Life after lockup, anyone see it last week or the repeat of it this week?


Well-Known Member
wow, that was the worst episode ive ever seen. They must be getting really desperate, I was expecting alot better considering the previews on the commercial that showed him wrestling with the salamander that lives in the us that gets to be 3 ft long and then him with a big catfish and then him by a stingray and probably others im forgetting. Thats the problems with shows like this though, eventually they reach a point where they have covered just about everything and run out of A list material so they gotta go to the B list shit. Monsterquest is a good example of one. I dont believe in wolfmen or bigfoot, well, all the bigfoot flavors from the us, their are still a few places in the world where we very well may find another great ape species, they just recently found a large population of gorrillas no one knew existed in this really remote area, so while it is unlikely its still possible.


Well-Known Member
next river monsters looks weak too, the eels are kind of interesting, but i dont think they are gonna do it for me. I'm looking forward to the monster salamander and the big catfish episodes they showed clips of. Watching lockup the last few months ive been thinking, cali prisons must fucking suck, they look awful as hell. Now the one in europe w/the olympic sized pool and the peacocks roaming the grounds that the prisoners say the food is as good as any resturant there wouldnt be so bad, lol. you see the one in australia? its great how the warden commends the guy for waiting as long as he did to smoke the cannabis he had. The kangaroo tail didnt look too appealing to me though. Anyway, if you dont hear from me for a while when i was at work one of those fucking fake virus scans popped up and downloaded itself onto my comp, so i wouldnt be surprised if i start having comp problems again.


Well-Known Member
Seems no one is interested in this thread anymore, or i should say racerboy or ......., lol, but anyway, man i had a premonition walking home i was like watch- after hoping all day some good lock ups will be on tonight they are gonna play the juvie ones or the ones from california they played last week.....sure enough, juvie it is. ones ive seen more times than i can count as well.


Well-Known Member
also, i meant to bring it up sooner but that episode of river monsters on sunday was actually pretty decent, it sometimes seems like when i try to think optimistically shit goes bad on me and when i think pessimistically shit seems to go pretty good.
Those eels were pretty good. I wonder what the deal with the sting rays is gonna be. he already covered the ones in the mekong river. I dont know if you get into it but i like to contemplate which is the largest freshwater fish really is. If you dont count the ones that live in both freshwater and saltwater/brackish water its hard to tell as most of the frontrunners are questionable as to if they do or dont, its recently been found the so called largest freshwater fish(i believe the largest ever officially documented supposed freshwater fish was a mekong giant catfish, but not that its the biggest freshwater species) the mekong giant catfish also migrates to spawn and feed and that(which also ensures its extinction). I wonder why people dont count any of the freshwater stingrays that were more than the 646 lb mekong giant catfish, they weighed out and sold the meat...then again you watch river monsters so you already know that.


bud bootlegger
yah, i don't know how i feel about the stingray's being considered a fish.. i guess technically they are and what not, but i just like to see him catching other things like the big cats and stuff like that.. i guess that is kinda the same way you feel about the eel's, but i thought that it was actually a pretty cool episode all in all.. some of the stories he heard when he went on the radio show were pretty cool.. i can't get over that one story of the eel's going up inside of the ewe and eating it alive from the inside out.. some crazy shit, pun intended of course, lol..
and i'm the same as you with the juvies show dark.. can't really stand them too much.. that one stupid ass puerto rican kid who was in there for i foget, mayb arson or some crap, he had to talk to the parole board and he all thought he was going to get out, what an idiot he was.
i did feel bad for that one kid who was like 18 or so, and his father was in jail for trying to kill him, as was his mother, except she was in for not protecting the kids against the father.. rather said.. what chance in life does a kid like that really have?? not much the way i look at it..
then there was that one kid who went all militant and shit.. i also forget his name.. he got on my nerves though.. he was in the military program offered by the jail's.. he did really well in the program and what not and was going to go in i think it was the navy, and had his hopes all set on it, only to find out that they wouldn't take him in cuz he fucked up on probation i think it was.. i think he ended up going into the national gaurds or some crap in the end.. felt kinda bad for him as well, but i didn't really like the kid at all.. i hate people who seem to go all balls to the wall with shit like that after being a fuck up for so long.. reminds me of this rehab i was in, it was more of a behavor change place.. can't think of the letters they used to say.. but it was one of the craziest places i've ever been in.. you couldn't talk to anyone, if you did, it had to be about rehab and the program.. if you sat in one spot for too long and said were staring out the window day dreaming, someone would come over to you and say... make you aware of day dreaming.. then they would write your offense up and put it in a lil cup and the rehab house leader would go over each offense, right them in a book, and a couple of times a day, the counselors would read the book, and call all of the offenders name's out, and you wuold have to stand in front of a mirror staring at yourself, then they would call you into the office and tell you what you did wrong, and give you points.. like three t or what have you.. if you got enough points, you could get a coffee tea and soda ban.. good, nothing worse than a caffeine headache from withdrawal i tell you..
anyhoo's, at that place, you had all kinds of jerkoff's who took that shit way tooo seriously.. being that i was there for 103 days, you would hear stories about some of the jerkoff's who went out before i did and would fall flat on their faces.. always made me laugh... i used to get into sooo much trouble cuz i would never pull anyone up.. that is what they called it when you would go over to someone and make them aware of what ever it was that they were doing wrong.. so fucking dumb.. i actually felt worse when i left then when i went in.. i thought that they would break you down to build you back up, but all they did to me was break me down and leave me that way.. i saw soo many people walk out of there and go straight to jail rather then put up with that bullshit.. longest 3 months plus of my life i tell you..


Well-Known Member
I believe that guys name was mathew, or something close. I didnt really like him at first either but after awhile i gained a bit of respect for him(still dont really like him, just that my honor code demands it), he went and put forth alot of effort to do good. I was pretty shocked the first time i saw he wasnt accepted after he did amazingly well on all the tests and shit. the reason you gave is correct for the most part i think but i remember feeling like he got fucked on a technicality.
I lived in a halfway house for about 6 months, it was kind of like that place you went. Never had to stay in jail, been there 3 times but luckily my county jail is super overcrowded so if your not charged with a felony or violence of some sort they book you in, take prints and a mug shot, run you for warrants, and if everything checks out you sign a little piece of paper and walk out the front door. Been in Mental health units of plenty of hospitals though. Long Story and a know it all social worker. marijuana useage is a serious mental illness you know......
I did like the eel episode for the most part, i was disappointed by the pacu eating penises one. lol. I liked the mekong stingray one personally, i think its probably one of the ones that spends different parts of its life/migrates between fresh and saltwater, but if its not, which is possible as the stingrays that live in the amazon dont, its probably currently the largest 100% freshwater fish. I think their are many other contenders out there that have had the potential to beat it, but theyve almost all been reduced to at best smaller max sizes because they cant reach their potential like if in a good healthy enviroment and at worse on the brink of total extinction, or just plain extinct.
What really got me into the whole largest freshwater fish thing is that i spent most of my youth fishing and on the water. The wolf/fox/winnebago system to be exact. Now a while back it looked like lake sturgeon were as good as extinct but wisconsins dnr and conservation groups and such got together and do all kinds of things(like having people posted 24 hrs a day on the spawning grounds to stop people poaching them during the spawn and at the same time encouraging people to come and watch the sturgeon and see how fucking awesome they are) and brought them back. Our population in numbers and size dwarfs anywhere else and they are still on the brink of extinction in those places for the most part. So thats something i take some pride in, we actually managed to save them. I've seen some real monsters on the spawning grounds and they are just going to keep growing and growing.


bud bootlegger
damn dark, i only wish i lived some where like wisonsin or some where around there, all but for the winters that is.. lots of good fishing up there for sure.. its like my gf, she lives up in maine, and is there ever some killer fishing around her ways, but i couldn't handle the winters up there either, which is why she is there, and i am not, lol..

just wanted to say, and i'm not sure if we have ever talked about this episode of river monsters before or not.. its on now.. its the one were he's in india looking for the killer cat fish.. i think its like the gange's river, and its totally polluted to the point that there is no life in it to support such big fish as the big cats that live there.. this episode really freaked me out some tbh... he figures out that the only thing in the river that could support these huge ass cat fish are the human remains that get burned on the banks of the river in a religious ceremony, and then they just push the corpses into the river.. pretty nasty right.. well, come to find out, these corpses are what these cat fish feed on.. it has to be, as its the only thing in the river for them to eat because they are totally polluted.. india is kinda freaky like that... and the thing is, down river, you see like cows and shit in the water, and its the same river that villages use to wash their clothes and dishes and shit in.. un fucking believable to say the least.. i was once invited to go to india for a month with some chic i was talking to.. she was indian, and was going back for her sisters arranged marriage, and she offered to take me with her for the trip.. i quickly declined, lol, as much as i love to travel, i don't think i could deal with india.
my best friends sister works for some internet firm in arizona, and they were opening up a new branch in india, and were looking for people to go over and set up the headquaters and what not, so she said she would go.. i probably would have to tbh.. but his mom was telling me some of the nasty shit that she saw on her trip there.. lots of people just shitting in the streets... and get this one.. she is left handed, and in india, you are considered a freak if your left handed cuz they use their left hands to wipe their asses after they shit. just their hands mind you, no tp. so for her to use her left hand to do things like eating and writing, well, to say that she got more than her fair of dirty looks would be an understatement.. people couldn't believe that she would eat with her left hand, the same one that she uses to wipe her ass with.. i shit you not.. crazy ass place india is.. and i heard stories of just sewage running out into the middle of the streets and shit like that.. just raw shit running down the city streets and what have you..
i may bitch about some of the things in america quite often, but thank fucking god i don't live in a place like india.. and besides, i'm left handed as well, lol...


Well-Known Member
I've seen that episode probably 20 times, lol, so many that i cant watch it again yet, which takes alot for me, but it is a great episode. One of my favorites of all time, its just ive seen it so many times now cuz they seem to love to play that episode all the time, i think it was one of the episodes that really drew in alot of people and added to the popularity of the show alot. so they play it all the time. The thing that gets me w/the kali river is when he goes down into the water and finds something like 5-6 goonch just as big as, if not bigger, than the one he managed to catch and those were not full grown.
I was surprised by the size of the stingrays in this weeks episode, it was definetley a megafish i had never heard of even though ive done alot of reading on the fish that are considered megafish, not just the well known ones, but also the really rare ones people dont have alot of info on and i never saw so much as a brief mention. Despite that though for some reason i didnt really get into the new episode. I dont know why but that was the feeling i got after watching it both times it was on. the second of which i spent trying to figure out what gave me that feeling after the first time i watched it. It was cool to see they existed. makes me wonder what else we may just find some day.
Like the guy who first identified the colencath when they brought it to him said about his initial reaction-"I would of been no less surprised to look out my window and see a dinosaur walking down the street....."


bud bootlegger
i don't even know why i'm going to ask this question of you dark, but are you as pissed as i am tonight with all of this royal wedding crap being on instead of life after lockup?? doesn't msnbc know that we care less about prince william and kate than we do about double life johnson and shriverdecker?? lol, but for reals here msnbc, enough is enough already.. the wedding was early this morning, and probably was less than an hour all said and done, but now you've got to play 10 hours plus of what?? jessu, can't wait for this shit to blow over so that we can get back to normal tv.. i really look forward to friday and saturday nights just for this reason, and no i'm not talking about the royal wedding either..


bud bootlegger
looks like a rerun of river monsters it will be then.. and for a new episode, i've must have seen this eel one about 10 times or so already.. that is the thing i hate about tv anymore, they show the same episodes over and over and over and.... lol..


Well-Known Member
Have they been playing lockup on thursday nights too?! i didnt realize that if they are, when did they start that? or did they play wedding shit when normally they play lockup tonight? If thats the case then they actually did something that surprises me and didnt play that wedding shit twice and actually played lockup episodes again later like they normally do. it's so far been old ones ive seen alot sadly though, watching the pawn stars episodes that are on right now, ive only seen them 3 times. lol.
On a totally different note something ive been meaning to say.....I too am left handed! I'm not a real big fan of the whole idea that it makes a difference on personality too(like left handed people are more creative or etc etc etc) but it does seem like the people i talk to(both past and present) who get into almost all the same stuff i do are left handed. I can do everything but write and masturbate(lol) with my right hand but still though i consider myself left handed.
I couldve sworn i saw him and the sawfish before too but i cant remember was it only about sawfish or was it part of another episode?...I just found something pretty interesting looking it up. It seems like it is a completely new one.
it gives pretty decent descriptions of whats to come the next few weeks. I really hope those are not all the new episodes theyve got for this season or are gonna make us wait for a while while they play the same episodes over and over again. I swear to god this one night they played the 1 hr version of "killer catfish"(the one in india w/the goonch we discussed) 5 times in between 7pm and 5 am.
Chainsaw Predator – Premieres Sunday, May 1 at 10 PM ET/PT

Angler Jeremy Wade heads to a remote river in the Australian outback to try and catch the rare but fearsome Freshwater Sawfish. This shadowy predator is reputed to reach 18 feet long and attacks boats - but does the fact that it could slash Jeremy to shreds make it a killer? And why is this bizarre-looking sea monster swimming hundreds of miles inland? In a quest that begins 20 years ago in the Amazon and ends on the banks of a shark-infested river, Jeremy roams into an ancient and beguiling landscape where he encounters Aborigines, scientists and a real-life ‘Crocodile Dundee’ before finally confronting the disturbing truth.
Electric Executioner – Premieres Sunday, May 15 at 10 PM ET/PT

Extreme angler Jeremy Wade travels to Brazil’s ‘wild west’ in search of a river monster that has killed three cowboys. The search for the culprit sends him deep into prospecting cattle country where people fear for his life, and he discovers the shocking truth about a fish he’s never before caught. He has to combat all his fears to catch this monster, and after a long chase, Jeremy finally corners his elusive prey in the most unexpected place. All he has to do then is catch it without getting killed.
Cold Blooded Horror – Premieres Sunday, May 22 at 10 PM ET/PT

Having never been to Japan, Jeremy Wade is entering new territory in more ways than one. The River Monsters there are like no others he ever has encountered, from the devastating earthquake- causing-catfish the Namazu to the sinister, child-snatching killer called the Kappa. But can our extreme fisherman uncover the truth behind these legends? Can he catch a monster in the rivers of Japan that reveals the reality behind these horrific tales? He is about to find out.
Jungle Killer – Premieres Monday, May 30 at 10 PM ET/PT

Jeremy Wade sets out to discover the true river monster of South America. Piranhas get all the press, but is there a more fearsome predator lurking in its rivers? Tipped off by an attack on a diver by a single fish, Jeremy soon discovers that there is a real monster to find. With conditions against him, lightning storms threatening him and his crew, the last pieces of the puzzle are put in place by the local Amerindian tribe. Jeremy finally heads deeper and deeper into the remote jungles of Suriname to come face to face with a Jungle Killer like no other.

alright another topic-I've been watching first 48 whenever i cant find anything better and its become very clear to me people dont actually think about their actions and body language(the biggest one being when the guy says he's going to go do something or other and they dont realize he's actually watching them reading their body language and that). It also makes me realize that alot of people have no idea of the officers strategies and how to counteract them. It looks like the best way to beat the police is to know them. Not that i have anything against police officers, it drives me nuts when people blame police because they got busted. I mean come on, Can anyone honestly say they are not aware that we have laws in our society and that if you break any of said laws you will face consequences for it and that your taking a calculated risk when breaking the law? if you break the law and get busted its no ones fault but your own. if you fall for the little tricks the cops may use to try to find out if you are breaking the law then its your fault for falling for them.


bud bootlegger
i'm sorry dark, but i edited my posts for reason's i'm sure you'll see when you read the pm i just sent you, lol.. but yah, i don't understand how someone could ever admit to a crime that they ddin't commit.. that is just sooo crazy to me to say the least..
i would never admit to something that i did do, let along something that i was innocent of, no way, no how.. but you hear it all of the time, oh, they tricked me, i didn't really do it, but i just admitted it so that they would let me go home, blah blah blah, lol..
no effing way.. i would hate to think of what i would do if i were ever convicted of a crime i was innocent of.. always reminds me of this movie i think is called an innocent man starring tom selleck, its a pretty good flick about revenge, one of me favrotire topics, lol..


bud bootlegger
Man this is lame. not only did we get lockup replaced w/ the white house correspondant dinner tonight and they are going to play some shit about the pope for 3 hours.......

11:00 PM Lockup "Inside L.A. County"
Tomorrow 1:00 AM The Squeeze "A Necessary Evil"
2:00 AM The Squeeze "Wanna Work a Number?" 3:00 AM Lockup "Extended Stay: Maricopa County Jail: Heat Wave"
4:00 AM Pope John Paul
5:00 AM Pope John Paul
6:00 AM Pope John Paul
yupper, same schedule i have here as well..
i'm sure we've talked about this in the past, but how do you like that show the squeeze? i'll watch it, but its far from my favorites like lockup or even the first 48.. idk what it is about the show, but i'm not really into all that much.. its a lot like that show that is on a and e called something like, damn, what is that called, man hunter or something like that i think it is.. i actually like that one a lil better than the squeeze, but that really isn't saying much at all, lol..


Well-Known Member
holy shit, a while back i posted about a scene from "the squeeze"(the show that follows the cook county jail gang unit) and i said that i thought it was crazy how the one informant said their building makes 75k-100k a week, as did the investigator. I remembered wrong! its 75k-100k a day! that comes out to about 27-36 million a year.


bud bootlegger
yah, but they shouldn't legalize and tax drugs, oh no, let all the gang members make all of that cash instead.. and that is only one building in chicago, imagine what all of the drug sales in the entire us net sales would add up to.. a shit ton of money, that's what.. but oh no, let's waste money trying to eradicate drugs and the useless war on drugs instead of making probably what would be trillions of dollars off of it instead..makes plenty of sense to me...


Well-Known Member
I see where your coming from but could you imagine what would happen if they legalized meth or heroin? I dont see that working out, pot and coke and acid and shrooms and just about everything else i think could be possible, but those 2 I just dont see it. im actually kinda torn on coke, but ultimately i think it could work if done right.
Man, i was so mad last night, if i wanted to see some stupid shit and singing like they played i'd go to a fucking Mans Religions in general are just one big sham imo anyway....i feel a big old rant coming on.....but i wont go into that.
One thing about the first 48 i dont like though is when they pretend to really care about the person, like holding their hands and shit and saying how they need to come clean or etc when really they just want the person to break and tell them. You can tell after they leave the room and their remarks to each other its all a front they put out.


bud bootlegger
fuck, i just had a whole page of a reply that i just managed to erase, god i hate that shit, lol..
i was saying though that i don't know why your against the legalization of all drugs.. if it's for the reason that you think more people would end up using drugs if they were legal, let me ask you this.. would you run out and start using heroin if it were to become legal?? nor do i think that a lot of other people would.. as a matter of fact, i think that a lot more people are drawn to drugs like that just for the image that one portrays by using such drugs... if one wants to act and live like a rebel, what does one do to have a rebel aura around them?? they go out and do things that are against the law for one, so if some drugs were to become legal, i feel that a lot of people would no longer be attracted to it simply for the reason that it would no longer be a forbidden fruit so to speak..
and yah, don't even get me started on the way that some of the popo all act like they are your best friends just in order for you to admit to something.. i honestly despise fake people for one thing, and add that on top of my hate for the popo, and you've pretty much got a double edged sword of hate, lol..
i even saw this one episode where this lady was being questioned for a murder, and it was either easter or thanksgiving i do believe, and the one cop all made up a nice big plate of food, and brought it in to the lady while they were questioning her.. so it was two popo, and this lady, all sitting in the interigation room about to eat this nice dinner in order to get her to loosen up and talk to the popo.. right before they start to eat, the one cop says, well, we need to say grace first, and they go ahead and say grace, and of course the popo all says something about wanting to solve the crime, and bring closure to the family of the victim and crap like that, just basically working on this ladies religious feelings, and getting a confession out of her that way..
and yah, i'm with you, don't even get me started on organized religion.. i can go on a rant for pages about that, lol.. let me just say that my gmom was a sunday school teacher for years, i'd like to say for over 30.. well, she got old, who doesn't, and she would come into sunday school and start to talk about her cats and dogs, as this was pretty much all her life consisted of on a daily basis, so the pastor or whom ever it was, came to my mom, and made my mom tell my gmom that she was no longer welcome to teach sunday school.. these fucking scumbags didn't even have the balls to tell someone who had given them over 30 years of her life that she was no longer welcome at their institute for the simple fact that what was it again, oh yah, that's right, she got old, and her memory wasn't what it once was..
and heaven fucking forbid one of these people would have stopped by her house in her last couple of years while she was dying all alone in her home for old age.. but you better bet that they were all there at the fucking funeral acting as if they had just lost their best friend.. that shit gets soooo under my skin, it drives me fucking insane..
i'm no church goer, but let me say that my mom is no spring chicken, but you know what, i try and spend as much time with her while she is alive instead of being like some of these jerkoff's, and ignoring her only to act like a fool at her funeral .. just a few of the small things that bother me about religion..


Well-Known Member
have you ever tried meth? have you tried being addicted to amphetimines? it sucks alot. it starts out great but alot of people get addicted the first few go's, i got lucky and managed to get away before i completely destroyed everything, but it did cause alot of problems and later guilt, thats when i was still a kid almost, that was what was behind what i said b4 about how i should of been alot nicer and listened to my familiy. Alot of people ive known have not and ive seen them lose it all. its just too strong. the high is just too great and, alot of people are hooked b4 they even realize it. I will somewhat concede your point that no, i would not go out and do meth or heroin just because they were legal as many others would not. However im sure if society became tolerant to its use gradually over time since it was legal in time it would lose its stigmatisms and people would be more likely to try them and get addicted to them. In the end i guess i will also concede and say it is possible they could work too, i still dont see how it could though knowing meth's addictiveness and its high and how much physical damage the not sleeping or eating for a week or 2 and just doing more and more meth more often because its hard to stay in the peak buzz range puts your body through and how much meth mouth really really sucks, especially if you have a genetic tooth/gum disease in your family like i
It drives me crazy when people say about jesus being revived and their are first hand witness accounts in the bible......b/c they are not. The books supposedly written by the disiples were all written something like 50-100 yrs AFTER they died off of the christian folklore people at the time wanted to believe and say. The church has been 1 big scam from the start. look back and it is shown over and over again its got no problems both contradicting itself and then removing or adding things to the bible and whats considered heresy(under threat of death no less) and whats ok to suit their current agenda and what they want people to say and think.