Life after lockup, anyone see it last week or the repeat of it this week?


bud bootlegger
i watched the timothy shreider episode again the other night i 4got bout that CUNT when you were talking bout him a few pages back.

did ya bother to watch that columbian 1 i posted? i well enjoyed that.
yah.. i think i watched like 3/4's of it and then lost the link one day.. but that shit was off the chain.. the prisoners had grenades and uzi's and shit.. wayyy crazy.. the prison doesn't even provide food for the inmates..
it was crazy how all of the drug gangs had their own chef and they all ate for free everyday and only members of the cartel could eat there.. it was insane.. i liked that french guy that they interviewed as well..


bud bootlegger there ya go m8 ya can watch the rest...

if ya ever come across ne gooduns put a link up please i do like a prison documentry or 2 lol
thanks m8. i know that there were a few others on that same link that i noticed when i was watching the one you sent.. you know how on youtube they list some other vid's that i guess are related or on the same channel or whatnot?? there were a couple that looked good there..


Well-Known Member
i carnt seem find it racer but if you can i highly recommend ''House of War: The Uprising at Marzar-e-Sharif,”

its about a prison uprising at the start of the afghan war and its really good man carnt recommend highly enough but carnt find it nowhere?


Well-Known Member
My computers finally working again. Anyone see the new lockup? I liked it overall. That guy who killed his daughter and kept her body with him for all those months in a cooler was fucking crazy, he expected god to raise her from the dead? thats total nonsense. I felt a bit bad for the aisan girl, it sounded to me like the prosecutor are trying to scare her into turning states witness on her boyfriend, if the story she gave was true she shouldnt be charged with anything and even if she was at the house with her b/f when it happened how can they charge her with murder? its not like it was a robbery or something and someone died, she was not taking part in the crime and didnt know it was going to happen to stop it. At worst she should get some lying to a police officer type charge, not murder.


bud bootlegger
My computers finally working again. Anyone see the new lockup? I liked it overall. That guy who killed his daughter and kept her body with him for all those months in a cooler was fucking crazy, he expected god to raise her from the dead? thats total nonsense. I felt a bit bad for the aisan girl, it sounded to me like the prosecutor are trying to scare her into turning states witness on her boyfriend, if the story she gave was true she shouldnt be charged with anything and even if she was at the house with her b/f when it happened how can they charge her with murder? its not like it was a robbery or something and someone died, she was not taking part in the crime and didnt know it was going to happen to stop it. At worst she should get some lying to a police officer type charge, not murder.
so nice to see you back dark.. i had thought that you had simply abandoned the thread, lol..

i can't believe that i haven't seen the new series of the lock up yet.. i'm sure it will be on this weekend though.. my luck, probably will be a rerun of one i've seen a million times, lol..

i don't know how much lockup i'm going to be watching this weekend as the formula one season starts this weekend and qualy is on tonight at 130 am, so i'm sure i'll probably be watching this for most of the nigt..
nice to see you back up and around though dark, computer problems suck..


Well-Known Member
the one that was on when i got home from work really disappointed me, it was one of them from california theyve played about a million times. lol. i actually went ahead and watched this show "Beast hunter" on nat geo instead but its not turning out to be as good of a series as i'd hoped. Im happy its not just crazy outlandish shit like on some of the monsterquest(you saw 3 "wolfmen" drinking from a stream up here in wisconsin? really? like really really? how many hits of acid did you take is my 2nd question, lol) episodes but the he never really seems to do anything more than talk to a very few locals( who as of every episode ive seen have been very reluctant to talk to him) who have heard of someone seeing it or thought they saw it 30-40 yrs ago when they were just kids/young adults. I have to thank you for reminding me of the first 48, w/o a comp that works i had alot of time to kill and i stumbled upon an episode and figured "what the hell, why not, its been a long time since i watched the show." and was re-hooked quite quickly. It also seems to get played quite a bit and when the other channels i usually watch dont have shit on or are showing shows for the second time that day after i already watched the first time they played it. Which is nice. I didnt remember the first 48 being as awesome as it is.


bud bootlegger
Damnit! I just spent about 30-40 minutes typing up a post for this thread discussing quite a few different things and all that. I went to hit post reply and all of sudden this warning thing popped up and then my computer automatically restarted itself. (i had not hit post reply yet, it wasnt rollitup that caused it. it seems my comp troubles are back.
that effing sucks.. and it never seems to fail its when you've typed up a book for a response that shit like that happens, and only when you've typed up a book..

as far as that newer show about them flipping the people that they arrest, i forget what its called, i am still undecided on that one yet.. i was watching it the other day and they were trying to get this chic who makes her living strictly as a coke dealer, and they never did get her, well, i enjoyed that episode a lot, lol.. but the rest of them, idk, but i'm not really feeling the show all that much..
the fugitive one is ok on a n e, the one with the black guy peppers.. that one isn't too bad, i can kinda get into it, but not as much as lockup..

i do love intervention though, as much as that shit tends to depress the fuck out of me when in the end they tell you that the person left rehab or ended up relapsing a week after they got out.. being a recovering addict myself, i tend to take it personally when someone falls on their faces though.. the show must be doing good though as i have been seeing commercials lately for a new show called i think it relapse.. well, maybe the show is doing good, just not some of the people on it that is, lol..
i think the most depressing intervention i saw was one about this drunk.. he made great money, i think he may have been a realtor or something along those lines.. he left his wife and kids, and when they came to get him for the intervention he ran out on it.. they chased him back to his room as they were afraid that he was going to kill himself with some guns he had in there... anyhoo's, he ends up going to rehab after a long fight, and i think he was there for like 2o some days and ended up dying from esophigeal (?) cancer.. that shit was super depressing to me..


Well-Known Member
It's crazy how much money some of these guys are saying they make, lol, I can still remember the one guy he got to come in. "So, ballpark guess-How much is your building and the ring of dealers bringing in in a week?"
"bout 100,000"
"HOLY shit, thats in one week?! Thats just One of the buildings your guys control?!"
lol. Last weekend or maybe this one even i saw one of my favorite interviews, just because its so crazy(and fairly disgusting) and i can just imagine the people opening up the letters and their reactions and just how weird/unusual it is in our society, and how the one lady gave a description of what they are exactly. The guy named double life taylor(i believe, might be confusing names a bit) and making his schlamagrams (however you spell it). then the ladies full response "a typical letter from double life taylor will usually be 5-6 pages covered in semen both front and back and then on the 3-4 pages an impression of his penis and testicles in semen". What im amazed at is that they still let him send mail out, he does it all the time and to just about every person he writes too. You'd think by now they would of said "Alright, thats enough of this shit. You keep doing this and you cant get mail no more.". If you ask me its alot worse than people having drugs sent in(or any contraband really)or trying to run a gang through it and those people lose their mail rights.


bud bootlegger
yah, i'm pretty sure it is double life tailor your talking about dark.. and i had completely forgotten about him till you just said that.. yah, i remember that white mail lady talking about his letter, or was it maybe the warden?? i forget.. sick bastard..
i also loved the mail lady who was screening the mail that came in from the guy that lived next door to snake, and when he got out he sent snake a letter, and he was talking about getting a blow job by some chic, and then i guess he must've said something like he wouldn't have fucked her cuz she likes black cock too or something along those lines, and to hear the mail lady trying to be all pc and shit about it was a riot to say the least.. that had to be one of my favorite times of the show..
that and the guy, it may even have been double life.. he was saying how when he was young he used to get into fights with everyone, and how he has the most points of any prisoner in his state, and how much money he has cost the jail by ripping out all of these toilet's and shit.. he was funny as well.. god, i love that show, lol..


Well-Known Member
lol, yeah. I also thought the mail one where they were talking about how this one guys girl kept trying to get in nude photos of her and she peeled back the pic and "oh, Well, Thats lovely" and then the lockup gal asked to see it "its rather sure you want to see it"
I can remember exactly what she said as she was reading the letter down to the word almost "it says he went and got himself a big mac, and then he picked up this girl who blanks blanks, but he wasnt down with that "but i might get a blank, Homie dont play that" "Well, we dont play that either, the letters getting rejected."
I think it was actually someone else who had the most points in cali, that guy actually got out and they met him and his sisters family at a park and did an interview, he had like 2000+ points.
The thing that makes me wonder about the name is their was a guy in anamosa named t-bone double life taylor or something like that too, the guy who killed the 2 cops and tried to attack someone with a sharpened bone from a steak.
Ya know i been trying to figure out why, but for some reason i really dont like maricopa very much, it's one of my least favorite places they visited. I cant figure out why though. lol. The orange county jail isnt too bad. I tend to not like the jail visit ones but its actually pretty good. My favorites are the raw episodes. The ones where they talk about the scenes and all that. Especially when they add new info to an old scene we saw. but then again the new scenes we havent seen yet are pretty good too.


bud bootlegger
you just made me think of that guy who killed his mother.. he didn't seem too old. maybe in his late 20's or early 30's ish.. can't remember his name, but he was one of the guys who had adopted a cat.. even his cat had an odd name as well.. well, the lady was interviewing him and asking him about why he killed his mom, and he just simply stopped talking for like a few minutes, turned the page and told her to look at his cat guya, and isn't he cute, and didn't say a word about killing his mother.. it was very errie..

and i just saw that one about t bone.. he started a victims right group or some crap like that... he was pretty hard core.. he shot both cops like 3x's, and then when the popo's siter asked how he would feel if she would kill his mother, it kinda sunk in what he had done.. he actually kinda seemed a lil remorseful for killing them after that.. and i enjoyed the blond haired guy who had to talk to his ex's mother and father.. the mother in law simpy wanted to hear him say that he had killed her daughter, and once he did, the whole thing changed for her.. i don't know how people could deal with something like that though tbh....


Well-Known Member
I think that guy killed his dad as well. I almost feel bad for him, he was young and made a huge mistake, and i think the reason he showed no emotion and couldnt come up with a reason was him trying to distance himself emotionally from it.
The blonde haired guy was interesting, he really did feel awful about it and never tried to deny it, which gave her parents some peace/closure on the whole deal.
One of the victims feelings groups was/is pretty disturbing(for lack of a better word) for me and i usually dont watch it when the scene comes on. It was the one in holman where the lady came in and talked about her daughter and had a pic of her and all that. I just feel so awful for her it hurts me to watch it almost. the others like the priest who's young son was killed by a stray bullet i dont mind, but that poor lady just broke my heart.


Well-Known Member
So what do you think about the warden at holman grant culliver? I liked him, his habit of saying things more southern like for some reason appeals to me "Here's what you do, get you a piece of paper, get you a pen and draw you out a checkerboard" that scene sticks with me as well as the one w/the guy(who's real name is marcus) who calls himself halle berry(however you spell it)
"What you crying for?"
"They asked me about *boyfriends name*"
"And that make you cry?"
"Because it hurts!" then goes on sobbing with dramatic flair
"Marcus, MARCUS, you aint winning no damn academy award here"
marcus keeps crying dramatically
"MARCUS Listen! I come down here to talk about letting you out of segregation, not to hear you cry about another damn man! I'm just gonna go right back to my office if you dont stop."


bud bootlegger
lol.. you got that shit all memorized and what not, your worse then i am.. i like him a lot as well.. i love that talk he had with snake about the checker board, classic..

and i liked the talk he had with the guy who needed to take some kind of shot but was refusing.. he was all like.. if you go ahead and take your shot, i'll get you some icecream..

than he walked away after they got him the shot and said something very southern like that made me laugh.. something along the lines of he's still mad at me, but the way he said it made me laugh as he has that accent and all going on.. he seems like a good dude though.. much better than that prick who runs maricopa county jail, that dude is a dickbag and a half..


Well-Known Member
For the most part i agree about sherrif joe whatever his last name is. He earned a bit of respect with me though when he said about how everyone seems afraid to say if your jail its because you did something wrong and its not supposed to be a nice place where you get things you like. Your there to be punished. That statement ignores the fact the person has not actually been proven to have done something wrong on alot of the cases, but he did make a decent point i thought. I dont understand how he can legally keep the people in the tents when it gets to be like 120+ in them,(and he said it gets to like 140-150 in summer). That seems pretty severe, i'd consider it cruel/unusual punishment if it was happening to me.
lol, yeah i got alot of them memorized. Did you catch the new orange county? I cant remember much of it but i remember being disappointed, same with last weeks, cept i remember it alot better cause i seen it a few times now. Do you ever watch to catch a predator? Ive seen each one of those at least 10+ times each(it really sucks theyve decided to not do anymore seasons of it, fuck the d.a. in texas(i believe) who got caught in it but wouldnt come to the house who blew his brains out as the swat team ended the standoff by kicking in his door, i feel no sympathy for him. He was his own judge, jury, and finally, executioner, how they can sue over it is beyond my understanding) Chris hanson ripping those guys stories apart is great, he doesnt pull any punches and his comebacks always make me crack up. "what it sounds like you were fishing for was sex with a 13 year old girl."......"So, all that running around naked got ya a bit thirsty?" but the best part is when he first shows himself and you see the guys reactions when they see him and realize they are busted(regardless of who they think it is thats busting them, some think he's a cop, some the dad, and some recognize him.) He also has his to catch an id theif and to catch a con man 1 and 2.

Steve French

Well-Known Member
that effing sucks.. and it never seems to fail its when you've typed up a book for a response that shit like that happens, and only when you've typed up a book..

as far as that newer show about them flipping the people that they arrest, i forget what its called, i am still undecided on that one yet.. i was watching it the other day and they were trying to get this chic who makes her living strictly as a coke dealer, and they never did get her, well, i enjoyed that episode a lot, lol.. but the rest of them, idk, but i'm not really feeling the show all that much..
the fugitive one is ok on a n e, the one with the black guy peppers.. that one isn't too bad, i can kinda get into it, but not as much as lockup..

i do love intervention though, as much as that shit tends to depress the fuck out of me when in the end they tell you that the person left rehab or ended up relapsing a week after they got out.. being a recovering addict myself, i tend to take it personally when someone falls on their faces though.. the show must be doing good though as i have been seeing commercials lately for a new show called i think it relapse.. well, maybe the show is doing good, just not some of the people on it that is, lol..
i think the most depressing intervention i saw was one about this drunk.. he made great money, i think he may have been a realtor or something along those lines.. he left his wife and kids, and when they came to get him for the intervention he ran out on it.. they chased him back to his room as they were afraid that he was going to kill himself with some guns he had in there... anyhoo's, he ends up going to rehab after a long fight, and i think he was there for like 2o some days and ended up dying from esophigeal (?) cancer.. that shit was super depressing to me..
Only two fucks out of a hundred or so died after being on that show. Very few fuckers on top of that relapsed. They don't want to fail, nobody would watch the show then. I laughed at that episode. I'm a sick bastard. The alcoholism wasn't very funny. But it killed me how he just wasn't having that shit and they weren't going to let it go and just let him continue being an alky. They go and arrest the fuck and get a court order forcing him into rehab or some shit. Maybe I'm a pessimist but I think it had a bit more to do with ratings then helping people.

"If you don't quit liquor we're never talking to you again!"
"Well that didn't work guess we better call the cops and get them to drag him to counseling in handcuffs."


bud bootlegger
nah steve french, you don't mean to tell me that people like "dr" drew care more about tv ratings then they do about curing people?? i simply refuse to believe that, lmao... i do think that the people who do the interventions care very much about the people they are helping.. but of course, its tv, its all about ratings and there fore charing more money's for advertising during their hit series..
the new show relapse is coming on just now.. wonder how this is gonna be..

and for dark, yah, i've seen a couple of the new ocean county episodes.. i've seen the one where that young black kid got caught robbing a mmj delievery driver.. i had to laugh my ass off over that one.. he said that they got caught in the car smoking all this weed.. his mom came down to visit him, and she wanted him to move back to i think it was like canada or minnesota possibly, and dude was like... hell's to the no's, i'm not moving back up there, when i can stay here and go surfing everyday of my life, or be in the mountains in an hour or two and go snowboarding as well.. kid was really young.. he was at first all happy cuz he was in a nice housing area, saying where he didn't want to get transferred to, then the next scene he's telling us that he just got transferred there and just found out that his celly is in there for murder.. he was kinda freaked out over that, and wouldn't tell his mom and shit about it..
not sure if i've seen any of the other ones though..
i still don't like that sheriff joe dude ... he was all proud of the fact that the guard dogs food for a day costs more money then the food for inmates for a day.. i mean, he's on to something as i think its crazy that housing and feeding an inmate shouldn't cost $65k / year, ,but i think he has swung wayy too far to the right imho.. and like you said, it gets to be over 150 or so under the tents in summer.. and also, like you've pointed out, that a lot of the poeple haven't even been convicted of a crime yet..
and i don't really think that going to any jail / prison is any kind of holiday and people aren't really going back for the amendities there, but more so simply because they have been institutionalized and can't handle living in an unstructured environment..
i don't know about any of you, but i've been in the county jails a couple of times.. and its not somewhere that i really enjoy going to, and believe me, its very much a punishment just being in a normal county jail without having to suffer the 150 degree heat and what not... and don't even get me started on the two cent an hour that they "pay" inmates for working either in the jails or outside of them in the fields like they do in some prisons.. i love it when people say that slavery has been over for 100 years or so, yet this shit happens everyday to millions of american's..


Well-Known Member
Man, i was gonna bring the 2 cents an hour they make at eileen hunt up, i been thinking about it all day. lol. I mean 20 cents a day for working 10 hrs in the fields?! you cant even buy a fucking off brand can of soda for that! It makes what illegal workers make seem like ceo pay. lol. I dont understand how they can pay so little, but imagine if the prisons actually gave the workers a decent wage(i mean even 2 an hour) would bankrupt america even worse than republicans cutting taxes for corporations and the wealthy, they rely on inmate labor so much.


bud bootlegger
yah, i was just watching shawshank redemption yesterday, and you know how everything in movies is real right?? lol, anyhoo's, i'm sure some of it is probably kinda real, and i was just looking at all of the cash that the warden was making off of his lil work force there.. it was soo bad that other co's were paying him off as the warden could outbid any other company for jobs considering your paying two cents an hour to your workers, lol..

and i was thinking the same thing as you dark, wtf can these people buy with their hard earned money?? not much, that is for sure.. its effing crazy in my eyes, but who am i..
and i'm just thinking about it since you said it, you mean to tell me that us taxpayers are paying those two cent salaries to these people dark? i guess i never really thought about it before..v