Unless the source comes from the left you would never believe it. I could have posted it from the Daily caller or some crap like that if you want......BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA The sheep says BAAAAAAAAA
"the mainstream media is bad, they lied about how many people marched, here is a mainstream media citation of how many marched to prove the mainstream media lied"
What i saw without having the benefit of a turnstile count was this,

Massive crowds, and not only in DC but NYC had a big one and several others, in addition to the approximately 900 sister ralleys, which were represented in every single state and every continent minus antartica...

This generation coming up is not en masse going accept this gun culture we live in as the given way life must be... i think if American society survives Trumpism there will be a paradigm shift to follow, and not on this issue alone.

Society is always on the move either advancing or regressing, we are in a time of testing right now which direction we step next... if its to continue our advancement it will make positions some hold today as untenable, a given that the position is unacceptable... just as has happened in the past say when it was not a shocking position to say you were pro-people owning people... that became a position that no one would publicly embrace. This is our opportunity! If good can keep Trumpism from becoming the societal norm, upon defeating trumpism we may be able to seal some of those positions of Trumpism as forever off limit...
A person holding a position they cant acknowledge isnt as solid as they make it out to be, often will seek to discredit any true advisary as they know they must bluff to win the hand as a true, meaningful, in good faith debate would likely end in their defeat in the public eye. They wont engage in diologue... thats all the proof you need, thek know the minute its up for debate publicly and fairly they will be on the loosing end...

Like a fucking a toy poodle chasing away a rotweiler....
We all know by now this is a fake image. Leave it to the tiny-minded to post such horseshshit

By now? So you thought this was at one point real? Wow you are dumb. Of course 100% completely fake, anyone with a brain can see that its photoshopped.. The message it conveys is still 100% true though
Today around the country there are marches to end gun violence and say fuck you to the NRA.
Expected are millions of students and parents taking to the streets around this great nation, to demand THEIR RIGHTS as American citizens, to live and being able to go to school, work, or even a movie, without fear of death by an assault weapon sold today in this nation (bring BACK the ban)
This should be interesting in the sense that there is a generation of new voters coming up, that will target any candidate that accepts money from the NRA, and vote them fucking out. (I hope they are shitting in their panties)

This is one situation where I’ll probably be the dissenting opinion. Columbine happened during the AWB of ‘94. And they used a shitty Hi-Point 9mm carbine, a Tec-DC9, a Savage pump action 12-gauge, and a Stevens double-barrel sawed-off 12-gauge. Not to mention a plethora of “banned” explosives. They killed 13 people, injured many others, destroyed a school, and then killed themselves. All while “underage.” A ban isn’t going to help.
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This is one situation where I’ll probably be the dissenting opinion. Columbine happened during the AWB of ‘94. And they used a shitty Hi-Point 9mm carbine, a Tec-DC9, a Savage pump action 12-gauge, and a Stevens double-barrel sawed-off 12-gauge. Not to mention a plethora of “banned” explosives. They killed 13 people, injured many others, destroyed a school, and then killed themselves. All while “underage.” A ban isn’t going to help.
You are exactly right. We will have to pass more extensive gun control legislation than simply a ban of sales on so-called assault rifles. By this I don't mean take guns away from peaceful adults who can show they are proficient at safely using and storing a firearm as well as pass a background check.

The objective is to bring this country in line with other countries similar to ours. Not just mass shootings but gun homicides. Their measures work. In every developed country with gun control laws, they work.
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You are exactly right. We will have to pass more extensive gun control legislation than simply a ban of sales on so-called assault rifles. By this I don't mean take guns away from peaceful adults who can show they are proficient at safely using and storing a firearm as well as pass a background check.

The objective is to bring this country in line with other countries similar to ours. Not just mass shootings but gun homicides. Their measures work. In every developed country with gun control laws, they work.
Conflicts with principles upon which the United States of America was founded. It’s not going to happen. Respectfully.
There’s no functional difference between a sporting rifle firing a 5.56mm NATO or a 7.62mm NATO and a semiautomatic “hunting rifle” firing the same rounds. I can prove it, but I might get in trouble these days. The internals of a civilian AR and a MilSpec AR are not the same, either.

Kids are just posers and want to play Call of Duty: Columbine with no implication or idea as to what they are even doing. Absolutely batshit crazy. Have you seen cartoons today, by the way? It’s so nonsensical it’s not even funny, it’s stupid. Kids are getting dumber, and I’d say it’s in part because of how certain (not all, but certain) mindsets and aspects of parenting have progressed. I think you have to respect a kid’s autonomy, and as a parent, guide them, regarding mature interests. I think kids should be taught to respect guns from a certain age, like 11-12.

That’s me, though.
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That’s the way it was with my Dad, my brother and I. 8-9 years old with my first bolt action .22 LR. He said “Now, I’m going to tell you boys something: If I catch you flagging your brother with the end of that muzzle, or if you point that rifle anywhere but downrange, I will beat your ass. This is not a toy, and you will respect this rifle.”

Guess what we did? For the rest of my life, I respected that rifle, and it was in part because my dad was there, involving himself with me. I think that’s a huge part of the issue with today’s kids. Parents have to work 3 jobs and then figure out whether to be a parent or find time to unwind. I, of course, partly blame the government for that.
Conflicts with principles upon which the United States of America was founded. It’s not going to happen. Respectfully.
Respectfully, the "well regulated" part of the second doesn't mean unregulated. What the NRA is relying upon are interpretations by the Supreme Court to ignore the obligation of government to regulate these "militias", whatever that means. How did we get to the point where "well regulated" means anybody can purchase a gun with enormous killing power without a background check in a private sale?

I agree that gun control measures are still a ways away. About 50,000 unnecessary dead away. Maybe 100,000 unnecessary dead. Also millions traumatized by the slaughter of loved ones or witnessing the violence. I know that you know how fucked up that is.

That said, it's just a matter of time. Only 30% of households in the US own a gun. When 70% of non-gun owning households ally with the gun owning community that favors effective gun control laws, there will be nothing that those opposing change can do to stop us from enacting rational gun control laws. The second can be amended if necessary. 70% of the voting public is an unstoppable majority in a democracy.

There is no reason why peaceful people can't own as many guns as they want as long as they are stored safely and registered so that they can be tracked to prevent illegal sales. I don't think enacting better regulations means taking guns away, nor does it mean a person who meets requirements such as a background check and proficiency requirements can't buy one. Maybe the selection will be constrained and the number of rounds in a clip or a magazine will be limited compared to today but there is no reason why a person can't own a gun for a legitimate purpose such as hunting, or competition shooting or simply keep the ones they already have..

See Canada's gun control measures. They are quite well accepted and they work.
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