Full Moon Harvesting? Worth the wait?

Maybe your stoner friend mixed it up with farmers liking to germinate during full moon because the full moon pulls more water to the surface.. resulting in a higher viability of seeds being sowed than on a new moon. this is something I remember reading about. I've never read about harvesting on a full moon though
The silver scissors comment is priceless I LOL'd!
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Maybe your stoner friend mixed it up with farmers liking to germinate during full moon because the full moon pulls more water to the surface.. resulting in a higher viability of seeds being sowed than on a new moon. this is something I remember reading about. I've never read about harvesting on a full moon though

This kind of thing could come from the traditional harvest moon, which also had nothing to do with the moon/harvest quality beyond being able to work late during the harvest season. Atleast as I understand it.

Just harvest when they’re ready and it’s convenient for you.
The real question is harvest when the moon is overhead or underfoot?.... And is it really made of cheese?
Remember the moons orbit is elliptical. It takes 12hrs and 26mins to go from overhead to underfoot. What happens if you chop at 12h 24min? Crop ruined. Bin it all. Try again next year
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While I do follow the moon cycles for fishing (musky) it has 0 effect on harvesting, other than if it's not cloudy you can see better.
Sorry I'm late boss, you wouldnt believe the traffic in the milky way. And don't even get me started about Jupiter ....The_Man_In_The_Moon.jpg
Commence harvest!
Personally I think there is something to this--that is, I believe the moon has a subtle influence on plants and growing.

According to the Farmer's Almanac the ideal days in terms of moon phase for harvesting aboveground crops was earlier this week. I think it's generally on a waxing moon approaching full. If I were you I'd go ahead and harvest now.

More important in terms of maximizing terpenes is to harvest right before daybreak.
I live near the Pacific Ocean..
The Moon controls the tides..
So should I harvest at low or high tide?
What about barometric pressure?
What if it was really cold outside when the moon was full? And if you are growing indoors, then none of the other environmental conditions are "natural", anyway. IF there was any natural, lunar-influence to begin with, it would be overridden by all the other "synthetic" ones associated with growing indoors.
I don't care to research further, but conventional knowledge would say the moon has little influence on crops harvested for their fats/oils and fat soluble compounds. Things like seeds, triches, nuts...etc just take time to develop.
There may be some science behind water based crops, water soluble flavors. Things like fruits, saps, leafy greans and herbs may be affected by lunar cycle.
The term harvest moon came about because it gave light/extra time for farmers to harvest. It is speculated that leaves and plants grow a little faster during a full moon, but no proof. Same with sap.

Even if it DID affect sap, why would that matter with cannabis? Sap is the internal stuff in the stems and stalk that carry nutrients. But it's the trichs that have terps/THC, any assumed pull by a full moon wouldn't affect THC and terp production. Sap is internal, tricha are external. But I googled and found no actual proof the moon affects harvest
from Quora:

"Why is tide larger at new Moon or full Moon? That's because then, the Sun and Moon are on the same line and their force is combined. When the Moon is new, it is on the same side of the Earth as Sun is. When is full Moon, the Moon is exactly opposed to the Sun, but anyway, on the same line."
from Quora:

"Why is tide larger at new Moon or full Moon? That's because then, the Sun and Moon are on the same line and their force is combined. When the Moon is new, it is on the same side of the Earth as Sun is. When is full Moon, the Moon is exactly opposed to the Sun, but anyway, on the same line."

maan gravity is a bitch sometimes. so all in all yeah the total gravitational force experienced on earth when there is a full moon is increased however not because of the moons position itself but because of the alignment of multiple celestial objects. fun.

still say bro science on harvesting during full moon tho. ancient bro science.
Only werewolves find a benefit in full moon.

“ Harvest “ moon is just term relating to autumn equinox-full moon has mystical origins in good luck , crazy people and howling.

Just harvest when plants are actually done not by what some gypsy spewed.