 5 inches of bad body putty off the fender and get it ready for paint fun fun! We have another truck mostly set up and ready for snow, we have to go through the plow still is all thats left then only 10 more trucks to go in the next 5 days to get ready for a 2 day long duration storm event SWEET! My newest friend and partner is all ready to go out and plant clones all over town guerrilla style in fucked up places and film on hidden cameras if they get to flower LOL, he had the idea and wanted to run with it so I am going to let him and see what kind of fun we can have with it. Okay Crew I am off to pick up the guys to go to work so they are not late, I dont punch the clock but they have too so I am out, Later! Don't forget to call or speak to your Grandmother today, they LOVE hearing from you.
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HIGH Crew! Holy fuck I think somethings wrong with my buddy that I just merged with, he is trying to get me to quit for some reason. At least I think he is I was put on salt buckets and hand salting yesterday. I specifically told him we, Ed and I needed to stay around the shop due to his fiance being on a ventilator in the hospital. She has been sedated and family is up there all the time but he cant just sit around ya know, I couldnt so we went to work. Ran us around and back even though us 2 gimps were busting ass to get it done (better and quicker then any one he runs) and back and heres another call o go back and do this I forgot to tell you. Fuck You Asshole! I guess he thinks I need to do this bullshit right, my 2 trucks, mine and the one I gave him look and run better than his shit. Now my Mistress has had some blown relays for 2 days I have been running all over town at night without headlights or turn signals cause he has kepts me so busy. I dont roll that way, I dont know what I am going to do but I do think after 7 days and working the weekend I am taking the day off. I am going to go to the parts store and buy my own relays and put my windshield wipers on then mount my plow and go home lol. We have a huge snow storm coming for Sunday and I need rest.

How about this - I am now looking for a collective to sell a limited run of my -
Skunk Wrecked Widows Feminized Seeds from Paradise Nursery they are a 60/40 Indica/Sativa Hybrid, tops out around 5.5 feet, very few big fat fan leaves (easy to trim) so it must be grown directly under the lights not off to the side, High THC medicinal strain that takes 8-9 weeks to finish up to cloudy/milky stage, heavy feeder that grows and clones great. 9 out of 9 packs tested perfectly. I will start sorting and packaging them today as a matter of fact that will calm me down I think.

I am getting the Ad ready for Rollitup I have to decide on what logo to use, and I have to get the paperwork back out for the Invitational so I can post the details on New Years Eve. So I got some work to do for my Crew! We care about all our Crew members not just a few of them!

Skunk Wrecked Widows form Paradise Nursery - "Where Dreams Grow & Imagination Blossoms!"
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Morning Crew! It's a snowy Sunday for us, I am waiting for the call to go out and plow some fucking snow Yes, I made it to an 18th season, now if I can get to my 20th and retire in style with a 20 year plowing career I will be very happy. Mistress is all set to rock and roll, I got a few minor issues like no turn signals but I got everything else so fuck it lets go already lol. 9-12 inches of fresh powder is coming for us and 3inches is already on the ground. It's going to be a long ass day in the shit, only good thing is it is light powder snow which is easy to clean up and salt away lol. I got the new shipping cartons nailed down for the Vert-I-Grow line now I just have to have a second to order them LOL. Rolling along nicely though, I will be ordering all new products to feature in The Apothecary and at Events down the line at the end of this month. The holidays are coming and the new year is going to be so cool and fun I really cant wait. I also have to lock in the prizes for the Home Growers Invitational and have them crafted! Peace out Crew I'm in the shit for the day! Moondance
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Me rocking the Buddy Button for the snow day! IMG_20161211_090446.jpg IMG_20161211_084601.jpg
Very Nice Work Guys! temp_regrann_1480712308867.jpg
Whats up Crew! Hot damn what a wild few weeks it has been. Well we got through the storm in decent shape, I had to replace the alternator in Mistress today, and I tore a valve stem during the plowing fun I had. LOL my buddy yelled at me a bit today for buying my own parts for Mistress, hes like we got accounts all over for parts we got it. I just laughed and reminded him I have run solo for so long its just habit. We got 12 more inches coming this weekend and I had to have power lol, so I just sourced it and got it on the way in to the shop to change it out LOL. We had to get Eds pipes unfrozen today too, got him a torpedo heater from work and some propane and hes got water again. I got to play in the dirt tonight and get some babies into new pots, thats always fun for me and relaxing. I had a chat with an broker who is looking into buildings for me to move into soon hehe, I cant wait to have a kick ass shop with all the toys and tools we could ever need. Shit I keep forgetting to take a picture of the tool box I brought out of long term storage, I will have to get some tomorrow if I can organize all my tools, half are still in totes and buckets, we got so damn busy fixing trucks and equipment I never got to it LOL. Here are some shots of the Fireballs cola, the rest is in re veg now. Have a day everyone, so many exciting things coming up I cant sit still lately!
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Top of the Morning Crew! Heading out to Play in the Snow! hehe I get to play tonight, I got them all set up yesterday with the trucks full and ready to go backed in ready to roll out.
We got truck assignments done, my boy should have done the route sheets while I slept and we are going to rock it again tonight! You all have a blessed weekend and I will see you soon! Moondance
What the fuck is up Crew! What a weird weekend I had, nothing really broke on Mistress but I smoked the tranny fluid. I am so not happy about that but it happens, at least hes paying the parts bill for the tranns service I do later this week lol. The lower end is ratling a bit and I am burning through oil dayly now. I am going to change the oil out and put 30 weight in to tide me over for now. I will be rebuilding the motor and trans and having the logo wrap put on this spring so I just have to get her to then and I am good. I did look at a 2nd Mistress today for her replacement truck. I already secured the contracts for next season for moonlight so onward and upward we go right. It's a Power Wagon, all lifted and beautiful, even has a red louvered grill ooooo so nice lol. I have to see if the plow prep package is available for it before I get to excited lol. The Plemon came out purple Damnit I hate when that happens dont you LOL. Sorry I had to lol. I cannot wait for these meds to be hanging and start to cure. I made a batch of oil out of the little bit of Fireballz trim and got it out to a caregiver for his patients to have cookies - waiting on the report back to see how it was for them. We also sent some RSO over with directions for her too, I just hope the caner isnt too bad yet and we should be able to get her back to being healthy soon - that would be terrific. Okay here are some shot from last night along with a few funnys and stuff I stole from facebook lol. Have a great Day - Check on your grand parents and senior friends and family, disabled people you know - make sure they stay warm it's fucking cold out shit.
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Hey Crew! how the hell are you? I hope everyone is happy AND HEALTHY! What a week it has been, busy busy. I did get to harvest some girls tonight right in time for Christmas, and we added on a bunch of people in need to the list of coconut oil and edibles. One cancer patient that is taking our RSO went to the doctor and was 20% reduced on the cancer so thats really good progress for 2 weeks time I am really excited by that news. I guess we make a new batch of RSO sooner than later now. I have been wanting to make a new batch since I got busted last year so now is the perfect time and its winter much easier to do outdoors in the winter time with the rice cooker. I love trim days - I get to play with all the cool buds I grew hehe, decide what goes in the jars and what becomes edibles. I like stagering my harvests too, usually I harvest one to two plants at a time a few days a part but this time I did one the other day and 3 more were ready to go today so they got the chop and I took short vids of them being pulled out on the Ladders. Here is the bud porn from harvest MD.
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Skunk Wrecked Widows Plants going to Veterans and caregivers for Veterans in Michigan for Christmas! IMG_20161222_192728_556.jpg

I know I'm supposed to return your tent to you, but I ended up using it again, LOL. Using it for a BB#3 S1 seed production run. I'll get you seeds from the harvest as a thank you for being so generous with your equipment, and some flower too.

Did you ever get GG4? I remember you and your girl liked it. If you don't have it, I'll get it to you.

I know I'm supposed to return your tent to you, but I ended up using it again, LOL. Using it for a BB#3 S1 seed production run. I'll get you seeds from the harvest as a thank you for being so generous with your equipment, and some flower too.

Did you ever get GG4? I remember you and your girl liked it. If you don't have it, I'll get it to you.

Whats up Senile, thats cool man I got so busy I forgot about that stuff, That would work nicely for my next seed run coming up too. Yeah she did like the GG4, I got a partner that loves it too. Has to be after the first of the year, I am still busy getting a building and with the holidays the website is jumping. So I just hired a secretary/model last night, plus a customer service department lol, I love it just hard to catch up some days till I get more key personnel in place. I think the second week of January looks right for me let me know.
Merry Christmas - Blessed be the Spirits Above! I am very happy to announce - I fulfilled my promise from last year just now, I am now an advertiser on Rollitup.Org might take a day to get the ad up but thats cool, It is a great Christmas for me and the Family.

Woo Hoo I know its about fucking time LOL. I had some things to take care of and get in place before I could. I hired a secretary/model hehe and I have all my key personnel in place now so we are ready for anything now. Let have some fun Everyone, Thanks for Growing!!!!!!!

January 1st 2017 starts what I call the Home Growers Invitational
- It is open to anyone 18 and older
- Also it is only on!
- Initial round of prizes will be awarded on New Years Eve! Contest winners in 10 individual categories will be announced!
- Prizes include Eazy Tweezers, Fiber Handle Eazy Tweezers, Trim Bins from Harvest More, The DipStick Vaporizer - Dip in, Dab out!, Bee Line Hemp Wick 6 Packs from Bee Line Hemp Wick, Vert-I-Grow Ladder Trellises, Vert-I-Grow Scroger Units, GS Plant Foods Kelp Juice or Kelp Fish Juice, Glass Rigs, Steamrollers DabMatz, and so much more!

Thanks for Growing! Peace, be Safe.
Awesome man congrats cant wait to enter the comp :)
Keep doing what you do!
Thank you so much, I really appreciate it!

Everyone who has posted or posted in their journals have already been entered! New Years Eve 2016 we will be announcing the winners in 10 individual Categories. Prizes include what is listed above plus seeds, stickers, cool tools, kick ass accessories shit like that lol. Here is the first draft of the concept I have added and tweaked a few things since last year when it was supposed to happen but the general idea is there. I will have a new thread just for the Invitational.

P.S. Crew - The homeless people burned the upstairs of the house across the way, and then ya know disappeared. The City will probably drop it to the ground so I will get a clean lot to build on, that works too. Just an fYI is all, all is good in the hood lol. Just reminded me I cannot help everyone, even if I want to LOL.
