LSA, give me some feedback

i have only had bud during one of these trips, it is for sure recommended. if your not sure of it yet then wait ya know no reason to rush it and have it be shitty, i got about 350 seeds left iv had since summer it just hasn't felt right yet
i have only had bud during one of these trips, it is for sure recommended. if your not sure of it yet then wait ya know no reason to rush it and have it be shitty, i got about 350 seeds left iv had since summer it just hasn't felt right yet

Yeah. And I don't feel like bad trips exist, because EVERY trip is a "bad trip". I always feel like "I shouldn't have eaten that", then I get REALLL thinky, and just watch fire burn or weed dry out, or grass grow. I never see fairies or feel like running a marathon in the woods all night. And when an actual "bad trip" happens, it's not the drugs fault, it's just an amplification of a bad experience. Like... Don't get in a fight, or get shot while tripping is basically how to have a good trip. That's why people say "Surround yourself with people you trust, or enjoy being with. And have a calm setting". But I'll take it soon. Just not sure when...
Yeah. And I don't feel like bad trips exist, because EVERY trip is a "bad trip". I always feel like "I shouldn't have eaten that", then I get REALLL thinky, and just watch fire burn or weed dry out, or grass grow. I never see fairies or feel like running a marathon in the woods all night. And when an actual "bad trip" happens, it's not the drugs fault, it's just an amplification of a bad experience. Like... Don't get in a fight, or get shot while tripping is basically how to have a good trip. That's why people say "Surround yourself with people you trust, or enjoy being with. And have a calm setting". But I'll take it soon. Just not sure when...

damn fin, i've never had what i'd consider a bad trip... set and setting, the most important things to consider when tripping... also, head space is very important imo as well.. if you're not in a good mood or got some heavy shit on your mind, definitely not a good time to trip ime..
How did you get whooping cough? Isn't there a vaccine for that?

I don't get vaccines that's stupid. Every time I get a Flu shot I GET the flu. I've never gotten it otherwise. And whooping cough is just infecting everyone in Pueblo Colorado right now.
I don't get vaccines that's stupid. Every time I get a Flu shot I GET the flu. I've never gotten it otherwise. And whooping cough is just infecting everyone in Pueblo Colorado right now.

Wow that sucks. That technically is possible. I have vaccines but I don't get the flu shot.
damn fin, i've never had what i'd consider a bad trip... set and setting, the most important things to consider when tripping... also, head space is very important imo as well.. if you're not in a good mood or got some heavy shit on your mind, definitely not a good time to trip ime..

ya, must be karma . . . .i have had over 300 mushroom trips only one bad trip, and many LSD,DMT, Salvie, Peyote, Mescaline, 2CI,MDA, MDMA, and guess what never a bad trip on any of these
ya, must be karma . . . .i have had over 300 mushroom trips only one bad trip, and many LSD,DMT, Salvie, Peyote, Mescaline, 2CI,MDA, MDMA, and guess what never a bad trip on any of these

the closest i'd call to a bad trip was one time i got an ear infection while tripping balls.. talk about painful, my god, but that was the only time i'd call anything near being bad.
i have tripped many times and for prolonged periods of time with many types of people .. consistently the people who have bad trips have demons that effect there lives

tripping for these types of individuals are either a learning experience or quicksand into delusion

not everyone is ready to have their life peeled back like a onion and displayed for you . .and not everyone learns from these visions or thoughts if not properly guided . . . . . i have pulled many wayward trippers back into reality and bliss with very simple mantras and concepts of self . . . . self delusion only leads to more self delusion, and letting go of simple material connections in life is one key to ensuring a fun trip, living in a life of spider threads, of spun reality only makes abstract expeirces like tripping harder . .
ya, must be karma . . . .i have had over 300 mushroom trips only one bad trip, and many LSD,DMT, Salvie, Peyote, Mescaline, 2CI,MDA, MDMA, and guess what never a bad trip on any of these
Every trip is a bad trip. So you're a liar. Because bad trips don't exist. It sounds like instead of learning from these "drugs" you abuse them :lol: :lol: :lol:
i have tripped many times and for prolonged periods of time with many types of people .. consistently the people who have bad trips have demons that effect there lives

tripping for these types of individuals are either a learning experience or quicksand into delusion

not everyone is ready to have there life peeled back like a onoin and displayed for you . .and not everyone learns from these visions or thoughts if not properly guided . . . . . i have pulled many wayward trippers back into reality and bliss with very simple mantras and concepts of self . . . . self delusion on leads to more self delusion
:lol: :lol: You are thinking of bad trips as sitting in a corner with your arms around your knees. When I say "bad trip" I mean it's not exceptionally exciting, and I observe the world. :dunce: If you had read the earlier posts you would know that :lol:
I have what people would call a "bad trip" EVERY time I trip, because most people expect a "good trip" to be running through the woods all night for no reason, or seeing fairies, or other stupid shit. The closest thing I've done to that is lay in a pool naked at a party with like 10 other people. We all just stared at the sky, naked floating in water. But that was still just unexciting observation.
Then you're not doing it right.

I have what people would call a "bad trip" EVERY time I trip, because most people expect a "good trip" to be running through the woods all night for no reason, or seeing fairies, or other stupid shit. The closest thing I've done to that is lay in a pool naked at a party with like 10 other people. We all just stared at the sky, naked floating in water. But that was still just unexciting observation.

it sounds to me as if you're the one not doing it right..
if what i am saying does not apply to you no need to retort,i didn't title my tripper synopsis finshaggy trips like this, i simply posted some content

not everything is about you man