Manganese def? Organic soil grow

id like to see your soil test. Ive not heard of Al issues when soil is above 6pH. Admittedly i dont grow potatoes but i have Amish buds growing spuds, not in sandy or Fe loaded soil. they harvest amazing, NYC premium restaurant sought after level taters.
I cannot share that information due to the code of ethics i must abide by.
None. and he knows better then to even try now ....he'll get laughed at some more...but ill glady see what his dumb mouth spits out next. (spoiler alert: it wont be of any use to anyone)
Dude will glady lol, youre a shitty mess.

You gonna try and hit me with more ellipsis? Just as harmless as you are witless
Yeah can I pay you in 3-4 weeks when I get the results? By then my plants will be harvested. :wall: :wall:
But if 16$ is your whole budget you wont have enough cash for a watch or a caledar, youll be pulling bogus shit out of your ass.

Keep it real clown, you get an email of your results 1 or 2 days after they receive sample. If you send in leaves you get the result within 24 hours of analysis. Your logic is faulty and phony as fuck. Your "16$" comment is priceless. It captures your character in 3 figures.
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Sure pal. Whatever you say. I’d rather order a pizza with that $16 than a soil test for one 3 gallon pot
But if 16$ is your whole budget you wont have enough cash for a watch or a caledar, youll be pulling bogus shit out of your ass.

Keep it real clown, you get an email of your results 1 or 2 days after they receive sample. If you send in leaves you get the result within 24 hours of analysis. Your logic is faulty and phony as fuck. Your "16$" comment is priceless. It captures your character in 3 figures.
so now your changing it all up again .... what in the FUCK is wrong with the price of plant food? how in the fuck does that determine ANYTHIGN other then your blantant ignorance. My spelling makes me look like a fucking genius compared to your bitch mouth.
Nice job making the thread about you. I’m sure the OP loved 10 pages if you being a moron
Yea thats about enough of this trash , what do mods even do on this site? ?? play in the gotdamn ploitics all fuckin day long ? Jesus , grow up fucks!
Yea thats about enough of this trash , what do mods even do on this site? ?? play in the gotdamn ploitics all fuckin day long ? Jesus , grow up fucks!
Don’t blame them they can’t be everywhere. He’s a troll. This thread was dead since Friday he’s just in Trollitup mode. Politics must be slow.
Nice job making the thread about you. I’m sure the OP loved 10 pages if you being a moron
A clot of unskilled slobs offers a newbie poor advice.
I suggest a soil test.

As a group your pathetic idiocy and assholism is epic. Youve been humiliated beyond belief. Your child like beliefs and misconceptions openly mocked yet like the definitive dunning-kruger stooge none of you have a clue.