LED vs. HID side my side competition


New Member
Okay, I get it, I got screwed on my light. I can't do anything about it now, nor can I prove him wrong without taking apart the light, which I will not do unless it breaks. Additionally, I didn't know that you, who doesn't make LED grow lights for a living, was a Cree expert. Who knows what Cree sells its LEDs for to a chinese based manufacturing company? You do? Maybe, maybe not. I have no alternative but to take this guy for what he said. He sold me a bright as all fuck LED light and says its a majority of Cree LEDs. So thats what I got. A physical LED grow light that is really bright. Versus a website and some forum banter. Now far be it for me to claim to be an expert on anything, however, am I supposed to completely disregard everything due to a quote that you got off a third party website, not even listed as a primary distributer on the Cree site? I don't know. LEDBUDGUY, I like you, you are fighting the good fight, your grow has me excited, but jesus fuck just be happy that your thread made someone else buy an LED light. Maybe I got some Crees, as Vic says, Maybe I don't as you say. Who the fuck cares. I will just from, now on, not mention anything at all involving Cree. Shit, its even more controversial than mentioning LEDs in this forum. We are all growing pot, I really don't care who is wrong or right Vic or you, I am just trying to figure out and prove if LED's are a viable alternative to HIDs. Thats it. Im sorry for flipping the fuck out, and maybe I brought this upon myself for mistakingly thinking that my LED light would ever be so precious as to be graced by the Cree name, but from this point forward, I will adjust my description of it to "a possibly off brand name LED grow light". Hopefully that will thin out the controversy enough to draw proper focus upon the goal of this thread.
I'm doing nothing more than pointing out a simple fact... the bulbs aren't cree... period. I'm not saying you got ripped off, who knows what this light will produce until you run this test.


Well-Known Member
goodluck with your grow ,
whats your plans for this led grow ,scrog lst?
and how high is the led light of the seedlings ? (def can go to close with the 3watters )


Well-Known Member
I'm doing nothing more than pointing out a simple fact... the bulbs aren't cree... period. I'm not saying you got ripped off, who knows what this light will produce until you run this test.
You do not know that for a fact. You are doing nothing more than pointing out spectulation from internet searching. PERIOD. Test on Hud.


Well-Known Member
Def scrog lst, cant have them too tall and narrow. The light is hovering about 16-18" above the seedlings for now. I want to see how they react before I drop the thing on them.

goodluck with your grow ,
whats your plans for this led grow ,scrog lst?
and how high is the led light of the seedlings ? (def can go to close with the 3watters )


Active Member
What is it about the human condition that makes people prone to focus on their differences rather than their similarities. It seems the more similar people are the more intense the battle when they discover some infinitesimal difference. The worst atrocities in history seem to have been done between two groups you couldnt normally tell apart.

A bunch of people brought together by their love of mj and desire to share in a pool of intelligence to get the best result for themselves could actually support each other of pull together......but isnt that the bitch of the internet. Theres no reasonable consequences so there's remarkably little reasonable responses......its full of bitches (disclaimer*this is in no way meant to represent animosity toward the sexy bitches who peel their clothes off for me at the Rhino) :-)

I kind of think Ledbudguy was just pointing out some very likely facts in an effort to help a FELLOW LED GROWER make sure he was fully informed. He was a little direct.....but I kind of appreciate that as opposed to the warm and fuzzy adspeak of the schills or the "I've never actually done anything" fact-less blurbs from the trolls and haters.

Ledbudguy and Hudsonvalley82 I appreciate your efforts, your information and your feedback. You are both actually growing.....nuff said!

Nice rant for my first post......see how long till they throw me out of this strip club too :-)


All i have to say is that i hope u grow some killer shit Hud!! Come next week ill have 960w from these guys in my room( 300w flwr unit, 2x 240w flower panels, 2x 90w HO ufo) and all thats ina tent from them as well. So for both our sakes good luck and im hoping we didnt get burned


Sector 5 Moderator
Welcome to Rollitup Dunit!! I feel the same way you do about getting along but we seem to be in the minority. I've seen more people get banned over this than anything else and that's sad. I have both and I like both but I could care less about giving my opinion on it because some smart ass always has to be an "expert" (even though they have never grown pot), no matter which way you go.


Well-Known Member
Keep doing what you are doing Hud, that other dude doesn't know for a "fact" what is in your grow light, as he has never laid hands on it. Just remember that every thread has one... ignore it and it will go away.


New Member
Keep doing what you are doing Hud, that other dude doesn't know for a "fact" what is in your grow light, as he has never laid hands on it. Just remember that every thread has one... ignore it and it will go away.
Seriously dude, cree bulbs are minimum $3 each PERIOD do some research, this light does'nt have 168 fucking cree bulbs in it END OF STORY!!!


Well-Known Member
Seriously dude, cree bulbs are minimum $3 each PERIOD do some research, this light does'nt have 168 fucking cree bulbs in it END OF STORY!!!
Didnt Hud say when he looked into his lights specs a bit deeper he found out only the white temp bulbs were Cree?


who the fuck cares how many CREE's it has? He's perfectly happy with the light which is why he bought it, for whatever reason. We are all here to grow and learn and if you were legitimately trying to help the guy you would have dropped it instead of trying to make him feel like shit cuz of his gear. If its not bad enough that we have to listen to all the HID guys constantly rag on LED growers now we have a new class of asshole: LEDguru coming to school us all in how much has to be spent to be an effective grower.


Well-Known Member
I don't even know where to begin with throwing out LOL's here, there are some funny people on here! Kudos to everyone interested enough to put up with the static.


Well-Known Member
Alright here are some more pics, with some labeling here. All the plants have been tagged with a name:
On team LED here they are (WW = Wonder Woman, JH = Jock Horror):
LED 1 WW.jpg
LED 2 WW.jpg
LED 3 JH.jpg
LED 4 JH.jpg


Active Member
I wouldnt worry about your panel Hud. I bought 2 Procyon 100's a couple years back and although they are super high quality units the cost was completely out to lunch so I got jacked the other way. They were only red and blue and very heavy on the reds. The plants they grew were super healthy there was no branching because of the spectrum concentration. Didn't penetrate that well either and think the lens angle was NG which is just as critical as spectrum.

There's been enough change in technology that I decided to try again to after some research (most of which involved how not to get a$$ raped on the cost of domestic LED panels) picked up a 170W Hybrid for veg and waiting to see how it performs before ordering a flower panel.

ITS CHINESE JUST LIKE MY TRUE RELIGION JEANS. JK I wear American Eagle and my ass doesn't know the difference :-)

I love the argument against buying Asian made LED's over domestic ones cause lord knows those import cars didn't hand the big three their a$$ for price and reliablility for 20 years.

Need to check who I ended up getting it from as I emailed a bunch of sites and picked which one met the criteria I was looking for but didn't really pay attention to who that was in the end.

I suspect if you opened your panel it would have some CREE and mostly Bridgelux LED's and IMHO they are both great. Be nice to know what lens angle is on your primary spectrum (red/blue) LED's because that really determines your height off the plant.

Guess I'm gonna have to post a journal so I don't get categorized as another Keyboard Cowboy :wall:

Good luck bro!


Well-Known Member
LED veg panels are def my next investment. My supplier carries an array of veg models that I can't wait to sink my teeth into (as vegging is where more of the money is spent per day wattagewise). Please slap a link to your journal on here, I am eager to see what your LED looks like in action. I went with a flowering model b/c it was a higher wattage (500W vs a max of 300W veg). I have 24 sqaure feet to cover in flower and 16 squaure feet to cover in veg, so I have my work cut out for me, and It looks like I will be reinvesting a majority of profit turned from my current venture (which does not bother me at all). Let me know what kind of effective coverage you are getting out of the 170W.

I wouldnt worry about your panel Hud. I bought 2 Procyon 100's a couple years back and although they are super high quality units the cost was completely out to lunch so I got jacked the other way. They were only red and blue and very heavy on the reds. The plants they grew were super healthy there was no branching because of the spectrum concentration. Didn't penetrate that well either and think the lens angle was NG which is just as critical as spectrum.

There's been enough change in technology that I decided to try again to after some research (most of which involved how not to get a$$ raped on the cost of domestic LED panels) picked up a 170W Hybrid for veg and waiting to see how it performs before ordering a flower panel.

ITS CHINESE JUST LIKE MY TRUE RELIGION JEANS. JK I wear American Eagle and my ass doesn't know the difference :-)

I love the argument against buying Asian made LED's over domestic ones cause lord knows those import cars didn't hand the big three their a$$ for price and reliablility for 20 years.

Need to check who I ended up getting it from as I emailed a bunch of sites and picked which one met the criteria I was looking for but didn't really pay attention to who that was in the end.

I suspect if you opened your panel it would have some CREE and mostly Bridgelux LED's and IMHO they are both great. Be nice to know what lens angle is on your primary spectrum (red/blue) LED's because that really determines your height off the plant.

Guess I'm gonna have to post a journal so I don't get categorized as another Keyboard Cowboy :wall:

Good luck bro!