Kevin's House?

I didn't think you could name anything...republicans are witless stooges. Nothing to fear from them
Don't be mad bro, but you look so foolish with how hard you were for a Dem Speaker when GOP rightfully won by the voters. I don't vote Blue OR Red. I just see that Dem supporters are like political ban waggin sports fans. They get silly as hell when things are on the up and run and get quiet when they aren't. This was the 1st time i even came to the Politics section. I just kept seeing it at the top of the new post list. Just was wondering why it was so quiet now. It's ok though, now it just neans that there can actually be a democracy where all Americans are heard and not just 50%.
Don't be mad bro, but you look so foolish with how hard you were for a Dem Speaker when GOP rightfully won by the voters. I don't vote Blue OR Red. I just see that Dem supporters are like political ban waggin sports fans. They get silly as hell when things are on the up and run and get quiet when they aren't. This was the 1st time i even came to the Politics section. I just kept seeing it at the top of the new post list. Just was wondering why it was so quiet now. It's ok though, now it just neans that there can actually be a democracy where all Americans are heard and not just 50%.
What are the republican policies? name one.........*crickets*
they have to know that the senate is going to shitcan that bill so hard it'll shake mccarthy's teeth around trumps nuts...
i wonder if the senate republicans will even bother to offer lip service to negotiating for it?
why don't they write in government paid blowjobs for the rich fucks who want to gut the IRS?
but of course, these are the same people who seem to think they're going to be able to investigate the DOJ and the FBI...which will last till the DOJ drags them into court and stomps all over their house majority...the next two years is going to be a painful lesson in humility, followed by indictments and convictions...
Maybe they showed the respect they deserved? Ridicule the ridiculous I say.

They might also know something the republicans don't realize, that since the DOJ got the J6 report and transcripts their focus has shifted to government and elected officials. Jack just recently brought on two prosecutors specializing in busting politicians and the legal pundits are talking, maybe Mark is too?

The GOP is a little slow.
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It is this attitude that is prevalent in politics these days and all both sides want to do is stymie the other side and then point the finger and say they got nothing done. It is nothing but pure partisan politics and me as an American citizen am sick and tired of it.
It would be great if bipartisanship existed,but I just watched a well done Jan 6 documentary last night,and many of the Reps. in the house now STILL ran interference after a 4hr. riot ,that they personally aided and abetted, in certifying a election that Biden won by 7MILLION votes. Until these people are gone how can you work w/them in good faith knowing who they are and what they did. In my eyes they would be persona non grata,I'd look at them like they were inanimate objects.
Good. And she did have a warrant out for her arrest.

These people are no better than the people that voted for trump they don't like. What a pathetic way to protest against trump. Being in Texas she's lucky someone didn't do something really bad to her.
