Manganese def? Organic soil grow

Since you have not enough since to debate and only call names , then how about a friendly (trumply) solo cup , me vs you ? is that how you settle things?
Motherfucker i dont give a fuck about your idiot ideas or rodent brained musings other than to slap the f'en stupid out of them
How much money is at stake in my $3 pot of soil? And $5 seed? Now I’m going to spend $16 on a test that I have to wait for 2+ weeks to get back? I’m not great at math but that doesn’t sound too good

"not great a math" lol Really? your eloquence and biological insight is a give away
Bro you're a witless POS, scram

logan lab, midwest lab, intl ag lab ward lab all have their plusses and minuses. Most impt part is to stick w 1 lab for consistent measurements
Go back and read the thread again. You will see how foolish you look. Or are you unable to self evaluate your failures?
you and your boy got the stupid slapped out of you crap filled noggins like a couple a cranky hens

"$16 is an entire grows worth of nutrients for me"