Manganese def? Organic soil grow

A clot of unskilled slobs offers a newbie poor advice.
I suggest a soil test.

As a group your pathetic idiocy and assholism is epic. Youve been humiliated beyond belief. Your child like beliefs and misconceptions openly mocked yet like the definitive dunning-kruger stooge none of you have a clue.
TEACH US MASTER !!!! i wanna beat the fuck outta you ..... such a pussy little kid. nothing to do but play on mommies pjone
A clot of unskilled slobs offers a newbie poor advice.
I suggest a soil test.

As a group your pathetic idiocy and assholism is epic. Youve been humiliated beyond belief. Your child like beliefs and misconceptions openly mocked yet like the definitive dunning-kruger stooge none of you have a clue.
Maybe if you put it in bigger font more people will believe it. :wall: :wall: Soil test for one plant:wall::wall: