Light Bulb Vap


Well-Known Member
Couple questions for you guys, id figure id ask my newly found community before i gave it a go!

Light bulb vap, i just built one and was wondering if:

Is the high really that different?

Is it safe to us a lightbulb vap? ive cleaned the crap out of it with hot water and soap.

Also anyother advice would be awsome. :)


ma jigga

Well-Known Member
If you've ever smoked a vape, it's pretty much the same if you're doing it right. Great weed saver. I always get a few hits off .2. It's safe just don't touch the glass (duh) or get it wet and don't burn the weed too much. You want it brown, not charred up and black. ha. If you keep it up, the glass on the inside will collect resin/thc honey ;). You could heat that up and get a few rips on days you're dry and feeling desperate.


Well-Known Member
as long as the bulb is clear its fine...salt actually works better than soap and water...........there is a learning curve liek that...........heat is your main consern get the right temp.......make sure its vapeing and not combusting.......just hold the lighter under it kind swirling it around so all the pot is heated evenly and watch for the vapor and hit.......if you combust you will know it LOL.........if you like vapeing then move up to one a bit more controlable for heat...............good luck


Well-Known Member
the vapors should look pure and white....
if you see hints of yellow in a billowing cloud, it's to hot.