Life after lockup, anyone see it last week or the repeat of it this week?


bud bootlegger
so you want it to be like that movie that arnold was in .. fuck, why can't i remember the name of it.. i'm sure you know exactly what i'm talking about though.. he got set up and they put him in this prison that was run by the price is right guy.. they did those badass gladiator type events between the prisoners and put it all on tv.. was a pretty cool movie if your into that type of thing, lol.. demoliation man maybe?? i can't remember...

hey dark.. do you ever watch the first 48 show at all?? just wondering as i really like that one as well as lockup, raw, behind the scenes, extended stay, lol..


bud bootlegger
check this out.I dont blame the guy.Id be hunting for him the day hes released to.The families kind of to blame for it though,Im sure they had a say in his plea bargain and had a chance to take it to trial but didn't want to go through all that misery.
yah,, i don't know dots... they never should have given the dude any kind of break if they had felt this strongly about the guy imho.. kinda like you said.. but my other thing is, you commit a crime, you get arrested, you go to prison and do your time.. you get out.. your commitment to society for the crime you committed should end there in my eyes.. as fucked up as this may feel or sound, that is how our legal system works..
not saying that you have ever sold drugs dots, but say if you have, and someone that you had sold them to had died from say an overdose.. you got popped for selling the guy the drugs, and got convicted, and did say ten years in the state pen... now you get out and the kid who had od'ed father wants to fucking kill you cuz you took his son's life?? even though you've completed your debt to society, in this guys eyes, that doesn't matter on bit..
i do understand my analogy isn't exactly the same thing as this guy out and out just killed some lil kid, but i think my point is still kind of valid, no??


Well-Known Member
I watched it quite a bit, recently not so much so, it's a really good show. alot of them are really intersting.
What do you think of "the squeeze"? At first i didnt really like it, but now i think its an alright show.
Do you watch hard time on nat geo? that is also a good one, i like lockup a bit better still though.

You remember that one guy in new mexico who had been in for a long time but was close to making parole and he had a wife/girlfriend and "daughter" waiting for him after he paroled who (i really wish they would of taped the hearing, but for some reason didnt, which is kind of odd b/c he was one of the guys they were following for a while covering how they are doing and such so you'd think they would of taped his parole hearing) ended up cussing out the parole officer over her making it so his parole was close supervision as she felt he needed it for a while.


Well-Known Member
I been thinking about how you were saying it takes like 60k a prisoner per year, well, more about the cost than what you said, lol. I know ive seen that number b4 as well from more than a few places. Around here i think its like 40-50k a year and im sure it varies from place to place but that got me to thinking, I live on 12,000-15,000 a year. I have to pay rent of 300 a month and a few other bills and i dont live a life of luxury by any means, but im comfortable and am satisfied with what i have. more would always be better of course but i cant complain. Well, anyway. My point is-how the fuck can it cost them that much to keep someone in a cell or in the prison in general 50k a year? death penaly cases are much worse though, on average they have twice as much spent on them per year. thats a big part of why i feel we need to set up a special court solely for death penalty appeals and that. average guy sits 15-20 yrs, thats 2 million dollars for just one person. My state doesnt have the death penalty, but no wonder why we have these prison budget issues and overcrowding. i think it must be very inneffecient w/the money for normal inmates as well.


bud bootlegger
I been thinking about how you were saying it takes like 60k a prisoner per year, well, more about the cost than what you said, lol. I know ive seen that number b4 as well from more than a few places. Around here i think its like 40-50k a year and im sure it varies from place to place but that got me to thinking, I live on 12,000-15,000 a year. I have to pay rent of 300 a month and a few other bills and i dont live a life of luxury by any means, but im comfortable and am satisfied with what i have. more would always be better of course but i cant complain. Well, anyway. My point is-how the fuck can it cost them that much to keep someone in a cell or in the prison in general 50k a year? death penaly cases are much worse though, on average they have twice as much spent on them per year. thats a big part of why i feel we need to set up a special court solely for death penalty appeals and that. average guy sits 15-20 yrs, thats 2 million dollars for just one person. My state doesnt have the death penalty, but no wonder why we have these prison budget issues and overcrowding. i think it must be very inneffecient w/the money for normal inmates as well.
well of course i had pretty much the same reaction that your having over hearing those numbers dark, and i had thought pretty much the same things.. $50k/ year for one inmate is just ludicrous in my eyes.. and like you said, you manage to eek by on a salary of say $20k a year, and you have to feed yourself, pay bills like the interweb thingy, and ofcourse cable tv to watch lockup on, and somehow you manage to make a life for yourself on that amount of money..
and what are we getting for our $5ok a year with these inmates?? and what do they get for all of that money?? shit, i highly doubt that they have cable tv in their cells, and same with the interweb thingy.. the food that they ate can't possibly cost more than a couple of dollars a day at most to make and prepare.. where the fuck does all that money go?? i just can't seem to add things up and come even close to a number like that.. i do understand that there are obvious costs in operating any business like rent, property tax, electricity, food, water and clothing, etc.. but it surely doesn't come any where near the fifty k..
so what does this lead me to believe?? corruption?? well, more than likely yes, that is probably a major factor in it, but it can't be the whole amount, or even a big chunk of it for that matter right??
you ever see that douche bag warden from maricopa county in az that puts up his prisoners in tent citys?? he said that it cost him like fifty cents a day to feed his inmates, and that it actually cost more to feed the guard dogs at the prison.. while this guy is a step in the right direction in cost savings, i don't really agree with many of his policies.. but for fucks sake, there has to be a way to greatly reduce the costs to house inmates.. idk.. i surely don't have any answers over that one..


Well-Known Member
i think alot of the "private" facilities are the cause of alot of it, im sure they charge the state a fuck ton of money and just recently their were 2 or maybe 3 judges caught who were recieving kick backs for sending people to the companies facilities.


bud bootlegger
i think alot of the "private" facilities are the cause of alot of it, im sure they charge the state a fuck ton of money and just recently their were 2 or maybe 3 judges caught who were recieving kick backs for sending people to the companies facilities.
yah.. i know that there was something in i think it was az ... that big bill or whatever it was that was against all of the illegals.. now, i heard that some of these big jail companies were the sponsors of the bill so that they could fill there prison's up one way or another, and having a bill sending illegals to prison was exactly what they were looking for..


Well-Known Member
Did you know alaska sends prisoners to private facilities in arizona? you mentioning that made me remember seeing that. Imo that sounds awful fishy, their isnt a prison closer they could keep em at? the facility and someone in alaska must be in cahoots(for lack of a better word)too imo. Man, this has made me think of our current legal(and the politics involved) system and if it is possible we could someday take care of all the corruption but its just on so many many levels that i get more and more discouraged.


Well-Known Member
I never knew that about alaska,they do have state prisons to because there was a show on one.


Well-Known Member
I think thats where i heard it from.

illinois abolished the death penalty i guess. kind of pisses me off, but without a big shakeup and the creation of some sort of special court that deals with death penalty cases and 100% ensures the person is guily it would not be possible to fix illinois broken death penalty system, and of course no one wants to be the first to take on the challenge and any associated fiscal costs. So i guess i kinda understand it as well but some of the people on death row being shown mercy makes me mad, of the 150+ people this and the last governor commuted to life really deserved it(the death penalty) badly.


bud bootlegger
and heres one to ponder why you at it dark destruction.. why is it that our legal system prides itself on the innocent untill proven quilty thing, yet your arrested and can sit in jail for months or sometimes even years untill you go to trial if your so innocent?? this to me is saying quilty till proven quilty, not the other way around..
i mean, if i haven't had my day in front of a judge yet, wtf am i doing sitting in a jail till i do so??


bud bootlegger
god damn it.. go to turn on my usual friday night show, and lo and behold its the damn juvie show.. .ughh... don't like this nearly as much as the big boys ... wtf??
and it looks like regular lockup won't be on till one am, and i'm not feeling well and really feel like crashing..


bud bootlegger
swweeetttttt lockup world tour is on, i just smoked a couple of bong hits of sannies chem 4 x bb, and i'm stoked...


bud bootlegger
dammmn.. just saw that joe sanchez was re released from prison after walking back to the gas station near prison after walking away from the halfway house.. he served out the rest of his time in prison, and died four days later from a drug overdose.. that's some fucked up shit right there.. crazyyyyy.. wonder if it was accidental or suicide. damn, that fucking sucks ass..


Well-Known Member
dammmn.. just saw that joe sanchez was re released from prison after walking back to the gas station near prison after walking away from the halfway house.. he served out the rest of his time in prison, and died four days later from a drug overdose.. that's some fucked up shit right there.. crazyyyyy.. wonder if it was accidental or suicide. damn, that fucking sucks ass..
I seen that too, I was going to come on and ask if you saw it, and that i wondered if it was on purpose or maybe he just didnt care and od'd semi-accidently or if he got some shady dope and it was pure accident. I was shocked when i saw he died too.


bud bootlegger
I seen that too, I was going to come on and ask if you saw it, and that i wondered if it was on purpose or maybe he just didnt care and od'd semi-accidently or if he got some shady dope and it was pure accident. I was shocked when i saw he died too.
i guess we'll never really know the reason's behind it, but i wouldn't doubt suicide.. but if he had been clean for years in prison, not saying that he was or anything, but if he was and came out and did a nice big shot like he used to, it could have been too much for his now cleaned out system and put him over the top.. shit like that happens a lot when peps come out of jail and or rehabs and think that they can handle the same amount that they were doing before their stay at the holiday inn..


bud bootlegger
your right, we'll never know. which kind of drives me crazy.
good.. atleast i'm not the only one.. i was super shocked when i saw this.. i don't know why, being in recovery and all myself, i've seen enough of how addiction can affect people, even after years off being clean sometimes.. still, a shame, as i hate to see anyone die that way..


Well-Known Member
i watched the timothy shreider episode again the other night i 4got bout that CUNT when you were talking bout him a few pages back.

did ya bother to watch that columbian 1 i posted? i well enjoyed that.