meth and shadow ppl...have u seen them...what are they?...experiences

So for the millions of years that things were evolving ud think maybe we could find just one....just one half human half monkey skeleton. ..hell maybe even half of one....its kinda odd that nvr in history has any such bones been found in the fossil im pretty sure a mutating species half of one thing evolving into another would for damn sure hinder its chances of survival w these developing parts all over its body....the theory of evolution is flat out retartded and has zero facts for its basis what so ever....somthing as complicated as dna which builds living breathing biological organisms from scratch evolved accidentally? ???????......yeah ok......and since we're on the subject of dna it smashes the theory of evolution. ..just sayin....if we evolved frm monkeys why is our dna incompatible w monkey dna?.....along w every other living creature on this planet that has its own specific set of building instructions that are confined to their species....these facts kill the theory of evolution
So for the millions of years that things were evolving ud think maybe we could find just one....just one half human half monkey skeleton. ..hell maybe even half of one....its kinda odd that nvr in history has any such bones been found in the fossil im pretty sure a mutating species half of one thing evolving into another would for damn sure hinder its chances of survival w these developing parts all over its body....the theory of evolution is flat out retartded and has zero facts for its basis what so ever....somthing as complicated as dna which builds living breathing biological organisms from scratch evolved accidentally? ???????......yeah ok......and since we're on the subject of dna it smashes the theory of evolution. ..just sayin....if we evolved frm monkeys why is our dna incompatible w monkey dna?.....along w every other living creature on this planet that has its own specific set of building instructions that are confined to their species....these facts kill the theory of evolution

hmmm shadow people to monkey dna?..what the what?:lol:
So for the millions of years that things were evolving ud think maybe we could find just one....just one half human half monkey skeleton. ..hell maybe even half of one....its kinda odd that nvr in history has any such bones been found in the fossil im pretty sure a mutating species half of one thing evolving into another would for damn sure hinder its chances of survival w these developing parts all over its body....the theory of evolution is flat out retartded and has zero facts for its basis what so ever....somthing as complicated as dna which builds living breathing biological organisms from scratch evolved accidentally? ???????......yeah ok......and since we're on the subject of dna it smashes the theory of evolution. ..just sayin....if we evolved frm monkeys why is our dna incompatible w monkey dna?.....along w every other living creature on this planet that has its own specific set of building instructions that are confined to their species....these facts kill the theory of evolution

Believing in god is fine. But you're throwing evolution out?? Cmon man... Are you listening to Kent Hovind or something? If you believe in god then just think... how did this almighty god come into existence out of nothing?
Believing in god is fine. But you're throwing evolution out?? Cmon man... Are you listening to Kent Hovind or something? If you believe in god then just think... how did this almighty god come into existence out of nothing?

Being an agnostic atheist is where it's at ;) Not really.. That's just what people tell me I am.
I think Im Agnostic when it comes to luck and the 'energy' ....but thats mostly tongue in cheak.
I look to philosophers like Kant and Aristotle , Socrates to explain morals and how to live. Morals are a means for survival , there are universal morals in all humans. Religion is a means to control people, it began with Paganism and story telling in caves, then evolved into monotheism, polytheism.... to the cluster fuck we have today. religion and more specifically religious ceremonies is for the ignorant and weak minded, as it has always been. 100,000 years ago you would be the luckiest man alive to live to 30. We are programmed with survival filters. hallucinations being one of the survival mechanisms. There is no doubt that many of men have had deeply "religious experiences"... it is programmed in us for survival.
Early man had to cope with shit like watching your whole family get ripped apart by gorillas. Genetic coding is a map to help a species survive.

Eventually we all turn to dust then a Black Hole will swallow the galaxy and shoot us out in a beam of energy quasar across the universe
LOL! you believe in an energy eh? Where did this energy come from? You're misunderstanding what I mean by "agnostic atheist" :)
Ok..back...ask any true religious person about dna..then,vega,ask yourself where you got the term 'dna' dioxyribonucleicacid(I can't spell)..then ask yourself..'why am I arguing for the point of dna when it will negate my point'..your argument need to be reevaluated. Dna isn't when you say it is.but you say it is to prove it isn't...I'm just saying,if I were indifferent of either side,your argument seems,well,hippocritical...
My point being fossils..carbon dating,the fact the same dna exists in everyone and is fundamentaly understood as fact.just to correlate your post with my last one.
I honestly gotta ask tho,are we trying to get this thread moved or is this about meth love to start a reality/fantasy thread but it'll get moved to toke and talk I guarantee..
Ok..back...ask any true religious person about dna..then,vega,ask yourself where you got the term 'dna' dioxyribonucleicacid(I can't spell)..then ask yourself..'why am I arguing for the point of dna when it will negate my point'..your argument need to be reevaluated. Dna isn't when you say it is.but you say it is to prove it isn't...I'm just saying,if I were indifferent of either side,your argument seems,well,hippocritical...
My only point is dna had to come from an intelligent was created it wasnt cosmic souped accidentally into existence...especially a diff set of dna for every living organism on this planet.....sorry guys from reading ur posts we're so far apart (mentally) this is a pointless conversation cause ur not even sorry I cant help u.....n btw I never sd a word abt religion nor do I participate in any religion
N for u to bring up "Alice"...that old set of monkey bones is just absolutely laughable. ...haha....sure bro...go on n believe that story....:)
Shadow people are an actual phenomena that many people, including myself have experienced without being under the influence of any drugs. But you have to remember, stimulants like meth cause sleep deprivation and paranoia that can manifest as shadowy lurkers watching you. Best advice; put the light bulb down and get some sleep.
Why does dna differ from anything else? everything is a mindfuck.... Your god was cosmically souped.
See the fact you're resigned to not even talk says a lot about your 'diehard beliefs''re fine with giving up on them..can't be too much truth in that if ya ask me...but what do I know about biology or history?...I tell ya..some 'intelligent mind' didn't just say,'hmmm..I wanna create something...' and poof it happened..certain heat,elemental,pressure,chemical issues have to be present..scientists have created,for all descriptions of the word 'life',actual life..when's the last time you read 'scientific america' or any other up to date publication on any of the issues we are talking about..I'm some research and then ask where dna came from..I don't wanna sound like a jerk,and probably do,but it seems to me you stepped up to the plate with no bat to I said,you're beliefs are respected,even if I feel its not true or can prove its not true..some people believe in bigfoot also...I think its alices husband coming to get you.
I didn't mention you talking religious,I compared religion to your use of hiigher beings to describe the creation of dna..