Life after lockup, anyone see it last week or the repeat of it this week?


Well-Known Member
lol.. thats fucked up... there is a moratorium on capitol punishment here in illinois.. seems for the longest time we been killing innocent people..
Yeah, I think it is terrible how some these innocent guys get convicted. We need to work on our death penalty laws and make sure the forensics lab is right 100% before allowing their testimony. I gotta say i strongly support the death penaly, their are some things/people that cannot be forgiven, they deserve to die. In fact Alot of them deserve to be tortured before hand.


bud bootlegger
Yeah, I think it is terrible how some these innocent guys get convicted. We need to work on our death penalty laws and make sure the forensics lab is right 100% before allowing their testimony. I gotta say i strongly support the death penaly, their are some things/people that cannot be forgiven, they deserve to die. In fact Alot of them deserve to be tortured before hand.
all publicly of course to right dark?? lol.. eye for an eye..


Well-Known Member
lol.. i was thinking the same thing.. i don't care much for the juvie shows.. that one fucking lady though, i guess she would be the prosecutor, i want to strangle that bitch sometimes.. she is fucking evil...
some of the stories you hear about those kids is heartbreaking though.. like that one kid shanti i think his name is.. his dad was put in jail for trying to kill him, and his mom was put in jail i think for not protecting the kids from the father.. some fucked up shit.. no wonder the kids are already in the system.. makes me laugh at all of these anti abortion fanatics... i'd like to see all the women who want an abortion dump the kids off on their front door after they have them and let them take care of them..
Yeah, the episodes last night were not all that bad for pendleton episodes though. Some of them are really sad like you said.
Ya know, i think prison may be good for ray sort of. He had seemed like he'd given up and was real depressed and didnt know what to do anymore and sort of ovewhelmed. i think the structure and all that may be good for him, now he doesnt have to worry so much and i think he could turn it around and be doing as good as he was the first time or at least close. kinda gives him time to work out his problems in an enviroment he obviously knows well and is somewhat comfortable in.
it will be interesting, i hope we get more updates in the future.


Well-Known Member
i started to watch about 10 minutes or so of this.. i'm going to have to go back and watch the whole episode tomorrow when i get a chance.. that place looks wayyyyyyyyyyyyy of the hook though.. the damn prisoners have guns and shit.. crazyyy.. this is another reason why i don't go to south america, lol..

and i'm sure all of us have seen the movie midnight express atleast once.. how close to being real do any of us think that a movie like that is to portraying turkish prisons??
the guy who the movie is about done a banged up abroad recently it is the newest seris i aint a great fan of the show bit tame, think its got a different name in america tho isnt called banged up abroad neway.


Well-Known Member
So racerboy(everyone else is more than welcome to respond of course), out of all them youve seen who do you dislike the most ? just wondering. mine are-
the guy who's all "im hardcore convict" all the time who was shown being called chomo and stuff like that by other inmates, the one who said "i was high on marijuana and alcohol and she lured me down to the river shacks(its something like that, i cant think of exact.) and then we started having sex but she stopped me and i became enraged and beat and choked her to death" If you were to hand me a gun and had him sitting in a chair and asked me to be the executioner i would have no problem whatsoever blowing his head off. Fucking rapist murderer peice of shit deserve no mercy, i think he is one of those who deserve to be tortured or at least beaten to death.
Timothy schrieber from limon, I was disappointed no one beat or stabbed him in general population. He did say some funny things "did you call the officer a fat little pig bitch?" "yeah, thats my nickname for her, that and miss piggy". In his case while he is a total pile of shit. I dont hate him and want him to die so bad, if i saw he did die i wouldnt really care though.
the guy who had been in the military and talked about doing all these terrible things to fuck with the afghan people, bursting into their houses and taking everything, robbing them when they encounter them on purpose and if anyone does happen to die they simply plant a grenade on him and say it was self defense. That guy deserves to be severely beaten, no wonder half the muslims hate us if we've got that sort of trash out there making all of our armed forces and us in general look like shit.
their are others i was thinking of but cant remember right now


bud bootlegger
dark, your talking about that baldheaded guy i think.. he was a f uckiing asshole from the minuted he got there.. total tool..
they were interviewing some other guy, and all of a sudden the tier got flooded out cuz the white power dudes didn't want the chomo dude to be interviewed.. that was funny as hell..

oh snap.. i think i figured out who one of my least favorite people from the show is.. i can't think of his name, but he killed his father and started to eat him after he was dead.. he said he started to sing the battle hymn of the republic.. glory glory halaluja(sp?)... he was super skinny and bald and had shitty prison glasses.. he kept saying he was probably going to kill himself.. i just wish he would get it over with already..
fuck, now i've got to think who else i don't like.. there was that other dude who killed his mom and he ate her brains after killing her.. i don't really like that kinda shit, but the guy knew that he had issues, so i kinda felt bad for him.. i just saw a new episode where he was talking to the counselor and he said that a couple of women saw him on msnbc and had written to him, but he said he passed cuz he has enough issues on his own and these women probably have lots of their own issues... it was pretty cool of him to say.. wtf is wrong with women that they want to write to a mother killer and eater in prison?? its one whacky world out there..
i'll have to think and come back as to whom i really hate the most though..


Well-Known Member
dark, your talking about that baldheaded guy i think.. he was a f uckiing asshole from the minuted he got there.. total tool..
they were interviewing some other guy, and all of a sudden the tier got flooded out cuz the white power dudes didn't want the chomo dude to be interviewed.. that was funny as hell..

oh snap.. i think i figured out who one of my least favorite people from the show is.. i can't think of his name, but he killed his father and started to eat him after he was dead.. he said he started to sing the battle hymn of the republic.. glory glory halaluja(sp?)... he was super skinny and bald and had shitty prison glasses.. he kept saying he was probably going to kill himself.. i just wish he would get it over with already..
fuck, now i've got to think who else i don't like.. there was that other dude who killed his mom and he ate her brains after killing her.. i don't really like that kinda shit, but the guy knew that he had issues, so i kinda felt bad for him.. i just saw a new episode where he was talking to the counselor and he said that a couple of women saw him on msnbc and had written to him, but he said he passed cuz he has enough issues on his own and these women probably have lots of their own issues... it was pretty cool of him to say.. wtf is wrong with women that they want to write to a mother killer and eater in prison?? its one whacky world out there..
i'll have to think and come back as to whom i really hate the most though..
yeah that dude who eat his mums brains i kinda felt abit sorry for him lol pretty mad considering what he done but like ya said he new he had serious mental issues, n the follow up episode he did seem alot better than the 1st but fuck them anti-psycotic drugs they got em on dont narf make em twitch a lot!


Well-Known Member
nah, not him. He was cool, smashing his head on the glass like that was sort of funny too. this guy was in indiana, he was featured in one of the more recent raw episodes that came out. He was the one who pathetically tried over and over to say he was pure hardcore convict and he was in for murder and the way he kept saying it over and over again was something susan commented on as well, the guy was trying way too hard to convince people, then he eventually admitted he was charged with raping and killing this girl he kind of knew. he tried to blame it on her and her not wanting to have sex, which disgusted me.


bud bootlegger
nah, not him. He was cool, smashing his head on the glass like that was sort of funny too. this guy was in indiana, he was featured in one of the more recent raw episodes that came out. He was the one who pathetically tried over and over to say he was pure hardcore convict and he was in for murder and the way he kept saying it over and over again was something susan commented on as well, the guy was trying way too hard to convince people, then he eventually admitted he was charged with raping and killing this girl he kind of knew. he tried to blame it on her and her not wanting to have sex, which disgusted me.
damn... i kinda think i may know who your talking about dd, but i'm not 100% positive.. was it an older guy, like kinda small?? i'm trying to figure it out as i had thought i'd seen all of the episodes atleast three times...


Well-Known Member
dark, your talking about that baldheaded guy i think.. he was a f uckiing asshole from the minuted he got there.. total tool..
they were interviewing some other guy, and all of a sudden the tier got flooded out cuz the white power dudes didn't want the chomo dude to be interviewed.. that was funny as hell..

oh snap.. i think i figured out who one of my least favorite people from the show is.. i can't think of his name, but he killed his father and started to eat him after he was dead.. he said he started to sing the battle hymn of the republic.. glory glory halaluja(sp?)... he was super skinny and bald and had shitty prison glasses.. he kept saying he was probably going to kill himself.. i just wish he would get it over with already..
fuck, now i've got to think who else i don't like.. there was that other dude who killed his mom and he ate her brains after killing her.. i don't really like that kinda shit, but the guy knew that he had issues, so i kinda felt bad for him.. i just saw a new episode where he was talking to the counselor and he said that a couple of women saw him on msnbc and had written to him, but he said he passed cuz he has enough issues on his own and these women probably have lots of their own issues... it was pretty cool of him to say.. wtf is wrong with women that they want to write to a mother killer and eater in prison?? its one whacky world out there..
i'll have to think and come back as to whom i really hate the most though..
errr, i got confused b4, sorry, Yeah. timothy schrieber was the guy, i didnt really think of him as bald when i first read it and thought maybe you were talking about the bald guy(i believe his name might of been gil, but im not 100% sure on it) who she was interviewing when they did flood the tier. "what is that noise?"...."they flooded the tier?!, thats awesome"


bud bootlegger
I just meant the county jails throughout jersey.

lol I had a feeling people were gonna interpret it like I meant jersey county.
well.. i know that camden county jail is no walk in the park, and i can only imagine what jails are like in north jersey....


Well-Known Member
another one i really dislike-that guy in limon who kept getting caught w/ pics of little/young boys over and over. I think he should die or never be let out of prison for the safety of our society, he obviously cannot (and i suspect he's not trying at all myself) control his sexual impulses towards children, i mean getting busted like 5 times in a row w/ pics he knows he's not supposed to have is pretty damning imo. if he gets out he will re-offend and probably kill the victim/victims next time. no doubt of it in my mind.


Well-Known Member
im just wondering but racerboy what is the difference between the guy who killed his mother and cannabilized because of his severe mental issues and the guy who killed his dad and cannabilized because of his severe mental issues? no offense meant, just interested on your opinions on it.


Well-Known Member
you guys see the episodes in orange county jail where that one gang member started to slowly hint at him killing people, alot of them. i figured it would be pretty high from the hints, but only like maybe 5 or so, i was stunned when he said it was 23. his talking about how a zip tie works good because its real hard to take them off once they are on stuck with me for some reason.


bud bootlegger
another one i really dislike-that guy in limon who kept getting caught w/ pics of little/young boys over and over. I think he should die or never be let out of prison for the safety of our society, he obviously cannot (and i suspect he's not trying at all myself) control his sexual impulses towards children, i mean getting busted like 5 times in a row w/ pics he knows he's not supposed to have is pretty damning imo. if he gets out he will re-offend and probably kill the victim/victims next time. no doubt of it in my mind.
yah.. that guy was a complete scumbag.. i think you hit my least favorite person from the series right there dark.. that guy was fucking , i don't even know what to say he was.. sick would be the obvious adjective.. and i loved how he acted like they were picking on him by finding all of these pix.. he was a sick sick bastard.. and i agree, you don't get any rehab by going to prison, they admit as much.. and i don't think that sexual predators could be rehabed to begin with.
now i had always thought i had a problem with the death penalty.. my whole thing was always... we are giong to show you how wrong it is to kill people by killing you.. i just always seemed very ironic to me, but after thinking about some of these chomo's out in the world, line them all up.. and my other issue with the death penalty is how would you feel if you found out someone that you sentenced to death turned out to be innocent somewhere down the line?? i would feel horrible about that, and i know that they are plenty of innocent people in jails all across our country.. just the discovery of dna in the last couple of years has done a lot to prove this to be true..i would effing kill someone if i spent 30 years in prison for a crime i didn't commit..

and you right dark.. there is no difference between the two men.. i think i just took a liking to the one chubby mommy eating guy over the other one.. sad, but i'm being honest here.. but on an ethical view, you are right.. they are one and the same..


Well-Known Member
yah.. that guy was a complete scumbag.. i think you hit my least favorite person from the series right there dark.. that guy was fucking , i don't even know what to say he was.. sick would be the obvious adjective.. and i loved how he acted like they were picking on him by finding all of these pix.. he was a sick sick bastard.. and i agree, you don't get any rehab by going to prison, they admit as much.. and i don't think that sexual predators could be rehabed to begin with.
now i had always thought i had a problem with the death penalty.. my whole thing was always... we are giong to show you how wrong it is to kill people by killing you.. i just always seemed very ironic to me, but after thinking about some of these chomo's out in the world, line them all up.. and my other issue with the death penalty is how would you feel if you found out someone that you sentenced to death turned out to be innocent somewhere down the line?? i would feel horrible about that, and i know that they are plenty of innocent people in jails all across our country.. just the discovery of dna in the last couple of years has done a lot to prove this to be true..i would effing kill someone if i spent 30 years in prison for a crime i didn't commit..

and you right dark.. there is no difference between the two men.. i think i just took a liking to the one chubby mommy eating guy over the other one.. sad, but i'm being honest here.. but on an ethical view, you are right.. they are one and the same..
I used to be strongly anti-death penalty too, but then i started reading about what some of these guys did and i imagined if it had been my mom or my sister or my daughter that some monster kidnapped/broke in/ whatever and tortured and raped and killed and shit like that and my opinion quickly changed the more i read about these guys and their crimes. it was more than enough to change my mind, out of every 50-100 of them i reviewed i'd find like 1 or 2 guys i wasnt 100% sure the death penalty was not a fitting sentence. The other thing that does sort of still play a role in my mind is when you see these death penalty guys who've been lockep up 15-20 yrs and they seem lke nice and likeable people, its been so long they either completely block out what they did or figure out ways to distance who they are now from then(it was a different me is what i hear most of them say, which is kind of hard for me as i wasnt the nicest teenager growing up, i didnt do anything horrible but i should of been alot nicer to my family, and thats what i told myself to get over the guilt i felt for it). Anyway though, that doesnt change my views about the death penalty, just about how we drag it out so long. They should set up a special court to deal with those sort of cases and handle all the appeals so it doesnt drag on forever and it is still 100% certain the man they have is guilty. alot of the legal appeals they get now are bs that just takes alot of time that never has any hope anyway.


bud bootlegger
I used to be strongly anti-death penalty too, but then i started reading about what some of these guys did and i imagined if it had been my mom or my sister or my daughter that some monster kidnapped/broke in/ whatever and tortured and raped and killed and shit like that and my opinion quickly changed the more i read about these guys and their crimes. it was more than enough to change my mind, out of every 50-100 of them i reviewed i'd find like 1 or 2 guys i wasnt 100% sure the death penalty was not a fitting sentence. The other thing that does sort of still play a role in my mind is when you see these death penalty guys who've been lockep up 15-20 yrs and they seem lke nice and likeable people, its been so long they either completely block out what they did or figure out ways to distance who they are now from then(it was a different me is what i hear most of them say, which is kind of hard for me as i wasnt the nicest teenager growing up, i didnt do anything horrible but i should of been alot nicer to my family, and thats what i told myself to get over the guilt i felt for it). Anyway though, that doesnt change my views about the death penalty, just about how we drag it out so long. They should set up a special court to deal with those sort of cases and handle all the appeals so it doesnt drag on forever and it is still 100% certain the man they have is guilty. alot of the legal appeals they get now are bs that just takes alot of time that never has any hope anyway.
you have some very good points dark destruction.. i always get pissed at how much money that it costs us u.s. taxpayers to keep some of these people fed and clothed in jail.. i think i heard one number of like 60k a year per inmate?? i don't remember if this is correct, or where i had heard it from, but i tend to think it was from lockup.. that number just simply blew me away tbh... $60k a year just to have these guys sit on death row for twenty years appealing all kinds of bs, it really does make me sick.. shit, i may have just changed my mind on the whole death penalty thing, lol.. not really though as i tend to think of myself more of a pacifist and tend to not like any form of human on human violence, or even human on animal for that matter..
i think that they should take all of these fucking people who like to kill so much, put them in the army or marines or what have you, and send them off to what ever fucking country we are at war with today, ,and let them blast all of the fuckers over there that they want.. shit, that would be right up their alley.. i really don't see why they don't do this type of thing, i think its a great idea.. you wouldn't have to worry about all of your soilders coming back all fucked up from the violence that they have seen in war and it would be nothing new to them.. its how they were probably raised from a young rug rat.
it just makes me sick that the us has more people in jails and prisons than almost every other country.. and its not like locking them up is making things on the streets or in our country any better, far from it... i don't know.. i surely don't have the answers, but i sure as fuck have a lot of questions though..


Well-Known Member
if we did that though then they would do that sort of evil stuff to the normal people over there and make them hate us even more. probably wouldnt be very reliable soldiers either. lol. but its not a bad idea besides those 2 points. Another would be to have some gladiator fight type stuff and sell tickets and video media rights to people. It would help bring in revenue for the prison and would help with prison overcrowding. If the us would change alot of their stances on drugs so it wouldnt be so profitable i think it would help, but then again those guys would probably just steal cars and shit like that instead of selling drugs. lol