Questions about getting high

Have you had similar bad trips?

  • No, my experience with cannabis has been nothing but great!

    Votes: 8 27.6%
  • Some bad trip(s) but mostly positive experiences.

    Votes: 19 65.5%
  • Some bad, some good.

    Votes: 1 3.4%
  • I've had nothing but terrible experiences. Weed sucks. What am I even doing here...?

    Votes: 1 3.4%

  • Total voters
Got me wanting to pop my Seed Stockers Critical XXL non auto version now lol. I remember growing a Critical + from Dinafem & it got me fried!! As far as OP having panic attack I felt like that was description of shroom trip. It's all all about keeping positive mentality but at same time negative one's can flood in easily. I always resort to laying down & deep breathing when things get wild but that doesnt happen often anymore.

When doing smoke reports on new strains, I like to take a 2-3 week tolerance break while smoking/vaping CBD buds. I come back taking 2 hits a day of THC buds & it feels like the old days of me getting high again. Of course I keep smoking more & eventually blow my tolerance again lol!
Yeah, when I get high I don't really want more than a beer or drink or two. It just doesn't sound good

Thats why it is under rated, most people get messed up first and use weed as a crutch to keep drinking. Smoking first makes it interesting, having hard time remembering, stopped drinking like 6 years ago. But it was interesting, different feeling.
i wouldent say bad trip, but i was one given some hash that left me like a smoke virgin, it was so strong i forgot how to talk, i got up, looked at everyone and couldent find words to say good bye lol i just got up, left and walked home
the hash was the colour of red leb, but it looked like it was mouldy, it wasnt, but it had the look like it was.
they said it was hash cut with opium, could have been both in the one joint, i dont know
I also think that if you become a cannabis user, you'll remember these first trips with a smile and wish you could get as high as those times again. I read your story with a smile and said to myself, I wish I could be that high right now!

I also had bad thoughts after taking compulsory breaks, but one instance one particularly interesting; I wasn't regularly smoking at that time except when I gathered with my friends. Every time I got high with them, I used to get this paranoid thought that I couldn't get rid of it. I dismissed it repeatedly but every time I got high, cannabis kept bringing that up.

Months later, it turned out that certain thought wasn't a paranoia but rather a rational fear that I was dismissing when I wasn't high. In the hindsight, I was actually dismissing my gut feeling and that was the very thing cannabis kept bringing up.

So should those trips be considered and remembered as paranoid bad trips or trips that opened the mind that I kept closing adamantly, especially for that particular issue? That's something that I keep asking myself.
The first time I smoked I got the spins so bad I threw up for 4 hours. Just dry heaving most of the time. I was determined tho, I got right back on the horse around 5am when I could keep water down finally.
I was 15 then, now I'm 42 doing bong rips next to my tent picturing someone laying on the kitchen floor reaching for the fridge handle. Laughing my balls off :lol:
I didn't really feel high the first time that I smoked either but the second time I got obliterated, like taking mushrooms. It didn't really bother me then because at the time(I was 13) that was the kind of high I was looking for. I wanted to get wasted beyond the ability to function. I would occasionally get high like described after that but only when smoking after not smoking for a while(it's hard to score on the regular when you're 13). Now, 32 years later I smoke every day from the moment I wake up until I go to bed. Cannabis is always calming for me and has a hugely positive effect on my sense of well being. I fully believe that finding cannabis may have saved my life. The reason that I smoke is completely different now, cannabis grounds me, keeps me centered and filters out the background noise allowing me to make more thought out, less reactive, choices.
But, as with anything it's not a one size fits all situation. It is powerful and what's good for one person might not work for another, not everyone benefits from pot.

But to answer the OP's question what you are describing is what using pot is like for many people in the beginning or after a long break. Smoke less in the beginning and remember that effects are strain dependent as well. Personally, I prefer Indica, in my experience Sativa is more likely to cause that paranoia/heart racing effect. But everyone is different, I know people who try to never smoke pot and drink at the same time and hate the way they feel when they do, others, as evidenced by comments in this thread have no problems whatsoever.

Individual results may vary.
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I quit for about 6-7 years until it became legal this year. So i trucked my happy ass to the rec shop. Grabbed an 1/8th of Durban Poison 26% and a gram of crumble concentrate 80+%.

Within 2 bong hits of that weed topped with crumble i thought i was going to pass out. It was all i could do to not to fall out of my chair. Early 20s late teens i had a similar experience with a bong hit topped with hash oil. Other than that its been pretty much great.
Micro dose.
micro dose edibles too to build ur tolerance. It can be built up rather quick and then you may experience less anxiety.
I really like the "nano gummies" available here. They take less time to feel the effects and i can feel just 10mg. Love the THC/CBD/CBN gummies too but only for sleep. You take more than 2 and its a struggle to keep your eyes open....but in a good way.
HHC GUMMIES ARE A NICE PLESANT HIGH THAT PUTS A SMILE ON YOUR FACE, I TAKE ONE IN THE MORNING B 4 I SMOKE A JOINT oops, thats a nice way to experiance getting a cannabis high (60% the strength of thc) and its made from sativa

Hexahydrocannabinol is a hydrogenated derivative of tetrahydrocannabinol. It is a naturally occurring phytocannabinoid that has rarely been identified as a trace component in Cannabis sativa, but can also be produced synthetically by hydrogenation of cannabis extracts. HHC was first synthesized in 1947 by Roger Adams using natural THC found in Cannabis sativa.
hops and weed are closely related, they complement each other imo, like it says in my sig, you can't live without them :weed:
well i suppose you can but that's not living in my book.
just smoke heaps of weed till you can hardly see, whilst drinking as much beer as you can hold down
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Take my advice, the 'new' weed is so strong these days you have to start with a small hit and WAIT 5 minutes before taking another if you do. I still get the noids and always seek for the strains that do it less for me. If I do get moody it tends to go away though and my mood changes for the better eventually. Edibles come on slow and that can help but don't use a whole ounce to make death cookies. Rather find a way to estimate the dosage with smaller amounts.