LED Without LEDs -My First T5 Grow

I have never advocated using actinic only... I also have never said use all red suns either, in fact i urge people to use the 75.25 bulbs or 10000k bulbs to complete the spectrum.
More useful info:

I'm really starting to doubt the use of actinic only aquarium bulbs for the growing purpose.


Please read thoroughly, these sites have some really good info for everyone.

I prefer peer reviewed scientific documentation...
I prefer peer reviewed scientific documentation...

Behold the power of cryptochrome (blue light response regulation) we actually use it too. Both plants and humans use c-chrome to regulate circadian rhythm.
Okthanks, I value everyone's contributions and I appreciate the links but I stand with the prof here, there are solid studies debunking many statements in the first article, for example:
"Lumens are meaningless for plants, as green plants do not utilize green light for photosynthesis"
Lower canopy light (the stuff that "penetrates", why HPS is so widely used) is mostly green, yellow, and 700nm+. These spectrum bands are incredibly important and this article is dangerously misleading to imply that they aren't.
Should I go on?

"K" means temperature, it stands for Kelvin. A Kelvin degree is the same size as the Celsius degree, but 373K = 0C = freezing point."
WTF????? 373 K is boiling dude

I prefer peer reviewed scientific documentation...
So, posting helpful info from other websites is not acceptable in your book? All it is for is to make people think, I never said anything about the links I posted being THE TRUTH. You never know what might spark an idea in someone else. Anyway, I am not in competition to see who can post the best link. LOL

Also, this article you have posted is based on growing CUCUMBER plants under 4000K Flouro bulbs and/or LEDs only. Not sure how you can relate this to the Actinic aquarium bulb and growing weed. Did you even read the article you posted? It pretty much says EXACTLY what I've been trying to tell everyone about BLUE light. In the article you've posted here it says that the addition of blue light at 7% gives the plants what they need for photosynthesis and any extra blue light over 50% blue starts to create a problem. This is what I have found with blue light, although it seems that the strain I have responds even better with closer to a 25% blue MAXIMUM. I would say that comparing cucumbers to weed is not really the best way to come up with a valid answer to a hypothesis about blue light and weed. Testing is the only way we can come up with a valid answer here.

I also have not once suggested that weed try to be grown under RED only light. The bulbs I think do a great job already have a good amount of blue in them. The ProColor for example already have spikes in the blue regioin.(I could have sworn you stated at the start of this thread that the ProColors WERE your FAVORITE bulb, but hey........maybe I misread or something. I'm sure you will tell me how I'm wrong in some form or another soon enough. What I have been finding is that without the right amount of blue light, plants will either stretch or not grow upwards at all. Also, in this article they were using RED LED only light. RED LEDs DO NOT have any blue in them at all. The PINK bulbs that work so well, however, do have blue light in them. I just don't think adding an Actinic OR a Fiji purple, OR a blue only bulb of some kind will add any benefit and MAY inhibit growth for some strains. And just to clarify, when I write "Actinic Only Bulbs" what I am referring to are bulbs that have ONLY Actinic light in them and no other peaks. For example the UVL Super Actinic is an Actinic ONLY bulb. I was not saying "try to grow with Actinic ONLY bulbs", that is moronic. It doesn't even go with anything I've said. I have been saying use the PROCOLOR BULBS, USE THE PROCOLOR BULBS, USE THE PROCOLOR BULBS, for quite some time now. If you haven't seen that part of my posts, then you quite obviously ARE NOT reading my posts. You did state that you "do not have enought time to read everyone's posts." So obviously that is what is going on here.
Second this is a PAR thread if you have nothing to add about the topic create your own thread.
Have nothing to add about the topic? You really don't read do you. It really seems like you just post on here because you like to see yourself talk. BTW the 75/25 bulbs and 10,000K bulbs are just 6500K bulbs with added blue and green. This idea that you "own" this thread is completely moronic. You are not the first one to have this idea. Far from it. So telling me to start my "own" thread shows your adolescence. Compared to everyone else on here, you have contributed the LEAST. You have even said many times that you don't have time to read posts, or respond. Everyone has had an equal contribution to this thread, and although you "started" the thread, you are far from "owning" it. What a moronic idea. Congratulations! You just made my ignore list(shit-list). You haven't said one positive thing yet and your arrogance...........yuck!
It really seems like you just post on here because you like to see yourself talk.

I would say this really applies to you!

I would have much more faith in you bulb selection if you made a post showing everyone day by day growth over your 10 day trial period with said bulbs.

Personally I think 150$ for 8 bulbs that last 2 years @ 12/12 is very expensive, and I'll be looking for new cheeper ways of getting phenomenal veg growth.

Page after page of long winded statements does nothing for me, I need to see the proof!

What do you think of those videos I just posted Professeur using all 1 type of bulb?
You can use any type of bulb you choose, and yes the grow and bloom bulbs work, and for some that enough. i have documented and provided studies from multiple sources stating that the wavelenghts of light that im using have a beneficial impact on plant growth. I never said in any way to use actinic only or any "specific" bulb but to use a blend that COVERS THE ENTIRE SPECTRUM.
Actinics have a LARGER and more balanced "blue spectrum"
red suns have a larger and more complete "red" spectrum"
Actinic light has a HUGE impact on CO2 absorbtion and as this is a PAR discussion thread and is the intent of the discussion here. were are ALL experimenting to find the good balance. If 6500k T5 is good for you great... i urge you to find others that are having success with that method and learn from them. If you are interested in PAR growing stick around there are plenty of people here who ARE ACTUALLY RUNNING PAR SETUPS.... and are providing rsults as the grows progress.
To everyone that has only posted positive, productive things to say: Thank you for all the information and ideas you have shared. Keep up the good work and don't let these other forum jerk-offs mess with you. You have every right to post ANYWHERE on this website that you want to, so don't feel like the jerks run this place.

Since I believe I posted a pretty damn positive response to you considering the material you recommended I appreciate the acknowledgment in this post even thought I believe you don't intend me to. My Kelvin quote came from your 3rd recommendation in that post, and had you read it yourself you would know the exact post I was talking about because it was on the FIRST PAGE. Pretty standard practice to vet your links before posting if you want to protect YOUR integrity, which has hardly been shaken in my eyes if that matters even a smidge to ya.

But in the interest of positivity I, again, thank you for your contributions, and can't wait for this all to blow over so I can continue to benefit from your useful information. I enjoyed the adolescent comment btw, starting to hit the age where it feels good to be called young.

Hit me up when you get a hankering to talk about flavoproteins.
You can use any type of bulb you choose, and yes the grow and bloom bulbs work, and for some that enough. i have documented and provided studies from multiple sources stating that the wavelenghts of light that im using have a beneficial impact on plant growth. I never said in any way to use actinic only or any "specific" bulb but to use a blend that COVERS THE ENTIRE SPECTRUM.
Actinics have a LARGER and more balanced "blue spectrum"
red suns have a larger and more complete "red" spectrum"
Actinic light has a HUGE impact on CO2 absorbtion and as this is a PAR discussion thread and is the intent of the discussion here. were are ALL experimenting to find the good balance. If 6500k T5 is good for you great... i urge you to find others that are having success with that method and learn from them. If you are interested in PAR growing stick around there are plenty of people here who ARE ACTUALLY RUNNING PAR SETUPS.... and are providing rsults as the grows progress.
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I have yet to see better production than what iposted in those videosusig T5.how about you guys?
lucius - i like the growth you got in your videos once i grt my tent and set up ill be able to put up my resaults im going to do a few test o my own and keep all the information on all the grows so i have refrence points on all the experaments

they will be done with the same steains and same kigt sourc just diffrent bulbs
ust because I can't remember where I picked up the theory, may not have been here, but is everyone of the understanding that mountain strains expect/benefit from a certain wavelength-heavy spectrum more than jungle dominants? Translate that as you like but it would seem to be a huge factor in the formula that could be really frustrating if not accounted for.
Thanks for reading my thoughts,

p.s. I know there is a lot of info here, but what a beautiful picture, if you can make sense of it. (used without permission from wikipedia article on sunlight subhead spectral irradiation I think)
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peace y'all
Just because I can't remember where I picked up the theory, may not have been here, but is everyone of the understanding that mountain strains expect/benefit from a certain wavelength-heavy spectrum more than jungle dominants? Translate that as you like but it would seem to be a huge factor in the formula that could be really frustrating if not accounted for.
Thanks for reading my thoughts,

Theories say mountain strains are used to getting more UVa and UVb at the higher elevations, and react to these wavelengths by creating more resin which acts like a sunblock for them. The same will happen when tropical strains are exposed to UV, but they're more likely to suffer from overexposure and damage than the mountain strains (afghan/kush etc.) and may benefit less
No one knows who or what you are talking about, DUDE? Great another immature adolescent. EXACTLY just what everyone needs here.

To everyone that has only posted positive, productive things to say: Thank you for all the information and ideas you have shared. Keep up the good work and don't let these other forum jerk-offs mess with you. You have every right to post ANYWHERE on this website that you want to, so don't feel like the jerks run this place.

you have gotta be one truly screwed up fella, one post you insult someone who may have mis-understood a concept and needed clarification, someone who is obviously new and is here for help with their medicine. Perfect chance to welcome someone to the community (I wonder if anyone welcomed you when you jumped into someone elses thread with negativity towards the OP?)

Then the next post, you try to salvage support from anyone left who you havent insulted yet, contradicting your previous statement where you dumped on a new member for posting.

You are too much, if theres one person who wants you here then by all means stay... otherwise please go away, youve done nothing but quarrel with anyone who doesnt agree with your every word. You have to remember that everyones set up is different (for ex...you keep reccommending pro-colors where a large majority have 4ft fixtures and procolors arent available in 54w.)

This thread existed for along time before I came in, and even longer before you got here. But there has never been such negativity as since you came in. Again, please stop.
Telling the OP that he's on your shit list? please. you want to ignore HIM, leave HIS thread. you're too agro.
I still think its hilarious you accuse me of being a liar when I called you out on deleting your most insulting posts. (refer to post #2030... real classy)
No, actually, I am posting here to provide information, this has to be about the 100th time I've said this! So that is what I will continue doing. I'm done explaining my explanations. If you don't believe my results, I could care less. Why would I lie about my results? I've already presented photos of my problem with the blue light. If you are lazy and do not want to go and look at the photos, that's your problem not mine. I showed you a photo of the same strain under HPS absolutely flourishing. Undercurrent, you actually are the one that replied to the photos I presented, so lay off the weed if you can't remember shit! LMAO It really isn't that hard to go back about 50 pages to see the photos. As I said already, I will post the photos of the NEW results as I get them. Why would I post a photo day by day? That isn't my method and it is pointless since we are all going for the actual results. It will take more than 1 or 2 days to see results, that's why I'm giving it more time. I don't see why you have an issue with something I've discovered being believable or not. I'm posting my results, nothing more, nothing less. I really can't get over this dumbed down internet forum mentality many of you seem to have. Fortunately there are about 1,000,000 other people that don't even bother wasting their time posting that will see the useful information I have to offer and use it as they see fit. As far as the 3 or 4 of you who have some kind of "stick up the ass" problem with every idea or post that I present, really I DON'T CARE, so STFU and spare yourself some dignity.
I would say this really applies to you!

I would have much more faith in you bulb selection if you made a post showing everyone day by day growth over your 10 day trial period with said bulbs.

Personally I think 150$ for 8 bulbs that last 2 years @ 12/12 is very expensive, and I'll be looking for new cheeper ways of getting phenomenal veg growth.

Page after page of long winded statements does nothing for me, I need to see the proof!


To everyone that has only posted positive, productive things to say: Thank you for all the information and ideas you have shared. Keep up the good work and don't let these other forum jerk-offs mess with you. You have every right to post ANYWHERE on this website that you want to, so don't feel like the jerks run this place.

I have yet to see better production than what iposted in those videosusig T5.how about you guys?
I have yet to see good results posted. I've searched this whole thread and do not see one photo of an actual quality looking bud that makes this whole PAR T5 idea even remotely convincing that it is better than using only cheap daylight bulb. The only buds that look nice are Calrt's who vegged under a 600w MH. There are just not even close to enough lumens in a T5 bulb to provide enough energy for plants to flower properly.
Because it still continues, no one cares anymore about your results with blue/red light, its not about that at all. Its your attitude, no one has yet told you to STFU, despite your negativity that has been directed at specific people, yet still no one has told you to STFU. It should have been done along time ago, Im tired of having to scroll past all your BS to find anything of substance here anymore. just please stop clogging up the thread with dribble.