Manganese def? Organic soil grow

When i said thousands, i was talknig about over a long period of time trying to build your own with no help from the net. You would have to have hundreds of tests to finally get it down to a basic supersoil recipe thats already posted on here.
First thing a farmer does if they don’t know for damned certain is a soil test. Their entire season is based on this starting out.
when you notice a deficiency you've already screwed up. The purpose of a sap test is to identify excess or deficiency BEFORE a visual symptom is presented

Are you saying you test the leaves but you dont soil test?
Omfg are you a soil test salesman as well? No wonder you guys keep suggesting it.
Last time i used a lab it cost me almost 80 bucks for 3 samples. (1 single test required 3 samples)
I got a lot more info then you really need to grow good but it was a nice test. It included organic matter and bacteria. (the bacteria was altered by the mail)
Long story short , it cost 80 bucks to test one single pot. one time only.