Lol Even that's too batshit crazy for meTerps should post over on the Flat Earth thread
"the mainstream media is bad, they lied about how many people marched, here is a mainstream media citation of how many marched to prove the mainstream media lied"Unless the source comes from the left you would never believe it. I could have posted it from the Daily caller or some crap like that if you want......BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA The sheep says BAAAAAAAAA
Lol Even that's too batshit crazy for me
They cut you deep, they will cut you again, #bloodonyourhands.I'm sorry their political tools being used by special interest groups. Again adults telling children what to say to other adults.
We all know by now this is a fake image. Leave it to the tiny-minded to post such horseshshit
NoBy now? So you thought this was at one point real? Wow you are dumb. Of course 100% completely fake, anyone with a brain can see that its photoshopped.. The message it conveys is still 100% true though
This is one situation where I’ll probably be the dissenting opinion. Columbine happened during the AWB of ‘94. And they used a shitty Hi-Point 9mm carbine, a Tec-DC9, a Savage pump action 12-gauge, and a Stevens double-barrel sawed-off 12-gauge. Not to mention a plethora of “banned” explosives. They killed 13 people, injured many others, destroyed a school, and then killed themselves. All while “underage.” A ban isn’t going to help.Today around the country there are marches to end gun violence and say fuck you to the NRA.
Expected are millions of students and parents taking to the streets around this great nation, to demand THEIR RIGHTS as American citizens, to live and being able to go to school, work, or even a movie, without fear of death by an assault weapon sold today in this nation (bring BACK the ban)
This should be interesting in the sense that there is a generation of new voters coming up, that will target any candidate that accepts money from the NRA, and vote them fucking out. (I hope they are shitting in their panties)
By now? So you thought this was at one point real? Wow you are dumb. Of course 100% completely fake, anyone with a brain can see that its photoshopped.. The message it conveys is still 100% true though
You are exactly right. We will have to pass more extensive gun control legislation than simply a ban of sales on so-called assault rifles. By this I don't mean take guns away from peaceful adults who can show they are proficient at safely using and storing a firearm as well as pass a background check.This is one situation where I’ll probably be the dissenting opinion. Columbine happened during the AWB of ‘94. And they used a shitty Hi-Point 9mm carbine, a Tec-DC9, a Savage pump action 12-gauge, and a Stevens double-barrel sawed-off 12-gauge. Not to mention a plethora of “banned” explosives. They killed 13 people, injured many others, destroyed a school, and then killed themselves. All while “underage.” A ban isn’t going to help.
100% completely fake... still 100% true though
Conflicts with principles upon which the United States of America was founded. It’s not going to happen. Respectfully.You are exactly right. We will have to pass more extensive gun control legislation than simply a ban of sales on so-called assault rifles. By this I don't mean take guns away from peaceful adults who can show they are proficient at safely using and storing a firearm as well as pass a background check.
The objective is to bring this country in line with other countries similar to ours. Not just mass shootings but gun homicides. Their measures work. In every developed country with gun control laws, they work.
Respectfully, the "well regulated" part of the second doesn't mean unregulated. What the NRA is relying upon are interpretations by the Supreme Court to ignore the obligation of government to regulate these "militias", whatever that means. How did we get to the point where "well regulated" means anybody can purchase a gun with enormous killing power without a background check in a private sale?Conflicts with principles upon which the United States of America was founded. It’s not going to happen. Respectfully.