Well-Known Member
So If I came over here and blasted Joe you all would of loved me. but then i would of been banned. not sure if it would of made a difference or not. but I like to think i did help forward the time frame a little bit anyways.
As these next few days pass, much more info will trickle out Im sure...once all this shit is exposed, maybe i can put in a bit more detail.
you cant get info if your not in the meeting right? if i were not a mod, i would not of learned as much as i did. Joe thrashed himself. But as a Mod. it was Joes way or the ban.
Im not backtracking. Just finially getting a chance to own up to My mistakes in what has transpired here.
Timmahh, bashing Joe is fun - he is asshole. Bashing AG - fun, fucks with patients. Bashing patients that tried to reason with you - BAD, BAD TIMMAHH. You keep avoiding it, just fucking say it. Publicly say that you bashed innocent patients (and I wasn't one) cuz you were fooled by Joe CAin and that you were wrong for publicly bashing Grow Goddess, malamute, stumpjumper and a few others that did not attack you. That is where you were way the fuck out of line.
That was not over bans, or Joe. It was caring, good people that tried to say "Timmahh, think about this, think about that," This fucking thread is subscribed and many are watching. You publicly insulted some innocent people and talk your way out of it or apologize to them. Quit being a bully to the medical marijuana community. Bully Lansing, not patients.