mmma down???

So If I came over here and blasted Joe you all would of loved me. but then i would of been banned. not sure if it would of made a difference or not. but I like to think i did help forward the time frame a little bit anyways.

As these next few days pass, much more info will trickle out Im sure...once all this shit is exposed, maybe i can put in a bit more detail.

you cant get info if your not in the meeting right? if i were not a mod, i would not of learned as much as i did. Joe thrashed himself. But as a Mod. it was Joes way or the ban.

Im not backtracking. Just finially getting a chance to own up to My mistakes in what has transpired here.

Timmahh, bashing Joe is fun - he is asshole. Bashing AG - fun, fucks with patients. Bashing patients that tried to reason with you - BAD, BAD TIMMAHH. You keep avoiding it, just fucking say it. Publicly say that you bashed innocent patients (and I wasn't one) cuz you were fooled by Joe CAin and that you were wrong for publicly bashing Grow Goddess, malamute, stumpjumper and a few others that did not attack you. That is where you were way the fuck out of line.
That was not over bans, or Joe. It was caring, good people that tried to say "Timmahh, think about this, think about that," This fucking thread is subscribed and many are watching. You publicly insulted some innocent people and talk your way out of it or apologize to them. Quit being a bully to the medical marijuana community. Bully Lansing, not patients.
i was defending my position, whether that was in my discussions of the topic, or perhaps in defense of the 3MA, which of course that means Joe, as much as I didnt want to do it.
he is a little Bitch to say the least, but he is gone, my anger of the last 4 weeks, and frustrations of the last 6 months are gone and Im walking on Sunshine now. lol
Nope. You attacked those patients and a liar was the least of what you called them. Now the dust is settling and looks like you were wrong in what you said to them. No apology, when you fucked up?
That is OK. I just want everyone to see that you are fine with the fact that you attacked these people, slandered them, and you are fine with that. You tried to lie your way out, but that didn't work. 21 pages of confusion.
You try to post real long spin moves, but short - "fuck em', I am happy" is clear and there is no room for misinterpretation. Thank You for clearing the air and Thank you for not posting anymore lies about me.
you need to read my previous post to you earlier today i believe. I did just that. Appologized for the bs over the last monthish of Time.

I have been garnering tidbits of info for a bit of time and tucking them away to build the puzzle picture.

but I wasnt as near as I was hoping to be when the meltdown started last week. Bonus.

Glad, I am not tickled in the least the way things went down, but if it means Joe is out of the 3MA, then it wasnt for naught.

New book, new page. If relationships cant be salvaged that would be a bummer.

But Joe Cain is no long the CEO of the 3MA. Joe had been playing Many Many games. He was playing the Mods off each other, or atleast trying to. He was also using me to try to set up Whitney Hickman from the Neuago County CC. I got this info on sunday, and by monday, I had the puzzle put together enough I could make my break from him...

There was a reason I came over and posted the info I did, not to try to make face, but to dance a happy dance. I guess I thought many of you would be more estatic about it.

Im a Rude, can be. Am i crude? can be that too, though ive never been socially unatractive. That is until this shit started up. Ive been here over a year. had plenty of great posts. But damn that bastage (Joe C) is one hard mofo to work with, without being pissed off all day.

By the time Monday Am came around, I was SO Livid i could taste blood from chewing a hole in my lip. literall.

I dont expect you to accept my apology, but it is made, twice now non the Less.
though it is ironic bob mentioned I was trying to be the NEW CEO, (which is fully Mr Komorn's call, and I don't expect it).

Reason it is Ironic is Joe said that Last Saturday as well. amazing coincidence? perhaps.
Man, it is a different place over at MMMA, without Joe tellin everyone how he will fight to the death, and save us from evil tyrants.
though it is ironic bob mentioned I was trying to be the NEW CEO, (which is fully Mr Komorn's call, and I don't expect it).

Reason it is Ironic is Joe said that Last Saturday as well. amazing coincidence? perhaps.

I said it as a joke...lots of people were probably thinking it. You have single handedly made this site unenjoyable, and non productive for me.

Wish I could delete my account..but it would appear that this is the "hotel california" of can join, but you can never leave.

Can I ask a mod for a delete? A voluntary Ban?.....please..?
i knew you were joking bob. i was to sir.
i wanted to delete my account here last yr myself. still looking for the drain. lol

Bob, i hope their are no hard feelings honestly.
I understand that Joe may have been playing games and became somewhat unglued, but I see a major problem at M3.
With the allegations of embezzlement, regardless of JC's questionable character, the organization must preform an independent audit ASAP. I've suggested this much at the site and Michael made no mention of such. Good Luck collecting any financial support until this is propery tended to. This is quite obvious. Any thoughts??

Because this wasn't addressed I'm disheartened and considering moving on. Perhaps w changes and old members returning the site will become strong again. Herbert Reyes can lick my sack... that's just sneaky and something doesn't smell right.

though it is ironic bob mentioned I was trying to be the NEW CEO, (which is fully Mr Komorn's call, and I don't expect it).

Reason it is Ironic is Joe said that Last Saturday as well. amazing coincidence? perhaps.
Additional Note:
In his post, to everybody, to dig himself out of this mess Michael K. attached a CONFIDENTIAL MEMO (It was written on the header) from Blueberry to him, his attorney at he time. BIG MISTAKE. Violating the attorney client privacy rights is rather disturbing. I've seen Michael in action and he is a good trial lawyer, but this move shows something is off w him. There is no excuse for that maneuver and I believe that choice will end up haunting him.
you need to read my previous post to you earlier today i believe. I did just that. Appologized for the bs over the last monthish of Time.

I have been garnering tidbits of info for a bit of time and tucking them away to build the puzzle picture.

but I wasnt as near as I was hoping to be when the meltdown started last week. Bonus.

Glad, I am not tickled in the least the way things went down, but if it means Joe is out of the 3MA, then it wasnt for naught.

New book, new page. If relationships cant be salvaged that would be a bummer.

But Joe Cain is no long the CEO of the 3MA. Joe had been playing Many Many games. He was playing the Mods off each other, or atleast trying to. He was also using me to try to set up Whitney Hickman from the Neuago County CC. I got this info on sunday, and by monday, I had the puzzle put together enough I could make my break from him...

There was a reason I came over and posted the info I did, not to try to make face, but to dance a happy dance. I guess I thought many of you would be more estatic about it.

Im a Rude, can be. Am i crude? can be that too, though ive never been socially unatractive. That is until this shit started up. Ive been here over a year. had plenty of great posts. But damn that bastage (Joe C) is one hard mofo to work with, without being pissed off all day.

By the time Monday Am came around, I was SO Livid i could taste blood from chewing a hole in my lip. literall.

I dont expect you to accept my apology, but it is made, twice now non the Less.

Well Timmahh, that sounds a helluva lot better then trying the play the victim role. Sure I watched people attack you and you defend yourself, I also seen those that pleaded desperately with you and showed care and compassion in doing so. I hope a bright enough light is shown on the organization so that not only everyone's bad deeds are exposed, but so that the good deeds are shown as well. There must be some good out of this.
Believe it or Not Marty, that is Exactly what is starting to happen already now that Joe is Out. ALL Bans have been lifted! We have CPU members posting already. Many of the Joe fan club is coming back. some mildly tense discussions obviously. We expected as much. We (Staff at the 3MA) are working diligently to rectify the last few yrs of hurdles.
Unity amont the masses is the key. Look im not trying to kiss and make up. Much went down over the last few weeks that was regretable. I am not very proud of some of it, but it is what it is now.

The Quietone is back and an Admin. Joe caused massive severances. I didnt like feeling i was defending him, while I was defending the 3MA, but so long as Joe was CEO, its just what it was..
With that Said, I will state, Joe Did, and Does make good points on the law and how the State has handled it, especially since BS and RS took office. They just always drowned in his own rhetoric.
When it came to helping out folks at the JFM, he was very compassionate it would seem. So I cant fault him on his caring for those that needed help the most. but a Compassionate man does not necessarily make a good leader.

fwiw, Mal and I have had more than a few well debated threads. We Always have walked away with a mutual respect for each other, even when we deeply disagreed on more than a few points.... we both kept to our points and he didnt get personal, and neither did I. That how you debate.

bottom line in all of this Joe is not the CEO, The forum is up, all are welcomed back. We just ask to use the site wisely. 3MA is NOT RIU. it is Not anything goes over there. ALot of people, myself included, are still unsure of the extent of what has come to pass. but So far, for the last 48 hrs, I have seen 100s of people that have not been around for quite a while. And I did let all the staff know of my dealings here over the last few weeks. So you wont be sending any surprises if you think you may want to LET THEM IN on me. They already know about here, and they have been here and read through the threads. I told them it wasnt pretty and they may need goloshes. heh.

Timmahh I don't want to start shit; I just want folks to grow through this experience like I like to think I myself have.
I am not bashing mmma or cpu sites; just pointing out the reasons it looks foolish to rally around either at this point in time.

I don't want to go to mmma or cpu; I want to be where I can speak my mind without compromising my own safety or dignity.

Face it: at one site your message is owned by Mal and at another it is owned by Korman.
No matter what you do going forward many people will never go back in my opinion.

I could be wrong; but what has happened so far is not fundamental change, and anything less would be folly at this juncture.

I'm a follower.
Followers need leaders who tell them which arrows to follow.
Followers need to trust their leaders to be effective.

The only way I see to building that trust is open honest debate that respects privacy and basic InternetZ protocol.
Whatever you guys do: I hope it works out for the best.
Nothing to do with me guys but i've been following along and have seen a few of timmah's posts defending joe in other threads, the thing I wonder about is how do you go back to a group that have not only followed this man (joe) but have protected him openly in forums away from the MMMA? I mean what makes you think it will be any different the next time around? will they this time be loyal to the members or will they simply follow the leader again?, I'm an outsider looking in (UK) and wouldn't trust that organisation again, the fact is people were being robbed by an unhinged leader and mods on the site have openly admitted that joe's behaviour was wrong and innocent people have been mis-treated and taken advantage of, the right thing to do would have been to stand up for these people yet this didn't happen joe was protected at the cost of innocent people. Timmah admits he had suspicions and yet he defended him and bashed people. If the MMMA were serious about restoring it's integrity they would remove all the mods and anybody else who was involved in defending joe. After all if you follow and defend a criminal how could you be thought of as anybody with honesty and integrity? Soldiers have to follow orders these people did not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the 3ma hasnt changed timahh is already treatining people with bans .lol he emust still have a little joe in his mouth what a pos
Personally I think the community needs to own itself.

Like I own this plant:

You can't have it and you can't tell me what to do with it.
Because I own it.

I think if we owned ourselves as a real non-profit we could live in harmony:

If one of the current forums is take the lead it will take profound change from within and more than a week to convince the faithful.

The divorce was hard on us kids.
Nothing to do with me guys but i've been following along and have seen a few of timmah's posts defending joe in other threads, the thing I wonder about is how do you go back to a group that have not only followed this man (joe) but have protected him openly in forums away from the MMMA? I mean what makes you think it will be any different the next time around? will they this time be loyal to the members or will they simply follow the leader again?, I'm an outsider looking in (UK) and wouldn't trust that organisation again, the fact is people were being robbed by an unhinged leader and mods on the site have openly admitted that joe's behaviour was wrong and innocent people have been mis-treated and taken advantage of, the right thing to do would have been to stand up for these people yet this didn't happen joe was protected at the cost of innocent people. Timmah admits he had suspicions and yet he defended him and bashed people. If the MMMA were serious about restoring it's integrity they would remove all the mods and anybody else who was involved in defending joe. After all if you follow and defend a criminal how could you be thought of as anybody with honesty and integrity? Soldiers have to follow orders these people did not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Very well put!
Timmahh I don't want to start shit; I just want folks to grow through this experience like I like to think I myself have.
I am not bashing mmma or cpu sites; just pointing out the reasons it looks foolish to rally around either at this point in time.

I don't want to go to mmma or cpu; I want to be where I can speak my mind without compromising my own safety or dignity.

Face it: at one site your message is owned by Mal and at another it is owned by Korman.
No matter what you do going forward many people will never go back in my opinion.

I could be wrong; but what has happened so far is not fundamental change, and anything less would be folly at this juncture.

I'm a follower.
Followers need leaders who tell them which arrows to follow.
Followers need to trust their leaders to be effective.

The only way I see to building that trust is open honest debate that respects privacy and basic InternetZ protocol.
Whatever you guys do: I hope it works out for the best.

I agree Marty. A group or person that wants to represent a community like this needs to respect the opinions of all of it's members, and allow for open and honest dialogue on their forum.

It seems like everyone has an agenda, and is trying to control the message.
Yeah childish, true a lot of Christians are a real pain in the ass, conservative and closed minded... but that's everything Jesus stood up against. I'm an unrepentant atheist to the grave, but I can see he was a good guy with good intentions, socially liberal and economically a socialist... he would've been against all of the government oppression of today, he would be standing with us patients and defending us...

I wish I could "like" this post! :-)