Idiot, that's the Constitution and it can be amended.

Whatever happened to that part about "well regulated" in the 2nd? Did the gun lobby manage to snip that out? You do realize that old fucks like you were made to look foolish, don't you? 70% of the people in this country support well regulated gun ownership while 30% -- only 30% of all households in this country own guns -- have frittered away their time thinking that the 2nd is all about unregulated gun ownership. 70% is an insurmountable majority. From today's marches, the youth of this nation will only make that number larger. You'll lose. There will be nothing that you old fucks can do once this becomes an issue that figures into how 70% the people vote.
I attended one... it was a great experience...

I dont see it a far stretch of the mind to think that the kids who lived through AR terror may have some negative feelings towards them. Thats what makes me laugh at the nra argument that these kids dont really think it...

Usually social change doesnt come from groups of geriatrics in their walkers demanding change. Keep dismissing their movement... that will make their inevitable success all the easier and faster...
You have never sounded more communist Comrad!
No it doesn't but you sound pretty dumb. I'm not a marxist but at least I know how to read.
look at how scared the right wing losers are.

nice signature gaylord, you do realize obama is the one who approved sales of bump stocks right. a good portion of this mess is caused by that worthless traitor of a president you view as your messiah. Meanwhile Trump is doing real things to reform gun laws in this country Obama made 14 stupid speeches and made little to no reform to existing gun laws.

by the way no one is scared and no one is coming to take the big bad scary full semi-automatic guns away. do you even know what the federal firearm laws are in this country? PROBABLY NOT
I'm sorry their political tools being used by special interest groups. Again adults telling children what to say to other adults.
I'm sorry their political tools being used by special interest groups. Again adults telling children what to say to other adults.
Yep. 'Political tools' who will be turning 18 soon and voting your precious right wing psychopaths out of office.

It's great to see kids getting involved in politics again. The last time it happened America got the fuck out of Vietnam and didn't try that shit again for 20 years.
Hey dickwad, this was an international march, not just in the USA, that just alone in DC had an estimated crowd size of over 800,000 participants, not counting all the other cities in this country, and the world.

An initial crowd estimate from Washington, D.C., 4:55 p.m.: March for Our Lives organizers are estimating about 800,000 people gathered in Washington, D.C. Saturday for Saturday’s rally, according to a report from NBC News

Wake up, and stop watching only Fox for your fucked up news and propaganda.

Oh, and while I'm at it, fuck the NRA ( their done :) ) and fuck your soulmate, that no good piece of shit Trump,
I am gonna leave this right here you go ahead and read at your own pleasure...... #FakeNews The mainstream media just invented 600000 people The sheep says baaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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you're citing mainstream media in order to tell us that the mainstream media are liars?
Unless the source comes from the left you would never believe it. I could have posted it from the Daily caller or some crap like that if you want......BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA The sheep says BAAAAAAAAA