mmma down???

Know what they wanted for Modafinil? I think that's the one he prescribed for me to try. It was $800 for a month supply, with only medicare.

Good god. That's just wrong. Thank god you have those sativas. Being able to grow your own medicine is a truly wonderful thing sometimes. Curious - what strains do you use as an alternative to Desoxyn/Modafinil, to wake yourself up? It seems to me that anything with even a trace of indica genetics is going to be more or less sedating/confusing. Too bad it's so hard to find something pure. I hear those hazes, the ones with 14-16 week flower times, are VERY different from even a sativa dominant hybrid. I wonder how much truth there is to that.

That is one theory....but it's like going all in on a bluff. It's going to work great...or you go home.

True. I guess that's where we differ. I really think we have this one in the bag. Even the DA in Livonia said he thought there was no chance of any of this stuff passing.
Total legalization will never happen. Sorry to be that negative, but it won't. It would have Global economic impact if It were totally legal..we'd try and make it our #1 export crop...It would literally create World conflict...If any major nation totally legalized it.
I dont agree with this comment. Ill post the petition word for word. A proposal to amend the Michigan Constitution by adding a new section 28 to article 1 to read as fallows:Repeal of Marihuana prohibition. for persons 21 years of age who are not incarcerated, marihuana acquisition,cultivation,manufacture,sale,delivery,transfer,transportation,possession,ingestion,presence in or on the body,religious,medical,industrial,agricultural,commercial or personal use,or possession or use of paraphernalia shall not be prohibited, abridged,or penalized in any manor, nor subject to civil forfeiture;provided that no person shall be permitted to operate an aircraft,motor vehicle,motorboat,orv,snowmobile,train,or heavy/dangerous equipment or machinery while impaired by marihuana.
It will be legal one day. There is no way to stop it..... I doubt very highly that they will get anything passed with a 75% majority. They could never agree on something that much.
It will be legal one day. There is no way to stop it..... I doubt very highly that they will get anything passed with a 75% majority. They could never agree on something that much.

One day..maybe so..we can only hope...Don't bank on that 75% thing..even if that comes true..we still have the same confusion that we have now...Mr. bills 'opinion" will still be the standard of "legal" in the cops eyes, and people will still be getting arrested.
Yeah we're in bad shape. There's a lot to be done. We need to elect more friendlies to the Supreme Court this year, we need the legalization campaign going strong to discourage legislators from torching mmj to the bone, we need to be sure Schuette will not be re-elected...

On the MMMA I proposed a ballot initiative that didn't get much attention...

Thing is, ballot initiatives require around 25-30% the number of signatures as a recall requires. So why not pass a ballot initiative exiling Schuette from the state, or one closing the office of Attorney General until 2014?
Good god. That's just wrong. Thank god you have those sativas. Being able to grow your own medicine is a truly wonderful thing sometimes. Curious - what strains do you use as an alternative to Desoxyn/Modafinil, to wake yourself up? It seems to me that anything with even a trace of indica genetics is going to be more or less sedating/confusing. Too bad it's so hard to find something pure. I hear those hazes, the ones with 14-16 week flower times, are VERY different from even a sativa dominant hybrid. I wonder how much truth there is to that.

True. I guess that's where we differ. I really think we have this one in the bag. Even the DA in Livonia said he thought there was no chance of any of this stuff passing.

First answer...It's a long flower time Sativa..strain unknown..UVB lighting helps get the effect I'm looking for too...THCV acts as a thc regulator in the brain, as well as a regulator for many other brain chemicals..The true hazes can be racy, almost Paranoid from what I hear. That would indicate little or no thcv value in the Hazes. Just massive thc, without the regulation.

One fundamental problem I have with the bills from last Thursday:

Everyone on the forum seems to be saying that 2 major negatives were in those bills.

1. Section 8 wording making that defense only apply to a qualified patient, with PRIOR dr. recommendation, that does not wish to register for Privacy reasons. Thus eliminating that defense for card holders.

2. Transfers limited to assign CG to Patient...thus elimination of any distribution

As a matter of law..both can not be true. To make both true..means that anyone wishing to remain anonymous(as stated in the reasoning behind the section 8 ruling) MUST grow their own..they can not obtain meds any other way. They would have to register, to assign a CG. That removes the ability to remain anonymous for anyone who can't or doesn't want to grow. And that is simply NOT congruent with an honest attempt to clarify the law. It is only congruent with an attempt to nullify the law...which he does not have the power to do. It in itself exposes his true intent. In essence he is saying that section 8 only allows the choice of anonymity. But then he takes away the choice of anonymity in his p2p opinion. That's a legal Technical foul...Free throw and the ball for the pro med side. It's like saying that Blacks can ride in the front of the bus, so long as they are white. It's transparently unjust.

Hence, if he wishes section 8 to read according to his opinion, he MUST allow p2p transfers so that patients who wish to remain anonymous and can't or don't wish to grow, can obtain meds.
And if he wants transfers limited to direct CG to patient only, he MUST allow the section 8 defense to all.

To win both arguments, by definition he has to take away patient rights to succeed. He has created his own catch 22, that will fall in court the first time challenged.
I have been looking for those. Can you provide the Name or E.I.N. that it is registered as? Thnx

i do not know that information just as the mods here likely dont have access to that information. I was told the site was a 501c, and that is all the information i was given. and No i never verified that, though i didnt feel i needed to at the time.
I believe everything you say. Brenda has said through all of this that when everything settles it will be known that you haven't abused or used anyone. She said that you stood out as the nicest most honest person at the market. I don't know if it is the Native American, but her judge of character can be banked on. I will be moving and getting involved with many aspects of Michigan. I had some serious questions on what I have witnessed Timmahh type and I tried discussing these with him. I hope many at the 3MA have followed this moderators posts on here.
You will land on your feet for sure medcnman and the lessons you have learned over the last month will make you much stronger and wiser and your true friends and true family will surface. If there is ever anything at all that I can do to help you out do not hesitate a second to call me.

your attempt as 'Discussion" as you say, was to attack me for being a Mod at the 3MA, and a proponant of Mr Cains. Now that i no longer need to play the charade, You still have a problem with me because i treated you as you treated me? Touche.
Hey tim and med man,, how do guys like restricting free speech?? you guys are the lowest of lows, we do not forget nor should we, you guys at the MMMA are a disgrace to the patients of michigan your time is up, its over , there will never be trust in the MMMA with people like you running it,, now why doing you both go back and suk joe off like you always do ,,

and the innuendos continue from yet another Joe Cain hater.. You Know what upbuds. I put up with that for the last few months, you ll have to do better.
the mmma will still be the same bullshit it has been.a good ole boys club .hell you have to be in the so called in crowd to find meds or clones on that site .only a handfull are allowed to push there products.that site is fucked .there so into peoples rights yeah what a joke .what about the freadom of speach???????and now that joe is gone timmah wants to do a 180 i call bullshit on that if joe was still there timmahh would still have a mouth full of joes mushroom .fake ass people arnt who i want defending our take the spine outa a man youll really see how plyable they really are.way to go timmahh

Oh that hurt. Sorry no good. You can set online and whine all you want. meanwhile I ll be getting back to the Matter at Hand.

I have a simple rule
Treat Me the way You want to be Treated.

I will give respect when it is given. Attacking me for being a Mod at the 3MA, soley because those of you that have problems with Mr Cain, is No LONGER MY worry and one hell of a way to treat someone you do not know, simply for being in the Vacinity of Cannabis... Take it up with Mr Cain, like an Honorable man would.
My position of having to defend Joe Cain are OVER. He is not my problem any longer.

If you have a problem with Joe Cain, and you want to make your problem with him, your problem with me, you ll have to pack a lunch. Those problems are on the back burner from this point forward.
If on the other hand, have a problem with Me, Irrelevant of my association with the Mr Cain via the 3MA, I ll be happy to discuss matter to rectify it.

otherwise, there is too much to get going now that the hurdle is gone, and i have no time for school yard pissing matches.
Which is exactly why I pointed out Timmahh's bullshit today. these are his actions from today 4/3/12, not a month ago when he can blame Joe Cain. This guy is a straight up asshole, he posted my PM for public fight cause he wants spotlight. WATCH THIS GUY PEOPLE!!!!!

Really Glad? Tell us then Mr Sunshine, Why were you Attacking me a MONTH Ago when All i was here doing is giving information about the Upcomming hearings in lansing?

Gee Let me Think. oh yea Because JOE CAIN BANNED YOU from the 3MA, you were then and are now obviously still miffed over it. yet you felt the need to attack me about your love of Mr Cain, and you expect me to respect you? Get over your self you are not that special and neither am I.

You, Jeebus of cantibuds, Grow Goddess and a few other jumped into my asshole elbow deep with the ever so popular simple minded MOB Mentality of the love you all have for Mr Cain. And because you could not get into the 3MA to bitch whine and moan to Joe about it, well because you were all banned by Joe Cain, you all jump on the mob rules feeding frenzy and unloaded on me.

Most of youhere running your mouths still, are still attacking Joe Cain thru me. Man the hell up, Grow Goddess, you can WOMAn the hell up, and take your issue with Joe to Joe. He is YOUR PROBLEM Now, he has been excised as my issue as of Monday Evening.

bob harris, he is another issue all together, and you would be a fool if you trust that man/woman, whatever it is, to not see you rot in jail for nothing at all. He wreaks of a similar stench I just got out of my life 2 nights ago except on the exact opposite end of the scale.

How about you try that shit with a Moderator here and see where it gets you?
once your banned, you ll be happy to know ALL Bans at the 3MA have been LIFTED and Joe CAIN is No longer CEO so you can come back to the 3MA but dont try to pull the shit you do here, It will not be tolerated.

If I did not have to defend myself from 10 teenagers that say they are adults, this last 4 to 5 weeks could of been much more productive here.

You all think it is enjoyable having to defend yourself because of some guy that has issues with those of you that have been Banned? let me clue you in. it isnt. but i think what pissed you off more, is I wast banned from RIU. Imagine that.

I didn't ban any of you that have been banned, Joe Did. As a Mod you have a job to do. move the forum forward, and keep the shit to the minimum. This doesn't happen in a free for all setup like RIU. it anything goes here.

So you can give me all the crap you want, but the bottom line is you brought the majority of it upon your selfs, for not being Men or Women enough to take your issue to the source, Mr Cain. but No in true easy to fall into line mob rule fashion, led by GG Glad and Jesus, you try to gang bang the one of the few here that are actually TRYING to Save the damn 08 MMM Act.

Is that not what you ALL wanted anyways. for Joe to get his just deserts. I come here and let you all know hes got them, but you still carry the mob rule kill the messenger mentality, and have to attack me. And you think I have the issues? Maybe all you that were attacking Joe through me, should move back to pharmaceuticals, cannabis may not be working so well for you.

We have more important issues the what my intentions were or why i HAD TO defend JOE Cain, simple out of my defense of the 3MA as an organization and my position as a Moderator. Like getting back to the matter of Protecting the 08 MMM Act, and getting these corrupt judges OUT of our Judicial Brance of Government come November 7th.

Keep on thing in mind No Act No Patients No Plants.
Now can we look forward to November 7th

or do the little boys and girls need to have another go at Joe Cain through me?
I started to question you when and only when Grow Goddess, Jesus of Cannabis, Malamute, Stumpjumper, the banned 7 times guy and SEVERAL other people all said the exact same thing about you, joe cain, and the 3MA. That is when I started to ask you direct questions about these people being banned, is Joe Cain really a fucking nut job, do the mods read and share PMs, that kinda shit. That is when you started double talking and turned lawyer/politician. That is when you disrespected us by lying and bullshitting. THAT is when I acted like little kid and returned ignorance. Personally I don't fucking believe any GROUP yet. Me, trolling and being an asshole PMd Joe Cain ABOUT YOU!!! And THEN I got banned. It was during the thread - Got banned from the 3MA 7 Times. You seriously don't remember this shit, many rollitup members do. Many of us followed along. You can through out some facts and make me look bad, but your order is all fucked up. This is a thread of people calling you a piece of shit and an asshole, not me. Get your temper on check and you will make a fine politician you snake tongued lying piece of shit.
And I asked about compassion clubs and I asked about the other site. Not many straight answers when questions are asked. Jesus of Cannabis said it right a few months ago. He has proven wise one, who been around this block before.
A hacker may have stole a month of posts, but that hacker hasn't erased the memory of the many people that followed this embarrassing soap opera. And you fuckers think people getting arrested is what makes us look bad. Having a bunch of groups fight publicly is what makes us look bad, then each group run to the politicians and snitch on each other like they are our parents, what a fucking joke. :finger: Fuck you and your poor memory. Keep calling Jesus Christ a child molester you demented fuck, than will be a nice campaign poster for you.
Really Glad? Tell us then Mr Sunshine, Why were you Attacking me a MONTH Ago when All i was here doing is giving information about the Upcomming hearings in lansing?

Gee Let me Think. oh yea Because JOE CAIN BANNED YOU from the 3MA, you were then and are now obviously still miffed over it. yet you felt the need to attack me about your love of Mr Cain, and you expect me to respect you? Get over your self you are not that special and neither am I.

You, Jeebus of cantibuds, Grow Goddess and a few other jumped into my asshole elbow deep with the ever so popular simple minded MOB Mentality of the love you all have for Mr Cain. And because you could not get into the 3MA to bitch whine and moan to Joe about it, well because you were all banned by Joe Cain, you all jump on the mob rules feeding frenzy and unloaded on me.

Most of youhere running your mouths still, are still attacking Joe Cain thru me. Man the hell up, Grow Goddess, you can WOMAn the hell up, and take your issue with Joe to Joe. He is YOUR PROBLEM Now, he has been excised as my issue as of Monday Evening.

bob harris, he is another issue all together, and you would be a fool if you trust that man/woman, whatever it is, to not see you rot in jail for nothing at all. He wreaks of a similar stench I just got out of my life 2 nights ago except on the exact opposite end of the scale.

How about you try that shit with a Moderator here and see where it gets you?
once your banned, you ll be happy to know ALL Bans at the 3MA have been LIFTED and Joe CAIN is No longer CEO so you can come back to the 3MA but dont try to pull the shit you do here, It will not be tolerated.

If I did not have to defend myself from 10 teenagers that say they are adults, this last 4 to 5 weeks could of been much more productive here.

You all think it is enjoyable having to defend yourself because of some guy that has issues with those of you that have been Banned? let me clue you in. it isnt. but i think what pissed you off more, is I wast banned from RIU. Imagine that.

I didn't ban any of you that have been banned, Joe Did. As a Mod you have a job to do. move the forum forward, and keep the shit to the minimum. This doesn't happen in a free for all setup like RIU. it anything goes here.

So you can give me all the crap you want, but the bottom line is you brought the majority of it upon your selfs, for not being Men or Women enough to take your issue to the source, Mr Cain. but No in true easy to fall into line mob rule fashion, led by GG Glad and Jesus, you try to gang bang the one of the few here that are actually TRYING to Save the damn 08 MMM Act.

Is that not what you ALL wanted anyways. for Joe to get his just deserts. I come here and let you all know hes got them, but you still carry the mob rule kill the messenger mentality, and have to attack me. And you think I have the issues? Maybe all you that were attacking Joe through me, should move back to pharmaceuticals, cannabis may not be working so well for you.

We have more important issues the what my intentions were or why i HAD TO defend JOE Cain, simple out of my defense of the 3MA as an organization and my position as a Moderator. Like getting back to the matter of Protecting the 08 MMM Act, and getting these corrupt judges OUT of our Judicial Brance of Government come November 7th.

Keep on thing in mind No Act No Patients No Plants.
Now can we look forward to November 7th

or do the little boys and girls need to have another go at Joe Cain through me?

Dude you need sin real smoke that crap in the ditch has got you confused. You were put on blast here cause anyone whom had a differing opinion from yours was a Target of meaningless personal attacks. Most of them were way over the top and you would not get off of them.
First answer...It's a long flower time Sativa..strain unknown..UVB lighting helps get the effect I'm looking for too...THCV acts as a thc regulator in the brain, as well as a regulator for many other brain chemicals..The true hazes can be racy, almost Paranoid from what I hear. That would indicate little or no thcv value in the Hazes. Just massive thc, without the regulation.

One fundamental problem I have with the bills from last Thursday:

Everyone on the forum seems to be saying that 2 major negatives were in those bills.

1. Section 8 wording making that defense only apply to a qualified patient, with PRIOR dr. recommendation, that does not wish to register for Privacy reasons. Thus eliminating that defense for card holders.

2. Transfers limited to assign CG to Patient...thus elimination of any distribution

As a matter of law..both can not be true. To make both true..means that anyone wishing to remain anonymous(as stated in the reasoning behind the section 8 ruling) MUST grow their own..they can not obtain meds any other way. They would have to register, to assign a CG. That removes the ability to remain anonymous for anyone who can't or doesn't want to grow. And that is simply NOT congruent with an honest attempt to clarify the law. It is only congruent with an attempt to nullify the law...which he does not have the power to do. It in itself exposes his true intent. In essence he is saying that section 8 only allows the choice of anonymity. But then he takes away the choice of anonymity in his p2p opinion. That's a legal Technical foul...Free throw and the ball for the pro med side. It's like saying that Blacks can ride in the front of the bus, so long as they are white. It's transparently unjust.

Hence, if he wishes section 8 to read according to his opinion, he MUST allow p2p transfers so that patients who wish to remain anonymous and can't or don't wish to grow, can obtain meds.
And if he wants transfers limited to direct CG to patient only, he MUST allow the section 8 defense to all.

To win both arguments, by definition he has to take away patient rights to succeed. He has created his own catch 22, that will fall in court the first time challenged.

Cool, so nothing has or is changed? Just have to live with the Bs,AG opinion
Till the SC rule
Really Glad? Tell us then Mr Sunshine, Why were you Attacking me a MONTH Ago when All i was here doing is giving information about the Upcomming hearings in lansing?

Gee Let me Think. oh yea Because JOE CAIN BANNED YOU from the 3MA, you were then and are now obviously still miffed over it. yet you felt the need to attack me about your love of Mr Cain, and you expect me to respect you? Get over your self you are not that special and neither am I.

You, Jeebus of cantibuds, Grow Goddess and a few other jumped into my asshole elbow deep with the ever so popular simple minded MOB Mentality of the love you all have for Mr Cain. And because you could not get into the 3MA to bitch whine and moan to Joe about it, well because you were all banned by Joe Cain, you all jump on the mob rules feeding frenzy and unloaded on me.

Most of youhere running your mouths still, are still attacking Joe Cain thru me. Man the hell up, Grow Goddess, you can WOMAn the hell up, and take your issue with Joe to Joe. He is YOUR PROBLEM Now, he has been excised as my issue as of Monday Evening.

bob harris, he is another issue all together, and you would be a fool if you trust that man/woman, whatever it is, to not see you rot in jail for nothing at all. He wreaks of a similar stench I just got out of my life 2 nights ago except on the exact opposite end of the scale.

How about you try that shit with a Moderator here and see where it gets you?
once your banned, you ll be happy to know ALL Bans at the 3MA have been LIFTED and Joe CAIN is No longer CEO so you can come back to the 3MA but dont try to pull the shit you do here, It will not be tolerated.

If I did not have to defend myself from 10 teenagers that say they are adults, this last 4 to 5 weeks could of been much more productive here.

You all think it is enjoyable having to defend yourself because of some guy that has issues with those of you that have been Banned? let me clue you in. it isnt. but i think what pissed you off more, is I wast banned from RIU. Imagine that.

I didn't ban any of you that have been banned, Joe Did. As a Mod you have a job to do. move the forum forward, and keep the shit to the minimum. This doesn't happen in a free for all setup like RIU. it anything goes here.

So you can give me all the crap you want, but the bottom line is you brought the majority of it upon your selfs, for not being Men or Women enough to take your issue to the source, Mr Cain. but No in true easy to fall into line mob rule fashion, led by GG Glad and Jesus, you try to gang bang the one of the few here that are actually TRYING to Save the damn 08 MMM Act.

Is that not what you ALL wanted anyways. for Joe to get his just deserts. I come here and let you all know hes got them, but you still carry the mob rule kill the messenger mentality, and have to attack me. And you think I have the issues? Maybe all you that were attacking Joe through me, should move back to pharmaceuticals, cannabis may not be working so well for you.

We have more important issues the what my intentions were or why i HAD TO defend JOE Cain, simple out of my defense of the 3MA as an organization and my position as a Moderator. Like getting back to the matter of Protecting the 08 MMM Act, and getting these corrupt judges OUT of our Judicial Brance of Government come November 7th.

Keep on thing in mind No Act No Patients No Plants.
Now can we look forward to November 7th

or do the little boys and girls need to have another go at Joe Cain through me?

Wow, thanks for giving me my own paragraph. The problem with your logic in this whole rant, is that basically you were only being challenged by me...most were agreeing with you, until your true colors came to light.

You change what you are saying as fast as the wind changes direction.

People may not like my opinions, but at least I'm consistant.
Timaah, the jig is up. You are a liar. You pm-ed me and told me you have access t the 3ma's books. If you do then tell us how much they take in. If you don't then stop lying.

You're a lying sack of shit. Scum. So is purklize. Scum. The worst scum.

As for joe cain he is lying still. I haven't yet met with the FBI so there is no way he met with them to deal with my issues. My appt was pushed back. He is a liar. He is scraping to come up with anything to stay afloat. SCUM.

Joe is scum and so are most of his mods. Timmah you're a major scumball. Coming at me to get personal info in pm's and acting like you want to investigate. Scum. mmma=thieves I think they all had their hand in the till.