LSA, give me some feedback

Word from the wise. Never eat research chemicals.
If people don't have enough information on the harm it may cause, don't do it. Trust me tripping isn't anything to jump on, especially if you have to second guess the dangers of the drug.
LSD isn't hard to find for $10 a hit.

Anyway, DMT conquers all :P
yes... i have never had nausea either, marijuana helps

experience/ i grew my own MG seed, 3 pretty arite experiences.

HBWR is probably alot better given i chew mines

you will notice you get tired first but that turns into breathing/tracers and mild melting for me about everytime may be similar for you maybe not. also your pupils get nice and full. goodluck

I thought I was seein shit earlier, fuck, lol. So opiates make you see chasers?
Word from the wise. Never eat research chemicals.
If people don't have enough information on the harm it may cause, don't do it. Trust me tripping isn't anything to jump on, especially if you have to second guess the dangers of the drug.
LSD isn't hard to find for $10 a hit.

Anyway, DMT conquers all :P
There are plenty of RC's that DO have extensive research, and people like me are getting info on the ones that DON'T have extensive research all the time. I am going to start being a lot more thorough with my trip reports and getting them on the internet. I really think these things should be more well known about. The 60's happened because the research chemicals of the time (LSD & MDMA) were legal to buy, sell, trade, possess and give away. So EVERYONE in America was giving each other free shit at concerts, or at psychologists offices where they could record what was happening. It CAN happen again... There are RC's like 2c-I, 2c-E, Bromo-Dragonfly, Synthetic Mushrooms (I forgotwhat the chemise are called), Synthetic Marijuana (JWH: -018, -250, etc). And guess what, most of them (except JWH I think now) are legal to buy, sell, trade, possess and give away. The only thing that is illegal is to give it to people for consumption, because it is not approved by the FDA. So a word to the wise, LEARN about research chemicals before you take them. And if you do take them, use it to further the worlds knowledge.
if you have the option to get mushrooms don't fuck with hbwr, and if you do research listen when people tell you not to mix it with syrian rue. Not only is it extremely dangerous (deadly), it can and will fuck you up combined with hbwr. Had a terrible experience with the combination, just the thought of either hbwr or syrian rue makes me want to throw up, the taste is god awful and I cleaned the seeds to where they had no skin, still had terrible nausea.

If you don't care about your legs cramping up and possibly throwing up (almost guaranteed bad nausea, throwing up actually gets rid of it), then take something like 10 seeds that are actually from hawaii and you'll trip pretty good, won't give my experience on here but it was strong as hell.
Ill admit. this is smarter than the average finahaggy thread. 3 stars. dont like the wording of the original post, but the subject matter is acceptable