Make the Moon great again.

Fair enough, I'd like to add to your point if I can append onto your Masters/Doctorates statement.. it's equally odd that few (though increasing) from these same sciences including medicine have failed to rebuttal secular science as was given in times of reefer madness.

Can I ask for an example?
My whole life I 'believed' we landed on the moon, I still would like to and am not saying I believe we haven't, Trump please take us.

How many billions did we shoot into Libya or whatever country? We could have fired 1 rocket back to the moon many times over and brought home some HE3 and platinum but instead we destroy the earth.. seems an odd approach to science.

All I'm offering, is that all the footage between Russia/America relating to space in the time of the cold war is suspect game theory films in my opinion.
Can I ask for an example?
You want an example of a doctor or otherwise educated person (Masters/PHD) of science who fails or has failed to point out that the science we have taught humans (in America specifically) was based on a lot of things that factually are incorrect? In fact what was it said earlier, is pseudo-science.

I'm sorry, appeal to authority because someone has a higher level degree is not acceptable.
Nicely said. I feel the same way. I believe everyone should believe what they want. But when they resort to insults when their logic runs out it becomes difficult to relate to them or the discussion.

If they smoke with me in person. Will they still need to play the part of the evangelist?
You do 6-7 back to back nail hits with me, imma start talking about gandolph appearing from a cloud of smoke behind a tree, serious debate is out the window. :-)
You want an example of a doctor or otherwise educated person (Masters/PHD) of science who fails or has failed to point out that the science we have taught humans (in America specifically) was based on a lot of things that factually are incorrect? In fact what was it said earlier, is pseudo-science.

I'm sorry, appeal to authority because someone has a higher level degree is not acceptable.

Yes. You are making a lot of broad statements but are offering no specifics.
Yes. You are making a lot of broad statements but are offering no specifics.
The post I was appending did the same, please tell why you haven't taken an issue with "broad statements but offering no specifics?"

Are you suggesting that the highly educated scientists have been correct all along and the reefer is really the cause of all this madness? Surely not :hug:

"To me, viewing secular Science as some negative 'establishment' is frankly no different then believing in an old world religion. And as we talk of ignorance's odd that the vast majority of moon conspiracy believers have no Masters degrees, doctorates (any high level of education in a respected field). That all seems to explain (to me) why a very specific group of people fall for this kind of hokum. You have to 'want' to believe (and then use confirmation bias to reinforce that belief) until it becomes the believers reality."

a generalized opinion with no specific case pointed to... yet @MichiganMedGrower takes issue with my appendage and not the core statement?
I'll chop it up with you and talk anytime. ;-)

I just wanna know why we haven't back in that case. If we could do it with 70's technology why not now?
money. it took a national campaign to whip people into a frenzy to beat the evil communist to the moon. and there was a lot of dust and rocks there. we did what we came to do, staked our claim, so to speak, then then government dropped funding like a hot potato
The post I was appending did the same, please tell why you haven't taken an issue with "broad statements but offering no specifics?"

Are you suggesting that the highly educated scientists have been correct all along and the reefer is really the cause of all this madness? Surely not :hug:

Reefer madness was a propoganda film.

There are a few medical doctors in my family. My uncle ran the anesthesia group for the Miami/ Dade area for many years. He has practiced for like 40 years. He never mentioned pot can harm people. And he smoked it as well for a lot of his life.

Who has said different? You are quoting a movie as medical proof.
The post I was appending did the same, please tell why you haven't taken an issue with "broad statements but offering no specifics?"

Are you suggesting that the highly educated scientists have been correct all along and the reefer is really the cause of all this madness? Surely not :hug:

"To me, viewing secular Science as some negative 'establishment' is frankly no different then believing in an old world religion. And as we talk of ignorance's odd that the vast majority of moon conspiracy believers have no Masters degrees, doctorates (any high level of education in a respected field). That all seems to explain (to me) why a very specific group of people fall for this kind of hokum. You have to 'want' to believe (and then use confirmation bias to reinforce that belief) until it becomes the believers reality."

a generalized opinion with no specific case pointed to... yet @MichiganMedGrower takes issue with my appendage and not the core statement?

Honestly I can’t tell what you are debating for or about at this point.

I still haven’t got any specific example to consider.

I haven’t taken any issues with anything. You are welcome to pretend we didn’t go to the moon and that scientists have been misleading us if you want.
Reefer madness was a propoganda film.

There are a few medical doctors in my family. My uncle ran the anesthesia group for the Miami/ Dade area for many years. He has practiced for like 40 years. He never mentioned pot can harm people. And he smoked it as well for a lot of his life.

Who has said different? You are quoting a movie as medical proof.
Part of me feels that you're intentionally ignoring the point.. you're failing to address why you take issue with some generalization and not another (one was literally appended to the other)

A point was made appealing to authority of those highly educated that can't be wrong or bothered about moon landing conspiracy because only stupid people think these things(summarize)

I'm trying to parallel into the realm of cannabis and policies over the last 100 years. Where are the doctors? Why still schedule 1?

Could it be that the government is lying to us :eek:

I also find it amusing how said generalization fails to acknowledge their own ignorance of education of those participating. :mrgreen:

You are free to pretend cannabis is dangerous, and scientists/doctors/authority have been misleading us for a lot longer than any moon landing.
Part of me feels that you're intentionally ignoring the point.. you're failing to address why you take issue with some generalization and not another (one was literally appended to the other)

A point was made appealing to authority of those highly educated that can't be wrong or bothered about moon landing conspiracy because only stupid people think these things(summarize)

I'm trying to parallel into the realm of cannabis and policies over the last 100 years. Where are the doctors? Why still schedule 1?

Could it be that the government is lying to us :eek:

I also find it amusing how said generalization fails to acknowledge their own ignorance of education of those participating. :mrgreen:

You are free to pretend cannabis is dangerous, and scientists/doctors/authority have been misleading us for a lot longer than any moon landing.

It was not doctors that kept cannabis down. That’s why I am asking for a reference.

Straight bullshit propoganda works fine for the masses.
It was not doctors that kept cannabis down. That’s why I am asking for a reference.

Straight bullshit propoganda works fine for the masses.
Ok, I was under the impression cannabis was federally illegal because it's defined by doctors and educated peeps at the FDA as being so, you have a reference showing me all those people are not educated?
Reefer madness was a propoganda film.

There are a few medical doctors in my family. My uncle ran the anesthesia group for the Miami/ Dade area for many years. He has practiced for like 40 years. He never mentioned pot can harm people. And he smoked it as well for a lot of his life.

Who has said different? You are quoting a movie as medical proof.

I would call it a classic straw man argument (as you stated RM was a propaganda movie with no scientific basis in fact). Rational science (as a basis) is double blind, peer reviewed. RM was never this to start with cannot be used to argue against 'science' per se :)

Quote Cannabruh:
"My whole life I 'believed' we landed on the moon, I still would like to and am not saying I believe we haven't, Trump please take us."

imo - that is often the issue. You/We 'believed' in the moon landings to start with (you were, naturally like any one, too young to absorb the science behind it at the time (45 minute tv documentaries are not a place for hard, detailed science :)
Then, someone new (Mr.conspiracy A) came along at the right time in 'victims' educational development. Here they appealed to their sense of 'knowing the real truth' and twitched their belief system into supporting the conspiracy through various pieces of 'evidence' (which were not scientifically verified - but how could they be when Science is lying to start with).

Just to clarify my thought on believing and thinking. Someone 'thinking' the moon landings happened is very different from 'believing' they happened (there is a chasm of difference between these two words - especially in science and higher education generally).

Again though, the only people I'm really angry at are the people who profit from this in some way. 'Believing' in this I can understand. It is the main proselytisers I want to go and directly challenge science in an open venue ..but they never do. They have irrational demands/rules (and then claim to their followers they didn't, etc, etc). Or they flat out will not challenge science directly.

However, over the years many of their arguments have been shown to be false at best (out right lies at worst). Then (in true scammers fashion) the conspiracy theorist/s never addresses the concerns directly expressed about their 'research'. Instead they simply throw around a new argument (or angle) instead of answering their detractors directly (a classic trick of the conspiracy theorist - there are many other tricks; like quoting pseudo science to create strawman arguments they can then argue away).
This stuff fails abysmally when faced with the scientific method ..which is why they steer so far from the scientific world and skate around in the fringes looking for victims to leech onto.
Please don't pervert the argument relating to cannabis/moon as being an effort to discredit science which was not the intent.

Doctors and educated folk were appealed to; The head of the FDA has a PHD yet still cannabis is classified as having no science based medicinal benefit. Conspiracy?
Please don't pervert the argument relating to cannabis/moon as being an effort to discredit science which was not the intent.

Doctors and educated folk were appealed to; The head of the FDA has a PHD yet still cannabis is classified as having no science based medicinal benefit. Conspiracy?

Sorry if that is the case to you but you could say there is a connection.
If the science is double blind, peer reviewed it should be supported (unless some future paper altered the findings). If the findings on cannabis are such then they are fact.

Are you saying the peer review process itself is corrupted somehow? (if so, if possible please cite a valid reference).

I understand we're getting into some pharmaceutical/corporate conspiracy, right? Now here we can agree, somewhat :) They have (at times in history) used dubious/pseudo science to forward the bottom line. Unlike the scientific peer review process (from how I've seen it), which has stood the test of time (imo - it gave us all the advancements in the modern world).
Sorry if that is the case to you but you could say there is a connection.
If the science is double blind, peer reviewed it should be supported (unless some future paper altered the findings). If the findings on cannabis are such then they are fact.

Are you saying the peer review process itself is corrupted somehow? (if so, if possible please cite a valid reference).

I understand we're getting into some pharmaceutical/corporate conspiracy, right? Now here we can agree, somewhat :) They have (at times in history) used dubious/pseudo science to forward the bottom line. Unlike the scientific peer review process (from how I've seen it), which has stood the test of time (imo - it gave us all the advancements in the modern world).
You are completely misconstruing my attempt at saying sometimes doctors are wrong (whether through their actions or inaction) into "peer review process itself is corrupted" ...I do subscribe to the scientific method.

Are you suggesting that what we've been told of cannabis has been peer reviewed?
It's not even legal (censorship) to perform the peer review! This is ANTI-science by all means.

Where or how you conclude what I've said as having a beef with scientific method is baffling.
You are completely misconstruing my attempt at saying sometimes doctors are wrong (whether through their actions or inaction) into "peer review process itself is corrupted" ...I do subscribe to the scientific method.

Are you suggesting that what we've been told of cannabis has been peer reviewed?
It's not even legal (censorship) to perform the peer review! This is ANTI-science by all means.

Where or how you conclude what I've said as having a beef with scientific method is baffling.

again sorry for misconstruing your argument. I didn't realise cannabis' illegality actually meant studies into the substance cannot be peer reviewed (world wide).
I honestly thought there were many studies into cannabis around the world (just on the 'down low' mostly). And even though it is illegal for the public in many places, I thought some labs are growing it in secret. Not because it's illegal (I thought they had exemptions) but because someone might steal their stash! ..actually, I believe that has happened :)

It's different country to country I'm guessing. Personally, it's sad for me to think that at the end of the day what do we truly have to look forward to? Probably at best a boring dry little pill you drop with a shot of water. Bleuch! I'll stick with the tried and tested methods of administration (and role the dice on the rest for the time being) ..much more fun (illegality be damned).
again sorry for misconstruing your argument. I didn't realise cannabis' illegality actually meant studies into the substance cannot be peer reviewed (world wide).
I honestly thought there were many studies into cannabis around the world (just on the 'down low' mostly). And even though it is illegal for the public in many places, I thought some labs are growing it in secret. Not because it's illegal (I thought they had exemptions) but because someone might steal their stash! ..actually, I believe that has happened :)

It's different country to country I'm guessing. Personally, it's sad for me to think that at the end of the day what do we truly have to look forward to? Probably at best a boring dry little pill you drop with a shot of water. Bleuch! I'll stick with the tried and tested methods of administration (and role the dice on the rest for the time being) ..much more fun (illegality be damned).

What I'm suggesting is that sure existing studies can be reviewed but cannot be performed/further experiment/reproduce results/disprove findings/correlate results, the studies themselves largely cannot take place by the scientists who would need to perform them to then write papers to then be reviewed.

We have doctors and scientists at the FDA who issue classifications that are arguably counter to what is found in practice.
Science... bongsmilie